1. Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al, High performance proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells with a layered perovskite GdBaCuCoO5+x cathode, Electronic Materials Letters 14(2018) 147–153.
2. Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al, Zinc-doped BSCF perovskite membranes for oxygen separation, Separation and Purification Technology 189 (2017) 399-404.
3. 张小珍*, 等. Sr 含量对La1-xSrxMnO3-δ导电陶瓷结构与性能的影响, 硅酸盐学报, 2017, 45(9): 1303-1309.
4. Yihan Ling, Tianmin Guo, Xiaozhen Zhang, et al, Evaluation of electrical conductivity and oxygen diffusivity of the typical Ruddlesden-Popper oxide Sr3Fe2O7-δ, Ceramics International 43 (2017) 16264–16269.
5. Xiaozhen Zhang, et al, Perovskite cathode LSCM impregnated with vanadium pentoxide nanocatalyst for high temperature carbon dioxide electrolysis,Electrochimica Acta 212(2016)32-40.
6. 张小珍*, 等. 烧成温度对La0.7Ca0.3CrO3/Al2O3导电陶瓷微滤膜支撑体结构与性能的影响, 人工晶体学报,2016, 45(4): 980-985.
7. Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al, Influences of internal coagulant composition on microstructure and properties of porous YSZ hollow fibre membranes for water treatment, Separation and Purification Technology 147(2015) 337-345.
8. Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al, Microstructure evolution and properties of YSZ hollow fiber microfiltration membranes prepared at different suspension solid content for water Treatment,Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (2016) 21273–21285.
9. 巫春荣,张小珍*,等. Y2O3添加对 Nb2O5低膨胀陶瓷结构与性能的影响,人工晶体学报,2014, 43(5): 1130-1136.
10. 章婧, 张小珍*, 等. 油水乳液污染纳米TiO2改性Al2O3陶瓷膜的化学清洗, 膜科学与技术,2014, 34(5): 53-57.
11. Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al. Novel layered perovskite GdBaCuFeO5+x as a potential cathode for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells, Ionics 19(2013) 941-945.
12. Yihan Ling, Xiaozhen Zhang, et al. Potentiality of cobalt-free perovskite Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe0.9Mo0.1O3−δ as a single-phase cathode for intermediate-to-low- temperature solid oxide fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(33): 14323-14328.
13. Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al. Preparation and characterization of Nb2O5-Al2O3 system ceramics with different Al2O3 additions, Key Engineering Materials, 2013, 544: 60-63.
14. Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al. Fabrication and Electrochemical of Micro-Tubular SOFC with Ni-YSZ Anode and Sm0.5Sr0.5Fe0.8Cu0.2O3−δ Cathode, Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society, 2012, 40(8):1210-1214..
15. Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al. Investigation of cobalt-free cathode material Ba0.5Sr0.5Fe0.8Cu0.2O3−δ for micro-tubular SOFC with asymmetric structure anode, Key Engineering Materials, 2012, 519: 36-40.
16. Ling Zhao, Xiaozhen Zhang, et al. Micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells with graded anodes fabricated with a phaseinversion method, Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196(3): 962-967.
17. Xiaozhen Zhang, et al. An anode-supported micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cell with redox stable composite cathode, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(16): 8654-8662.
18. Xiaozhen Zhang, et al. Highly permeable porous YSZ hollow fiber membrane prepared using ethanol as external coagulant, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 494 (1-2): 366–371.
19. Xiaozhen Zhang, et al. An anode-supported hollow fiber solid oxide fuel cell with (Pr0.5Nd0.5)0.7Sr0.3MnO3-δ–YSZ composite cathode, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 497 (1-2): 386–389.
20. Jianer Zhou, Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al. Elaboration and characterization of tubular macroporous ceramic support for membranes from kaolin and dolomite, J Porous Mater, 2010, 17:1-9.
21. Yihan Ling, Xiaozhen Zhang, et al. A cobalt-free SrFe0.9Sb0.1O3-δ cathode material for proton- conducting solid oxide fuel cells with stable BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.1Yb0.1O3-δ electrolyte, Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195(20): 7042-7045.
22. 张小珍*, 周健儿. 多孔堇青石中空纤维陶瓷膜的制备与表征, 硅酸盐学报, 2010, 38(2): 342-346.
23. Xiaozhen Zhang, et al. Asymmetric porous cordierite hollow fiber membrane for microfiltration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 487 (1-2): 631–638.
24. Xiaozhen Zhang*. Electrokinetic property of ZrO2/cordierite composite MF membrane and its influenceon the permeate flux, Desalination 249 (2009) 364–367.
25. Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al. Improvement of alkali corrosion resistance of mullite ceramics at high temperature by depositing Ca0.3Mg0.2Zr2(PO4)3 coating, Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44(11): 2938-2944.
26. Jianer Zhou, Xiaozhen Zhang*, et al. Electrokinetic characterization of the Al2O3 ceramic MF membrane by streaming potential measurements, Desalination, 2009, 235 (1): 102–109.
27. 周健儿,张小珍*,等. 莫来石陶瓷超滤膜的制备与表征,人工晶体学报,2009,38(5): 1179-1183.