1. 国家科技攻关项目,高岭土、瓷石尾砂综合利用工艺的研究
2. 国家科技攻关项目,尾砂综合利用的制品的试验研究
3. 国家自然科学基金项目,流变相法制备包裹缓释型NZVI及处理含氯有机物-重金属污染地下水的研究
4. 省重点科技项目,发泡反应法制备新型泡沫陶瓷—啤酒石的研究
5. 省重点科技项目,高效陶瓷片状臭氧发生器的研制
6. 省科技厅项目,环境友好型固定化微生物悬浮陶瓷载体的研制
7. 省重点科技项目, 纳米远红外粉体制备工艺与应用技术研究
8. 省教育厅项目 ,基于微生物电化学系统的MFC处理焦化废水的研究
9. 省教育厅项目,零价纳米铁/MCM-22分子筛的制备及应用研究
10. 国家环保部,陶瓷制品制造业窑炉废气污染物采用物料衡算法核算时关键参数研究
11.市科技项目 ,包裹缓释型NZVI的制备及处理重金属污染研究
12. 市科技项目,利用工业废料研制手工艺术砖
1. Yue Cheng, Mang Lu, Jiansheng Li, Xiaoyuan Su, Shunlong Pan, Chuang Jiao, Maohua Feng ,Synthesis of MCM-22 zeolite using rice husk as a silica source under varying-temperature conditions,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science ,2012,369: 388–394
2. Yue Cheng , Mang Lu , Chuang Jiao , Haijiang Liu,Preparation of stabilized nano zero-valent iron particles via a rheological phase reaction method and its use in dye decolorization,Environmental Technology,2013,34(4):445-451
3. Yue Cheng, Shun long Pan ,Preparation and characterization of nanosized silicalite-2 zeolites by steam-assisted dry gel conversion method,Materials Letters,2013,100,289-291
4. Yue Cheng , Lei Guo ,Treatment of Municipal Landfill Leachate using Magnetic Porous Ceramsite Carrier Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 2014,04(2):100-108
5. Yue Cheng , Wenjing Fan, Lei Guo ,Coking wastewater treatment using a magnetic porous ceramisite carrier Separation and Purification technology, 2014,130 : 167-172
6. Yue Cheng,Chuang Jiao , Wenjing Fan,Synthesis and characterization of coated zero-valent iron Nanoparticles and their application for the removal of aqueous Pb2+ions,Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 2(54):502-510
7. YueCheng,Lian-Jun Wang, Jian-Sheng Li, Yu-Chuan Yang, Xiu-Yun Sun Preparation and characterization of nanosized ZSM-5 zeolites in the absence of organic template Materials letters 2005,59(27):3427-3430
8. cheng Y, Li JS, Wang LJ, Sun XY,Liu X D Synthesis and characterization of Ce-ZSM-5 zeolite membranes, Separation and Purification technology2006,51 (2):210-218
9. Yue Cheng Jian-Sheng Li ,Lian-Jun Wang, Xiu-Yun Sun ,Synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolite membranes without organic templates using a varying-concentration technique ,Rare Metals 2006,25:384-389
10. Y. Cheng,R. H. Liao, J.S. Li, X. Y. Sun ,L.J. Wang Synthesis research of nanosized ZSM-5 zeolites in the absence of organic template Journal of Materials Processing Technology2008,206(1-3):445-452
11. Chuang Jiao,Yue Cheng , Wenjing Fan ,Synthesis of agar stabilized nanoscale zero-valent iron particles and removal study of hexavalent chromium ,International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2015,5(12):1603-1612
12. Wenjing Fan, Yue Cheng, Shuzhen Yu, Xiaofeng Fan ,Preparation of wrapped nZVI particles and their application for the degradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) in aqueous solution,Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 2015,05(3):335-343
13. Mang Lu, Yue Cheng, Jian-min Pan, Wen-jing Fan, Chuang Jiao and Xiao-yu Liu ,Synthesis of MCM-41 stabilized NZVI and its use in removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution
Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination. 2015,05(2):149-156
14. MangLu,YueCheng,Shunlong Pan , Xiaohong Li , Tingling Yang, Preparation of TiO2/Silicalite-2 @CoFe2O4 magnetic composites and evaluation of their photocatalytic activity in Cr(VI) removal,Water, Air, & Soil Pollution,2015,226:295
15. Mang Lu, Yue Cheng , Shun-long Pan, Gui-ying Wei Batch adsorption of p-nitrophenol by ZSM-11: Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies Desalination and Water Treatment 2016,57: 3029–3036.
16. Mang Lu, Lin He ,Yue Cheng , Synthesis of Nd-doped ZSM-5 and its application to treating slightly polluted water ,Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination.2018,08(1):86-93