Wu, B., Chang, X., & Hu, Y.(2023) A meta-analysis of the effects of spherical video-based virtual reality on cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes.Interactive Learning Environments.(SSCI)
Hu, Y.L., Wang, M., Kwan, H. K., & Yi, J.(2021) Effects of mentorship quality on mentors’ personal skill development and work-to-family positive spillover: The moderating role of core self-evaluations. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 32:9,1899-1922. (SSCI, IF: 3.04)
Wu, B.,Peng, X., & Hu, Y. (2021) How to foster pre-service teachers’ STEM learning design expertise through virtual internship: a design-based research. Educational Technology Research & Development, 69,3307-3329. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-021-10063-y (SSCI)
Wu, B., Hu, Y., & Wang, M.(2020) How do head-mounted displays and planning strategy influence problem-solving-based learning in introductory electrical circuit design? Educational Technology & Society, 23(3), 40-52.(SSCI)
Wu, B.,Yu, X., & Hu, Y. *(2019) How does principal e-leadership affect ICT transformation across different school stages in K-12education: Perspectives from teachers in Shanghai. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(3), 1210-1225. (SSCI, IF=2.729)
Wu, B., Hu, Y., & Wang, M.(2019) Scaffolding design thinking in online STEM preservice teacher training. British Journal of Educational Technology,50(5),2271-2287.(SSCI, IF=2.729)
Wu, B., Hu, Y., Ruis, A., & Wang, M.(2019) Assessing computational thinking in collaborative programming: A quantitative ethnography approach. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(3), 421-434. (SSCI, IF=1.859)
Hu Y. L., Wu, B., & Gu, X. Q. (2017).An eye tracking study of high and low performing students in solving interactive and analytical problems. Journal of Educational Technology &Society. 20(4).300-311.(SSCI, IF: 1.584)
Hu Y. L., Wu, B., & Gu, X. Q. (2017).Learning analysis of K-12 students’ interactive problem-solving performance: A three-stage approach. Interactive Learning Environments. 25(2). 262-279. (SSCI, IF: 1.323)
Yi, J., Kwan, H. K., Hu, Y. L., & Chen, S. (2017). Revenge exacerbates the effects of interpersonal problems on mentors’ emotional exhaustion and work-family conflict: A self-defeating perspective. Human Resource Management. 56(5). 851-866.(SSCI, IF: 2.179)
Wu, B., Hu Y. L., Gu, X. Q.& Lim, C. P. (2016). Professional Development of New Higher Education Teachers with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Shanghai: A Kirkpatrick's Evaluation Approach. Journal of Educational Computing Research.54(4).531-562.(SSCI, IF: 0.670)
胡艺龄 & 陈彦君.(2024).人机协作下的共享心智模型研究.现代教育技术(01),64-72.
顾小清,胡艺龄 & 郝祥军.(2023).AGI临近了吗:ChatGPT热潮之下再看人工智能与未来教育发展. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)(07),117-130.
胡艺龄,赵梓宏 & 顾小清.(2022).教育生态系统视角下AI驱动的学生核心素养发展模式研究——基于系统动力学方法. 现代教育技术(12),23-31.
胡艺龄,赵梓宏 & 顾小清.(2022).AI与教育融合的动力系统建模与演化机制. 开放教育研究(06),81-90.
胡艺龄,张启迪 & 吴忭.(2022).多元评价视域下STEM课堂教学特征与互动模式分析. 中国远程教育(09),44-52.
胡艺龄,赵梓宏 & 文芳.(2022).智能时代下教育生态系统协同演化模式研究. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)(09),118-126.
赵梓宏,张辉 & 胡艺龄.(2022).智能教育中学习信念与人工智能素养的关键性研究. 中国教育信息化(06),97-104.
胡艺龄,张启迪,孙珂 &吴忭.(2022).中小学教师数据素养培养模式及其应用研究. 中国远程教育(03),51-60.
胡艺龄,赵梓宏 & 顾小清.(2022).突破与重构:教师AI接纳的复杂扩散机制探究与建模. 电化教育研究(03),32-41.
胡艺龄,赵梓宏 & 顾小清.(2021).组织变革视角下中小学校长首席信息官能力结构关系研究. 电化教育研究(10),121-128.
胡艺龄,聂静,张天琦 & 吴忭.(2021).具身认知视域下VR技术赋能实验教学的效果探究. 现代远程教育研究(05),94-102.
