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复旦大学艺术人类学博士,华东师范大学中文系教授、博导。哈佛燕京访问学者,上海市曙光学者、浦江人才。研究领域为西方文学、宗教和艺术及中西文化交流。尤其关注基督教思想在汉语语境中的生成与变迁,以及人文学与神学的对话问题。曾获国家留学基金赴牛津大学威克里夫学院、牛津大学中国研究中心任访学学者,并应邀至加拿大温哥华维真学院、瑞士苏黎世大学神学院、日本早稻田大学以及香港中文大学、香港浸会大学等访学。出版专著《圣像的修辞——耶稣基督形象在中国民间社会的变迁》、《空间叙事与终末意识——古典时代晚期基督教文学研究》和《近现代中国民间信仰与基督宗教的相遇》,主编“中世纪欧洲经典文学译丛”,并独立主持多项国家社科及省部级以上课题。曾获国务院宗教调研项目特殊贡献奖、上海哲社优秀成果奖、中国社会科学出版社优秀出版成果奖、John Templeton Science & Religion Essay Prize和德国国际神学青年学者奖(Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise)。




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Monographs 《近代中国民间宗教与基督教的相遇》,香港:香港汉语基督教研究所,2016。 The Encounter of Chinese Folk Religions and Christianity in Modern History. Hong Kong: Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, 2016. (390 pages) 《空间叙事与终末意识——古典时代晚期基督教文学研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2016。 A Narrative of Space and the Consciousness of Eschatology: A Study on Christian Literature in Late Antiquity. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2016. (328 pages) 《圣像的修辞——耶稣基督形象在明清民间社会的变迁》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2011。 The Rhetoric of Icons: Jesus through the Centuries in Ming and Qing. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2011. (295 pages) Edited Books 主编“中世纪欧洲经典文学译丛”(10册),杭州:浙江大学出版社,2015-2023。 Chief editor, Classic Literature in Medieval Europe (10 volumes). Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2015–2021. Translated Books 《金色传奇》,杭州:浙江大学出版社,2015。 The Golden Legend (Legenda aurea or Legenda sanctorum) by Jacobus de Voragine. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2015. 《公主与妖魔》,桂林:广西师范大学出版社 “纪念英国著名作家乔治·麦克唐纳逝世 100周年”小说系列,2005。 The Princess and the Goblin. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, Novel series ‘In honour of 100th anniversary of the death of English writer George Macdonald,’ 2005. Articles & Chapters The Catholic Paintings of Fu Jen University, Logos: A Journal of Catholic Studies, Volume 27, Number 1, 2024 Winter, 18-56. A&HCI 以身体书写复仇——论鲁迅《复仇(其二)》对“耶稣受难”的重写,《学术月刊》(2023.9),第152-169页。 CSSCI Writing Revenge with the Body: On the Rewriting of Passion of Jesus in Lu Xun's Revenge (II), Academic Monthly 9 (2023) ,152-169. 晚清新教传教士眼中的民间教派信徒,《宗教学研究》(2023.3),第190-196页。CSSCI Believers of Popular Religions in the Eyes of Late Qing Protestant Missionaries, Religious Studies 3 (2023), 190-196. 暧昧的批判与接续——论民国“耶稣传”写作实践,《基督教文化学刊》(2022.秋),第84-110页。CSSCI “Ambiguous Criticism: On the Writing of ‘Lives of Jesus’ in Republican China.” Journal for the Study of Christian Culture (2022, Fall), 84-110. “Inculturation of Christian Pictures in the Republic of China.” In The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in China, ed. K. K. Yeo, 691–711. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. 论清末反洋教运动中的家国话语及其象征结构,《学术月刊》(2021.3),第146-159页。CSSCI “On the Family-Nation Discourse and Its Symbolic Structure during the Anti-Foreign-Religion Movement in Late Qing Dynasty.” Academic Monthly 3 (2021), 146–159. 关于“丁酉异梦”的互文性考辨,《学术月刊》(2019.7),第113-127页。CSSCI “An Intertextual Research on ‘Ding You Dream’.” Academic Monthly 7 (2019), 113–127. “Memories of the Gate: on the Rhetoric of Pilgrim’s Progress and Its Chinese Versions.” Religions 10.357 (2019), 1–27. A&HCI 关于《耶稣是什么东西》的现代意识形态神话,《华东师范大学学报》(2019.3),第71-79页。CSSCI “On the Modern Ideological Myth of What is Jesus.” Journal of East China Normal University 3 (2019), 71–79. 论作为语言事件的“中国基督教跨文化现象”,《学术月刊》(2018.6),CSSCI 第89-103页。《人大复印资料》(2018.04)全文转载 “On the ‘Cross-Cultural Phenomenon of Chinese Christianity’ as a Linguistic Event.” Academic Monthly 6 (2018), 89–103. 