1982年2月 山东理工大学机械化系,获工学学士学位
1991年7月 江苏理工大学信息学院,获工学硕士学位
1994年7月 西安交通大学生物医学工程系,获工学博士学位
2021年 上海市教卫工作党委系统优秀共产党员/师德标兵称号
2017年 上海市五一劳动奖章
2015年 第十四届上海市科技精英提名奖
2013年 国务院政府特殊津贴证书
2012年 国家技术发明二等奖
2009年 上海市科技进步二等奖
2009年 教育部技术发明二等奖
2009年 上海市教学成果二等奖
Yiru Wang , Yinlong Liu, Xuechen Li, Chen Wang, Manning Wang∗ , Zhijian Song∗,Practical Globally Optimal Consensus Maximization by Branch-and-Bound Based on Interval Arithmetic,Pattern Recognition,115(2021)107897:1-17
Chunli Qin , Ji Zhou, Demin Yao, Han Zhuang, Hui Wang, Shiyao Chen*, Yonghong Shi* , and Zhijian Song*,Vertebrae Labeling via End-to-End Integral Regression Localization and Multi-Label Classification Network,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,https://doi.org/10.1109/TNNLS.2020.3045601
Yiru Wang, Yinlong Liu, Xuechen Li, Chen Wang, Manning Wang ∗ , Zhijian Song ∗,GORFLM: Globally Optimal Robust Fitting for Linear Model,Signal Processing: Image Communication,84(2020)115834 pp1-12
Yinlong Liu, Xuechen Li, Manning Wang, Alois Knoll, Guang Chen and Zhijian Song*,A Novel Method for the Absolute Pose Problem with Pairwise Constraints,Remote Sensing,2019,11,3007;doi:10.3390/rs11243007
Yinlong Liu, Yuan Dong , Zhijian Song*, and Manning Wang*,2D-3D Point Set Registration Based on Global Rotation Search,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,28(5):2599-2613,2019
Ping Li(#),Weiwei Wang(#),Chenxi zhang(*),Yong An,Zhijian Song(*),In Vivo Investigation of the Effectiveness of a Hyperviscoelastic Model in Simulating Brain Retraction,Scientiic Reports,2016.07.08,6(28654):1~11,SCI,第二标注
Haosu Zhang(#),Yonghong Shi(#),Chengjun Yao(#),Weijun Tang,Demin Yao,Chenxi Zhang,Manning Wang,Jinsong Wu(*), Zhijian Song(*), Alteration of the Intra- and Cross-Hemisphere Posterior Default Mode Network in Frontal Lobe Glioma Patients, Scientific Reports 2016.06.01 6(26972):1~9,SCI,第二标注
Jiang, Dongsheng(#),Shi, Yonghong,Yao, Demin,Wang, Manning(*), Song, Zhijian(*), miLBP: a robust and fast modality-independent 3D LBP for multimodal deformable registration, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery,2016.6.01,11(6):997~1005,SCI,第二标注
Manning Wang(#),Zhijian Song(*), How does adding anatomical landmarks as fiducial points in the point-matching registration of neuronavigation influence registration accuracy?,COMPUTER ASSISTEDSURGERY,2016.11.16,21(1):39~45,SCI,第二标注
An, Yong(#),Wang, Manning(*), Song, Zhijian(*) A novel registration method for image-guided neurosurgery system based on stereo vision,Bio-medical Materials and Engineering,2015,26:S967-S973。
Hu, Liang(#),Cheng, Zhaoning,Wang, Manning(*), Song, Zhijian(*),Image manifold revealing for breast lesion segmentation in DCE-MRI,Bio-medical Materials and Engineering,2015,26:S1353-S1360。
Xinrong Chen,Manning Wang(*), Zhijian Song(*),Automated Global Optimization Surface-Matching Registration Method for Image-to-Patient Spatial Registration in an Image-Guided Neurosurgery System,Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics,2014,4(6):942-947。
Yifeng Fan,Dongsheng Jiang,Manning Wang(*), Zhijian Song(*),A new markerless patient-to-image registration method using a portable 3D scanner,Medical Physics,2014,41(10)。
