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华东师范大学统计学院、统计交叉科学研究院助理教授,美国哈佛大学(Harvard University)统计系博士后,北京大学光华管理学院和美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)统计系联合培养博士。 入选上海市领军人才(青年海外)、上海市浦江人才计划。主要研究方向为大数据统计分析、半监督学习、高维统计、环境风险度量等。 教育经历 2014.9-2019.7,北京大学,光华管理学院(统计学专业,经济学博士) 2010.9-2014.7,北京师范大学,数学科学学院(数学与应用数学专业,理学学士) Mathematics Genealogy 工作经历 工作简历 2022.8 至今,华东师范大学,统计学院,助理教授 2021.4 至今,华东师范大学,统计交叉科学研究院,助理教授 2019.9-2020.9,美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),统计系,博士后,合作导师:Prof. Zheng Tracy Ke 学术访问 2018.11-2019.3,美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University),统计系 2016.9-2017.9,美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University),统计系 2015.8-2016.1,美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University),统计系


大数据统计分析 (Statistical methods for big data) 半监督学习 (Semi-supervised learning) 高维统计 (High-dimensional statistics) 环境风险度量 (Environmental risk measurement)


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

学术论文(*通讯作者,#字母序) Chen, S.X., Qiu, Y. and Zhang, S. # (2023). Sharp optimality for high-dimensional covariance testing. The Annals of Statistics, 51(5): 1921-1945. [main] [supplement] Chen, L., Wan, A., Zhang, S., and Zhou, Y. # (2023). Distributed algorithms for U-statistics-based empirical risk minimization. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24(263): 1?43. [main] [supplement] Tan, T., Zhang, S.* and Zhou, Y. (2023). Improved efficiency of semiparametric estimation for two-sample comparison in semi-supervised learning framework. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, accepted. Zhang, S., Chen, S.X. and Qiu, Y. (2023). Mean test for high-dimensional time series. Statistica Sinica, online. 周勇,张澍一*,李子洋 (2023). 大数据下分位数回归通讯有效算法及其应用. 管理科学学报, 26(5): 70-102.[main] 张澍一, 陈松蹊, 郭斌, 王恒放, 林伟 (2020). 气象调整下的区域空气质量评估.中国科学:数学,50(4): 527-558. [main] [English version] Chen, L., Guo, B., Huang, J., He, J., Wang, H., Zhang, S., and Chen, S.X. (2018). Assessing air-quality in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: The method and mixed tales of PM2.5 and O3. Atmospheric Environment, 193: 290-301. [main] Zhang, S., Guo, B., Dong, A., He, J., Xu, Z., and Chen, S.X. (2017). Cautionary tales on air-quality improvement in Beijing. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473(2205): 20170457. [main] [supplement] Liang, X., Li, S., Zhang, S., Huang, H., and Chen, S.X. (2016). PM2.5 data reliability, consistency and air quality assessment in five Chinese cities. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(17): 10220-10236. [main] [supplement] Liang, X., Zou, T., Guo, B., Li, S., Zhang, H., Zhang, S., Huang, H., and Chen, S.X. (2015). Assessing Beijing's PM2.5 pollution: severity, impacts of weather, APEC and winter heating. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 471(2182): 20150257. [main] [supplement] 修改与在审 Su, J., Zhang, S. and Zhou, Y. (2023+). Semi-supervised inference for the mean with missing at random data, under major revison. Chen, D., Ke, Z. and Zhang, S. (2023+). VALISE: A robust vertex hunting algorithm, under major revision. Zhang, S. and Zhou, Y. (2023+). SODA: semi-supervised learning for powered inference with optimality, adaptivity and enhancements, under review.


国际环境计量学会(The International Environmetrics Society, TIES)会员, 2015 至今 泛华统计协会 (International Chinese Statistical Association, ICSA)会员, 2016 至今 中国现场统计研究会因果推断分会理事,2023 年至今