胡艺龄,彭晓玲 & 吴忭.(2021).STEM教师教学设计能力在线培养模式研究. 中国远程教育(08),31-39.
李世瑾,胡艺龄 & 顾小清.(2021).如何走出人工智能教育风险的困局:现象、成因及应对. 电化教育研究(07),19-25.
胡艺龄,聂静 & 顾小清.(2021).从机会公平走向发展公平——疫情之下我国中小学大规模在线教育的城乡对比分析. 中国远程教育(05),13-21+76-77.
胡艺龄,常馨予 & 吴忭.(2021).沉浸式虚拟现实(IVR)对实验技能迁移的影响:学习风格的调节作用. 远程教育杂志(02),63-71.
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吴忭,彭晓玲,胡艺龄.教育研究的去芜存菁之路:从多模态叙事到证据公平——美国AERA 2019年会述评[J].远程教育杂志,2019,37(04):13-23.
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顾小清,胡艺龄,蔡慧英.MOOCs的本土化诉求及其应对[J].远程教育杂志,2013,31(05):3-11. (2013第24期《新华文摘》全文转载.)
Wen, F., Hu, Y., & Gu, X. (2023). Why Is School’s Organizational Innovation So Important in the Post-COVID-19 Era: An Exploratory Study. 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 13-16 in 2023, Chicago, USA.
Wen, F., Hu, Y., & Gu, X. (2022), Does the Perceived Organizational Support and Al Literacy Affect Teachers’ Al Instructional Creative Performance?, International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, July 1st in 2022, Bucharest, Romania: IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning Technology (IEEE TCLT), pp. 363-367. doi: 10.1109/ICALT55010.2022.00113. (The student award)
Wen, F., Hu, Y., & Gu, X. (2022). Parental technology attitude, information literacy and students’ learning to learn: the moderating role of parental information perspective and parent-adolescent communication problem’. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, San Diego, CA, United States, Apr 11th in 2022, Waynesville, NC, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 861-869. Retrieved November 29, 2022 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/220838/.
Qi, X., Hu, Y., & Wu, B. (2021) Modeling and visualization of group knowledge construction based on cohesion metrics in data inquiry learning. Proceedings of the IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies.
Hu, Y., Yu, X., & Wu, B. (2019) University teachers’ m-learning approach adoption: Integrating m-technology and m-pedagogy factors into a behavioral intention model. Proceedings of 2019 AECT International Convention, Oct 2019, Las Vegas, USA.
Hu, Y. L., Hu, M. H. & Wu, B. Does 3D modeling learning effect the students' spatial thinking ability? The 2018 AECT International Convention, Kansas, USA, 2018.
Zhu, J., Hu, Y.*, Wang, S & Gu, X. Coloring strategy combined with three-dimensional animation: Does the mental strategy fit everyone? Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2017, New Zealand, Christchurch, 2017.
Hu, M & Hu, Y.*.A Meta Analysis: The Effectiveness of E-Schoolbag Use on Students’ Academic achievement in China. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2017. New Zealand, Christchurch, 2017.
Wei,Y., Wu,L. &Hu,Y.*. The Research of Interaction Performance of Intercultural Communication in Computer-supported Collaborative Learning. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2017, New Zealand, Christchurch, 2017.
Hu, Y. L.,Zhu, J. Y., Wu, B. Scaffolding spatial thinking with visualization and embodiment: A 3D multimedia approach.The 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology -ICALT2017, Timisoara, Romania, 2017.
Hu Y. L., Wu B. & Gu X. Q. Why Shanghai students performed not so well in PISA problem-solving test: A control-value perspective. The American Educational Research Association 2017 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA, 2017.
Hu Y. L., Gu X. Q. & Chang H. H. A learning analytics framework for modeling complex problem-solving process. The American Educational Research Association 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 2016.
Hu Y. L, Feng Y. Y., & Wu B. Do they learn well in class: A new lens to explore learning motivation and cognitive competence. The AECT-LKAOE 2015 Summer International Research Symposium, Shanghai, China, 2015.
Hu Y. L., Gu X. Q. How is the learning data predictable: make sense of students’ learning behavior. The American Educational Research Association 2014 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2014.
Yi, J., Kwan, H. K., & Hu, Y. L. Revenge exacerbates the effects of negative mentoring experiences on mentors. The Annual Conference of theSociety for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, USA, 2014.
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