Deng, Weiwei,Li, Fang,Wang, Manning(*), Song, Zhijian(*),Multi-mode navigation in image-guided neurosurgery using a wireless tablet PC,Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine,2014,37(3):583-589。
Li, Ping,Wang, Weiwei, Song, Zhijian(*),An, Yong,Zhang, Chenxi,A framework for correcting brain retraction based on an eXtended Finite Element Method using a laser range scanner,International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery,2014,9(4):669-681。
Omara, Akram I.,Wang, Manning,Fan, YiFeng, Song, Zhijian(*),Anatomic al landmarks for point-matching registration in image-guided neurosurgery,International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery,2014,10(1):55-64。
Lian Yanyun, Song Zhijian(*),Automated brain tumor segmentation in magnetic resonance imaging based on sliding-window technique and symmetry analysis,Chinese Medical Journal,2014,127(3):462-468。
Deng, Weiwei,Li, Fang,Wang, Manning, Song, Zhijian(*),Easy-to-Use Augmented Reality Neuronavigation Using a Wireless Tablet PC,Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery,2014,92:17-24。
Zhang, Ziqun,Zhang, Ran, Song, Zhijian(*),Skull defect reconstruction based on a new hybrid level set,Bio-medical Materials and Engineering,2014,24(6):3343-3351。
Li, Fang, Song, Zhijian(*),Surface-based automatic coarse registration of head scans,Bio-medical Materials and Engineering,2014,24(6):3207-3214。
Mao, Yihao,Liu, Hong,Ye, Rong,Shi, Yonghong(*), Song, Zhijian(*),Detection and segmentation of virus plaque using HOG and SVM: Toward automatic plaque assay,Bio-medical Materials and Engineering,2014,24(6):3187-3198。
Hu, Liang,Wang, Manning, Song, Zhijian(*),Manifold-based feature point matching for multi-modal image registration,International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery,2013,9(1):e10-e18。
王巍伟,李萍,章琛曦, 宋志坚(*),脑组织牵拉变形矫正的XFEM建模及其验证,中国生物医学工程学报,2013,(01):38-45。
Wang, Manning, Song, Zhijian(*),Optimal number and distribution of oints selected on the vertebra for surface matching in CT-based spinal navigation,Computer Aided Surgery,2013,18(3-4):93-100。
姚旭峰, 宋志坚(*),磁共振弥散张量成像纤维束追踪算法的研究进展,医学研究杂志,2012,(06):174-176。
Man Ning Wang, Zhi Jian Song(*),Classification and Analysis of the Errors in Neuronavigation,NEUROSURGERY,2011,68(4):1131-1143。
Zhang, Chenxi,Wang, Manning, Song, Zhijian(*),A Brain-Deformation Framework Based on a Linear Elastic Model and Evaluation Using Clinical Data,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING,2011,58(1):191-199。
Wang, Man Ning, Song, Zhi Jian(*),Properties of the target registration error for surface matching in neuronavigation,COMPUTER AIDED SURGERY,2011,16(4):161-169。
Chen, Yiyong,Shi, Yonghong, Song, Zhijian(*),Differences in the architecture of low-grade and high-grade gliomas evaluated using fiber density index and fractional anisotropy,JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE,2010,17(7):824-829。
Wang, Manning, Song, Zhijian(*),Guidelines for the placement of fiducial points in image-guided neurosurgery,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER ASSISTED SURGERY,2010,6(2):142-149。
Wang Manning, Song Zhijian(*),Distribution Templates of the Fiducial Points in Image-Guided Neurosurgery,NEUROSURGERY,2010,66(3):143-150。
2014–今 中华数字医学分会副主任委员
2014–今 中国解剖学会断层影像解剖学专业委员会副主任委员
2015–今 中国生物医学工程学会医用机器人工程与临床应用分会副主任委员