2010.9-2013.7 博士:中国科学院大学(西北高原生物研究所) 研究方向:天然药物化学 导师:尤进茂 教授 (中国科学院百人计划)
2000.9-2003.7 硕士:南京大学 专业:无机化学 研究方向:配位化学 导师:游效曾教授(中国科学院院士)/ 白志平 教授
1996.9-2000.7 学士:曲阜师范大学 专业:化学教育 研究方向:量子化学 导师:周正宇 教授
2019.12-至今 陕西科技大学化学与化工学院 教授 博士生导师 陕西科技大学高层次人才引进
2019.6-2020.6 访问教授:加拿大滑铁卢大学 导师:Pu Chen教授(加拿大工程院院士)
2016.1-2018.12 博士后:山东师范大学 导师:唐波 教授(国家杰青、973首席科学家、国家自然科学奖获得者)
2003.1-2019.12 曲阜师范大学化学与化工学院 副教授、学院办公室主任、研究生秘书、教学秘书
Yuanchao Zhang, Xinrui Ji*, Ping Han, Yuxia Liu*, Pu Chen, Guang Chen*, Microenvironment-differential Imaging of Demethylated Metabolites of Methionine for Identifying Ferroptosis Regional Preferences with Path-independent Equifinal Fluorescence Probes. Angewandte Chemie (自然指数期刊; IF=16.6, TOP期刊,一区). 05 Feb. 2024. e202400459.
Ma, Siyue, Ji Hyeon Kim, Wei Chen, Lu Li, Jieun Lee, Yuxia Liu, Guang Chen*, Bo Tang*, Wei Tao*, Jong Seung Kim* "Cancer Cell‐Specific Fluorescent Prodrug Delivery Platforms." Advanced Science (IF=15.1, TOP期刊,一区). (2023): 2207768.
Siyue Ma, Guang Chen*, Xu Jie, Yuxia Liu*,Li, Guoliang,Chen, Tao,Li, Yulin, Tony D James*. "Current strategies for the development of fluorescence-based molecular probes for visualizing the enzymes and proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease." Coordination Chemistry Reviews (IF=24.21, TOP期刊,一区).2021 427: 213553.
Ao Jiang, Yuxia Liu, Guang Chen*, Yong Li and Bo Tang*. " Cross-Talk Modulation of Excited State Electron Transfer to Reduce False Negative Background for High Fidelity Imaging in vivo ". Chemical Science (自然指数期刊; IF=9.96, TOP期刊,一区). 2020, 11, 1964-1974.
K. Dou, Q. Fu, Guang. Chen*, F. Yu, Y. Liu, Z. Cao, G. Li, X. Zhao, L. Xia, L. Chen, H. Wang, J. You*, A novel dual-ratiometric-response fluorescent probe for SO2/ClO− detection in cells and in vivo and its application in exploring the dichotomous role of SO2 under the ClO− induced oxidative stress. Biomaterials (IF=15.3, TOP期刊,一区) 2017, 133, 82-93.
Kun Dou, Guang Chen*, Fabiao Yu, Yuxia Liu, Lingxin Chen, Ziping Cao, Tao Chen, Yulin Li and Jinmao You*. “Bright sensitive ratiometric fluorescent probe enabling endogenous FA imaging and mechanistic exploration of indirect oxidative damage of FA in various living systems”. Chemical Science (自然指数期刊; IF=9.96, TOP期刊,一区) 2017, 8, 7851-7861.
Ao Jiang, Guang Chen*, Jie Xu, Yuxia Liu, Guanghui Zhao, Zhenjun Liu, Tao Chen, Yulin Li and Tony D. James*. Ratiometric two-photon fluorescent probe for in situimaging of carboxylesterase (CE)-mediated mitochondrial acidification during medication. Chem. Commun. (自然指数期刊; IF=6.06, 一区; TOP期刊). 2019, 55, 11358-11361.
Zhen Zhang, Mengting Zhu, Zichao Chen, XiaomengWang, Guang Chen*, Shusheng Zhang* Coaxial sensing bio-amplifier for ultrasensitive detections of circulating tumor DNAs. Biosensors and Bioelectronics (IF=12.62, 一区; TOP期刊). 141(15), 2019, 111414.
Hailong Guo, Guang Chen*, Min Gao, Rui Wang, Yuxia Liu, and Fabiao Yu*. Imaging of Endogenous Hydrogen Peroxide during the Process of Cell Mitosis and Mouse Brain Development with a Near-Infrared Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe. Anal. Chem.(自然指数期刊; IF=8.00, 一区; TOP期刊). 2019, 91 (1), pp 1203–1210.
Guang Chen, Wei Zhou, Chenyang Zhao, Yuxia Liu, Tao Chen, Yulin Li, Bo Tang*.Rationally Optimized Fluorescent Probe for Imaging Mitochondrial SO2 in HeLa Cells and Zebrafish. Anal. Chem. (自然指数期刊;IF=8.00, TOP期刊, 一区). 2018, 90, 21, 12442-12448.