民国道院与基督教的互动:文本与个案研究,《宗教学研究》(2018.4),CSSCI; 第237-243页。《人大复印资料》(2019.02)全文转载 “A Text and Case Study on the Interaction of Dao Yuan and Christianity in the Republic of China.” Religious Studies 4 (2018), 237–243. 升阶之歌——奥古斯丁《忏悔录》读后,《中国宗教》(2017.5),第78-79页。CSSCI “The Ascending Song in St. Augustine’s Confessions.” Chinese Religions 5 (2017), 78–79. 作为社会现象与语言事件的“改教”,《道风:基督教思想评论》(第45期,2016春),第158-186页。A&HCI “The ‘Conversion’ as a Social Phenomenon and Linguistic Event.” LOGOS & PNEUMA Chinese Journal of Theology 45A (Spring, 2016), 158–186. “The Images of Jesus in the Emergence of Christian Spirituality in Ming and Qing China.” Religions 7.3 (2016), 1–11. A&HCI 论中世纪流行读物《金色传奇》的“神圣观”,《基督教思想评论》(第21辑,2015秋),第417-432页。CSSCI “On the View of the Sacred in the Medieval Popular Book The Golden Legend.” Regent Review of Christian Thoughts 21 (Autumn 2015), 417–432. 论护教文学中“城”的意识,《基督教思想评论》(第20辑,2015年,第122-136页。CSSCI “The Consciousness of the ‘City’ in the Apologetic Literature.” Regent Review of Christian Thoughts 20 (Spring, 2015), 122–136. 对位、复调与独白——博埃修斯《哲学的慰藉》中的神话诗学,《道风:基督教思想评论》(第41期,2014秋),第223-244页。A&HCI “Counterpoint, Polyphony, and Monologue: On the Mythological Poetic Texts of Boethius’ The Consolation of Philosophy.” LOGOS & PNEUMA Chinese Journal of Theology 41 (Autumn, 2014), 223–244. 荫蔽之所——《以斯拉五书》、《以斯拉六书》中末世论的解读,《基督教思想评论》(第19辑,2014),第155-166页。CSSCI “The Shelter: On the Eschatology in Fifth and Sixth Ezra.” Regent Review of Christian Thoughts 19 (Autumn, 2014), 155–166. 《哲学的慰藉》翻译史及研究述评,《基督教思想评论》(第18辑,2014.4),第282-287页。CSSCI “The Consolation of Philosophy: History of Translations and Studies.”Regent Review of Christian Thoughts 18 (Spring, 2014), 282–287. 民国时期基督教图像的本土化努力 ,《基督教文化学刊》(2013 春)CSSCI “The Inculturation of Chinese Christian Arts in the Republic of China.” Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 1 (Spring 2013), 160–186. “塔”的空间形式和救赎意识——《赫马牧人书》的救赎论阐释,《道风:基督教思想评论》(第38期, 2013春),第205-228页。A&HCI “The Image of the ‘Tower’: A Study on the Soteriology in the Shepherd of Hermas.” LOGOS & PNEUMA: Chinese Journal of Theology 38 (Spring 2013), 205–228. 承担苦难与化苦痛为祥和——关于中西宗教美学交融的对话,《文化中国》(第76辑,2013.1),第4-15页。 “The Dialogue between the Western and Chinese Religious Aesthetics.” Cultural China 76 (1, 2013), 4–15. 另类的基督教:从“天兄”耶稣形象看“拜上帝教的中国民间信仰特质”,《国学与西学:国际学刊》(2012.秋),第115-124页。 “Another Type of Christianity: The Image of Jesus Christ the ‘Heavenly Brother’ in the Chinese Folk Religion ‘The Religion of Worship of God’.” International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 3 (Autumn 2012), 115–124. 修辞之恶——论奥古斯丁《忏悔录》对修辞学的批评,《文艺理论研究》(2012.4),第94-99页。CSSCI “The Evil of Rhetoric: A Study on the Criticism toward Rhetoric in St. Augustine’s Confessions.” Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art 4 (2012), 94–99. 聆听苦难:土山湾天主教绘画艺术中的空间意识及其宗教精神,《宗教学研究》(2012.2),第233-238页。CSSCI 《人大复印资料》(2012 .05)全文转载 “On the Consciousness of Space in T’ou-Se-We Paintings.” ReligiousStudies 2 (2012), 233–238. 多义的“差遣”——洪秀全“奇梦叙事”的符号人类学分析,《华东师范大学学报》(2012.2) ,第123-128,157页。CSSCI “Polysemous ‘Sending’—Symbolic Anthropological Analysis of Hong Xiuquan’s Vision.” Journal of East China Normal University 2 (2012), 123–128, 157. 生活在盼望的异象之中——论《以赛亚升天记》的“外衣”形象和终末意识,《哲学门》(2011.3),第67-72页。CSSCI “Study on the Coat Image and the Eschatology in the Book of Ascension of Isaiah.” Beida Journal of Philosophy 3 (2011), 67–72. 终末论视野中历史的异质性:评莫尔特曼的《盼望神学》,《哲学门》(2011.1) 第339-350页。CSSCI “Heterogeneity of History in View of Eschatology: Comment on Moltmann’s Theology of Hope.” Beida Journal of Philosophy 12 (1, 2011), 339–350. 