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1958年生于重庆;1970年迁至上海;华东师大物理系学士(1977—1982);1984年赴美留学、2017年返沪任教。美国匹兹堡大学科学史与科学哲学系博士(1991);美国佛罗里达大学哲学系助理教授(1992—1997)、副教授(1997—2005)、教授(2005—2017); 复旦大学特聘教授(2017—至今)。曾获教育部第八届高校人文社科奖一等奖(2020)。 教育经历 1977—1982 华东师范大学物理系,学士学位 1984—1991 美国匹兹堡大学科学史与科学哲学系,硕士与博士学位 工作经历 1991—2017 美国佛罗里达大学哲学系,助理教授、副教授、教授 2017—至今 复旦大学哲学院,特聘教授 荣誉及获奖 1992—1993 美国National Endowment for Humanities, Summer Seminar Award 1999—2000 美国National Science Foundation, Fellowship Award 2006—2007 美国National Science Foundation, Fellowship Award 2020 教育部第八届中国高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖,一等奖




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

代表性著作 2016. Substance and Method: Studies in Philosophy of Science World Scientific(获教育部第八届高校文科奖一等奖) 2013. Scientific Explanation and Methodology of Science World Scientific(edited with G. C. Guo) 2002. The Logic of Thermo-Statistical Physics Springer-Verlag (with G. Emch) 代表性论文 2020. “Perception and Fine Art: From Art History to Science”, forthcoming in《艺术史与艺术哲学集刊》。 2020. “Perception and Epistemic Entitlement”, forthcoming in Frontiers of Philosophy in China. 2020. “A Tale of Two Equations: Ludi Vitae or Motus Vita?”, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(3), 337-355. 2020. “存在与无限:Existence and Infinity” ,《自然辩证法通讯》42卷第7期:24-40. 2019. “Infinite Idealization and Contextual Realism”, Synthese 196:1885-1918. 2016. “Against a New Fictionalism: A Hybrid View of Scientific Models”, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30: 1-16. 2015. “Symbolic vs. Modelistic Elements in Scientific Modeling”, Theoria 30: 287-300. 2012. “迪昂命题的变奏”,《科学文化评论》9(5): 5-32. 2005. (with G. Emch) “Explaining Quantum Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36: 137-163. 2004. “Approximations, Idealizations, and Models in Statistical Mechanics”, Erkenntnis 60: 235-263. 2004. “Laws and Models in a Theory of Idealization”, Synthese 138: 363-385. 2003. “Classical Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking”, Philosophy of Science 70(S): S1219-S1232. 2003. “Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Chance in Classical World”, Philosophy of Science 70: 590-608. 2001. “Infinite Systems in SM Explanations: Thermodynamic Limit, Renormalization (semi-) Groups, and Irreversibility”, Philosophy of Science 68(S): S325-344. 1999. “Explaining the Emergence of Cooperative Phenomena”, Philosophy of Science 66(S): S92-S106. 1999. “Approximation, Idealization, and the Laws of Nature”, Synthese 118: 229-256. 1996. “Gauge Invariance, Cauchy Problem, Indeterminism, and Symmetry Breaking”, Philosophy of Science 63(S): S71-S80. 1996. “Potential, Propensity and Categorical Realism”, Erkenntnis 45: 45-68. 1994. “The Aharonov-Bohm Effect and the Reality of Wave Packets”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45: 977-1000. 1992. “Einstein and Relativistic Thermodynamics in 1952”, British Journal for the History of Science 25: 185-206. 学术会议/大会报告 2016. “Fictionalism on Models and Fictional Models in Science”, at the Pacific APA, March 30-April 3, San Francisco, CA. 2011. “Anti-Deflationism in Scientific Representation”, at the 3rd Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Athens, October 5-8. 2002. “Chance and Spontaneous Symmetry-Breaking”, at the Eastern APA, Philadelphia, December 29. 2002. “Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: Its Meaning from a Simple Mechanical Model”, at PSA, Milwaukee, November 7-10. 2000. “Infinite Systems in SM Explanations: Thermodynamic Limit, Renormalization (semi-) Groups, and Irreversibility”, at PSA, Vancouver, BC, November 2-5. 1998. “Explaining the Emergence of Cooperative Phenomena”, at PSA, Kansas City, October 22-25. 1998. “Approximate Enough and Idealization”, at the Pacific APA, Los Angeles, March. 1997. “Decoherence and Quantum Probability”, at the Central APA, Pittsburgh, April. 1996. “Gauge Invariance, Cauchy Problem, Indeterminism, and Symmetry Breaking”, at PSA, Cleveland, October. 1995. “Propensity and Quantum Reality”, at the Eastern APA, New York City, Dec. 27. 1995. “Gauge Invariance and its Metaphysical Nature”, at the 10th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Florence, Italy, August. 1995. “The Necessary A Posteriori Truth in Ethical Naturalism”, at the Central APA, Chicago, April. 1994. “Realism and Substantivalism: Of Arguments against Metaphysical Realism and Manifold Substantivalism”, at the Eastern APA, Boston, December. 应邀学术讲座 2015. “Foundations of Quantum Physics”, Pitt-Tsinghua Lecture Series (five-lectures), Beijing, China, July 11-13, 15-16. 2013. “Models, Fiction, and Duhem”, a talk given at Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, May 18. 2010. “Confirming Idealized Theory and Scientific Realism”, a talk given in Philosophy Department, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 15. 2007. “The emergence of the classical world at the thermodynamic limit”, invited lecture at Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science: Explanation in Physics, Boston University, April 16. 2007. “Confirming idealized theories and scientific realism”, invited talk at the LSE - Pittsburgh Joint Conference ‘Confirmation, Induction and Science,’ London School of Economic, March 8-10. 2006. “Idealization and Laws of Nature”, Lecture at Department of Philosophy, the University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia, June 8, 2006. 2004. “Approximation and Its Measures”, invited talk at Séminaire du REHSEIS: histoire et philosophie de la physique (2004-2005): Les raisons de l'à-peu-prés, Université de Paris 7-Denis Diderot, November 9. 1999. “Approximation, Idealization and Carving Nature at Its Joints”, the Popper Seminar Lecture at the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences, London School of Economics, London, November 16.


复旦大学智能科学与智能哲学研究中心主任 中国科学院哲学研究所学术所长 Member of the International Relations Committee, Philosophy of Science Association (USA) Notre Dame Philosophical Review Editorial Board Member 《认知科学》学术委员 《自然辩证法通讯》编委 《Frontier of Philosophy in China》 编委 Philosophy of Physics (The Journal), Editorial Board Member Foundations of Physics (The Journal), Editorial Board Member Philosophy of Science (The Journal), Editorial Board Member
