2011-2016 剑桥大学 二语习得方向 博士学位
2010-2011 伦敦大学学院(UCL) 语言学方向 硕士学位
2006-2010 中山大学 英语专业 学士学位
2012-2015 剑桥大学 助教
张璐璐. (2020).外界面对中国学习者使用英语定冠词与指示词的影响.《现代外语》43(2): 226-235. (CSSCI来源期刊)
Zhang. Lulu. (2021). Existence and consequences of dormant features: Evidence from L2 acquisition of Chinese object ellipsis. Second Language Research. (SSCI、A&HCI来源期刊)
Zhang. Lulu. (2021). The influence of first language at the semantics–pragmatic interface: Evidence from definite and demonstrative determiners in L2 English. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 11(3): 368 - 388.(SSCI、A&HCI来源期刊)
Zhang. Lulu. (2020). The existence of L1 influence on the course of development of L2 representation: Evidence from L2 acquisition of verb phrase ellipsis. Lingua.(SSCI、A&HCI来源期刊)
Yuan, Boping & Zhang, Lulu. (2019) An incremental model of second language speech production mechanisms: Developmental evidence from object ellipsis in second language speech production. International Journal of Bilingualism.(SSCI、A&HCI来源期刊)