明清基督宗教画像流布状况综述,《世界宗教研究》(2011.2),第178-182页。CSSCI “Summary of the Circulation of Christian Religious Images in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.” World Religions Research 2 (2011), 178–182. 哲学的终末和美好生活——论希腊化哲学的终末论,《现代哲学》(2011.3),第67-72页。CSSCI “Termination of the Philosophy and the Beautiful Life.” Modern Philosophy 3 (2011), 67–72. 土山湾画馆:中国西洋画的摇篮,《中国宗教》(2011.3),第47-49页。CSSCI “T’ou-Se-We Painting House: The Cradle of Chinese Western Painting.” Chinese Religions 3 (2011), 47–49. 从知识到意愿:希腊化哲学的转向, 《世界哲学》(2011.2),第274-282页。CSSCI “From Knowledge to Intention: Diversion of Hellenistic Philosophy.” World Philosophy 2 (2011), 274–282. 弗洛罗夫斯基的文化神学及其历史存在, 《道风:基督教思想评论》(第34期,2011春) ,第295-307页。A&HCI “Georges Florovsky’s Theology of Culture and the Historical Dimension.” LOGOS & PNEUMA: Chinese Journal of Theology 34 (Spring 2011), 295–307. 关于“救赎”的寓言叙事——中华内地会晚清传教画解读,《基督教文化学刊》(第24辑,2010秋),第253-281页。CSSCI “The Allegorical Narration of Redemption: An Analysis of the Missionary Paintings of China Inland Mission in the Late Qing Dynasty.” Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 24 (Autumn 2010), 253–281. 云南省德钦县佳碧村藏族民居文化探微,《中国藏学》(2010.3),第176-180页。CSSCI “Study on Traditional Tibetan Dwellings in Jiabi Village in Yunnan Province.” Tibetology in China 3 (2010), 176–180. “门”的铭写——解读《天路历程》晚清方言译本中的图文修辞方式,《中国比较文学》(2010.3),第19-29页。CSSCI “Rhetoric of Image-text in the Dialect Versions of the Pilgrim’s Progress in the Late Qing Dynasty.” Comparative Literature in China 3 (2010), 19–29. 明末清初中国基督教绘画中的基督形象,《神学美学》(2009.3),第151-168页。 “Jesus’ Image in Chinese Christian Paintings in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties.” Theological Aesthetics 3 (2009), 151–168. 社会反常与文化应激中的艺术创作——试析北平辅仁大学基督宗教图像本土化尝试(1930-1949),《基督教思想评论》(2009.2),第330-352页。CSSCI “The Artistic Creations in the Social Abnormality and Cultural Response: On the Localized Chinese Christian Art by Fu Jen Catholic University.” Regent Review of Christian Thoughts 2 (2009), 330–352. 反观与超越——拜占庭圣像画中基督形象的本体论意义,《人大复印资料》(宗教类)(2008.6),原文载《人文艺术》(2008.7),第229-245页。 “Introspection and Transcendence: On the Ontological Significance of the Image of Jesus Christ in Byzantine Icons.” Duplicated Materials of Renmin University (Religion) 6 (2008), originally in Humanities & Arts7 (2008), 229–245. 儒家与基督教伦理中的“诚信”与人格,《中国宗教》(2008.8),第60-62页。CSSCI “Integrity and Personality in Confucian and Christian Ethics.” Religions in China 8 (2008), 60–62. 佛教造像与慈悲之美,《法音》(2008.10),第60-62页。 “Buddhist Statues and the Beauty of Compassion.” The Voice of Dharma 10 (2008), 60–62. 从埃及亡灵画到拜占庭圣像画,《世界宗教文化》(2008.4),第29-31页。CSSCI “From the Egyptian Paintings of the Dead to the Byzantine Icon Painting.” World Religious Culture 4 (2008), 29–31. 习禅与作诗的两种境界——以柳宗元与白居易为例, 《佛教文化》(2007.5),第71-74页。 “Two Realms of Meditation and Versification: Take Liu Zongyuan and Bai Juyi as Examples.” Buddhism Culture 5 (2007), 71–74. “禅学研究”与“禅宗体修”——走出“胡适禅学案”的困境,《佛教文化》(2008.4),第34-37页。 “Zen Study and Zen: Out of the Dilemma of Hu Shi’s Zen Buddhism.” Buddhism Culture 4 (2008), 34–37. 记忆·对话·真理性意味——由独龙族文面习俗研究现状引发的困惑与反思,《云南社会科学》(2007.5),第37-40页。CSSCI “On the Confusion and Reflection Caused by the Current Situation of the Study of Dulong people’s Facial Tattoos.” Yunnan Social Science 5 (2007), 37–40. 西双版纳傣族传统佛寺文化与植物多样性保护,《佛教文化》(2007.3),第74-84页。 “Protection of Traditional Buddhist Temples of Dai and Biodiversity in Xishuangbanna.” Buddhism Culture 3 (2007), 74–84. 拜占庭圣像画中的精神性动感,《社会科学》(2002.9),第67-71页。CSSCI “The Spiritual Dynamic in the Byzantine Icon Painting.” Social Science9 (2002), 67–71.
