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市川宗严,于2010年获得日本东京大学学士学位。研究生期间,在东京大学丰岛阳子(TOYOSHIMA Yoko)教授的指导下针对动力蛋白(dynein)的结构和功能开展研究,入选日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员(DC1)后,于2015年获博士学位。作为博士后加入加拿大麦吉尔大学Khanh-Huy Bui课题组工作后,通过冷冻电子显微镜研究纤毛的双微管结构,并入选日本学术振兴会(JSPS)海外特别研究员。2019年,任日本奈良先端科学技术大学院大学助理教授(冢崎智也教授课题组),从事X射线晶体学研究。2020年入选日本科学技术振兴机构(JST)PRESTO项目(约220万元),致力于新型人工微管组装技术的研发。于2022年8月加入复旦大学生命科学学院。 获奖情况/Awards and Honors 2018, 日本生物物理学会青年奖励奖/Early Career Award in Biophysics 2017, Gérard T. Simon博士奖/Dr. Gérard T. Simon Award 2016, 青年优秀发表奖/Young Scientist Award


研究方向1: 纤毛蛋白复合体的结构解析 纤毛是附着在真核细胞表面的微小毛发状结构,是一个复杂的9+2结构,由600多种蛋白质组成。纤毛不但对于推动精子等细胞运动非常重要,同时还接收来自外环境的各种信号。因此,纤毛蛋白的缺陷与许多人类疾病有关(纤毛病)。为了了解纤毛的功能和开发新的纤毛病的治疗方法,获取纤毛蛋白复合体乃至整体纤毛的三维结构是至关重要的。 研究方向2: 人工微管组装技术——研发操纵微管结构和运动蛋白的新方法 在真核细胞中,微管就像是一条铁路,运动蛋白(如驱动蛋白kinesin和动力蛋白dynein)在微管上行走,运输货物。通过了解微管和运动蛋白的结构和功能,我们可以对这些蛋白进行突变,以实现在材料科学和纳米技术上的新应用。


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Gu, Y., Zhao, Y., & Ichikawa, M.* Tektin makes a microtubule a “micropillar”. Cell, 186(13), 2725-2727.(2023) [Preview] [*通讯作者, corresponding author] [一作为复旦大学19级本科生/First author, 2019 grade undergraduate student of Fudan University] Yagi, T.*, Toda, A., Ichikawa, M., & Kurisu, G. Regulation of motor activity of ciliary outer-arm dynein by the light chain 1; Implications from the structure of the light chain bound to the microtubule-binding domain of the heavy chain. Biophysics and Physicobiology, 20(1), e200008. (2023) [Review] Inaba, H.?*, Sueki, Y.?, Ichikawa, M.?, Kabir, A.M.R., Iwasaki, T., Shigematsu, H., Kakugo, A., Sada, K., Tsukazaki, T. & Matsuura, K.* Generation of stable microtubule superstructures by binding of peptide-fused tetrameric proteins to inside and outside. Science Advances, 8(36), eabq3817 (2022) [?共同第一作者, equally contributed] Kubo, S.?, Yang, S. K.?, Black, C., Dai, D., Valente, M., Gaertig, J., Ichikawa, M.*, & Bui, K. H.* Remodeling and activation mechanisms of outer arm dyneins revealed by cryo-EM. EMBO Reports, 22(9), e52911(2021) [*共同通讯作者, co-corresponding authors] Black, C.?, Dai, D.C.?, Peri, K. Ichikawa, M.*, & Bui, K. H.* Preparation of Doublet Microtubule Fraction for Single Particle Cryo-electron Microscopy. Bio-protocol, 11(11), e4041(2021) [*共同通讯作者, co-corresponding authors] Dai, D., Ichikawa, M.*, Peri, K., Rebinsky, R., & Bui, K.H.* Identification and mapping of central pair proteins by proteomic analysis. Biophysics and Physicobiology, 17, 71-85 (2020)[*共同通讯作者, co-corresponding authors] Khalifa, A.A.Z.?, Ichikawa, M.?, Dai, D., Kubo, S., Black, C.S., Peri, K., McAlear, T.S., Veyron, S.,Yang, S.K., Vargas, J., Bechstedt, S., Trempe, J.F., & Bui, K.H.* The inner junction complex of the cilia is an interaction hub that involves tubulin post-translational modifications. eLife, 9, e52760 (2020) [?共同第一作者, equally contributed][获F1000Prime推荐, Recommended in F1000Prime] Ichikawa, M., Khalifa, A.A.Z., Kubo, S., Dai, D., Basu, K., Maghrebi, M.A.F., Vargas, J., & Bui, K.H.*Tubulin lattice in cilia is in a stressed form regulated by microtubule inner proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116(40), 19930-19938 (2019) [第一作者, first author] Ichikawa, M., Liu, D., Kastritis, P.L., Basu, K., Hsu, T.Z., Yang, S., & Bui, K.H.* Subnanometre-resolution structure of the doublet microtubule reveals new classes of microtubule-associated proteins. Nature Communications, 8, 15035 (2017)[第一作者, first author] Ichikawa, M., Saito, K., Yanagisawa, H., Yagi, T., Kamiya, R., Yamaguchi, S., Yajima, J., Kushida, Y.,Nakano, K., Numata, O., & Toyoshima, Y.Y.* Axonemal dynein light chain-1 locates at the microtubule-binding domain of the γ heavy chain. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 26(23), 4236-4247 (2015) [第一作者, first author] [获F1000Prime推荐, Recommended inF1000Prime] Torisawa, T., Ichikawa, M., Furuta, A., Saito, K., Oiwa, K., Kojima, H., Toyoshima, Y.Y.*, & Furuta,K.* Autoinhibition and cooperative activation mechanisms of cytoplasmic dynein. Nature CellBiology,16(11), 1118-1124 (2014)
