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Representative Publications Li TY*#, Wang Q*, Gao AW*, Li X, Sun Y, Mottis A, Shong M, Auwerx J#. Lysosomes mediate the mitochondrial UPR via mTORC1-dependent ATF4 phosphorylation, Cell Discovery 9: 92, 2023. (*Co-first authors, #Co-corresponding authors) Li TY, Gao AW, Li X, Li H, Liu YJ, Lalou A, Neelagandan N, Naef F, Schoonjans K, Auwerx J. V-ATPase/TORC1-mediated ATFS-1 translation directs mitochondrial UPR activation in C. elegans, J Cell Biol 222 (1): e202205045, 2023. Li TY*#, Gao AW*, Sun Y*, Yang R, Li X, Lei Y, Liu YJ, Arey RN, Morales K, Zhao T, Lalou A, Wang Q, Lima T, Auwerx J#. A lysosomal surveillance response (LySR) that extends healthspan. BioRxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.13.495962. 2022. (*Co-first authors, #Co-corresponding authors) Mottis A, Li TY, Alam GE, Rapin A, Katsyuba E, Liaskos D, D’Amico D, Harris NL, Grier MC, Mouchiroud L, Nelson ML, Auwerx J. Tetracycline-induced mitohormesis mediates disease tolerance against influenza. J Clin Invest 132: e151540. 2022.; News & Views: Lima T, Li TY, Mottis A, Auwerx J. Pleiotropic effects of mitochondria in aging. Nature Aging 2, 199-213, 2022. Li TY, Sleiman MB, Li H, Gao AW, Mottis A, Bachmann AM, Alam GE, Li X, Goeminne LJE, Schoonjans K, Auwerx J. The transcriptional coactivator CBP/p300 is an evolutionarily conserved node that promotes longevity in response to mitochondrial stress. Nature Aging 1(2): 165–178, 2021.; News & Views: Li TY*, Song L*, Sun Y*, Li J, Yi C, Lam SM, Xu D, Zhou L, Li X, Yang Y, Zhang CS, Xie C, Huang X, Shui G, Lin SY, Reue K, Lin SC. Tip60-mediated lipin 1 acetylation and ER translocation determines triacylglycerol synthesis rate. Nature Communications 9: 1916, 2018. (*Co-first authors); News & Views: Sun Y*, Li TY*, Song L*, Zhang C, Li J, Lin ZZ, Lin SC, Lin SY. Liver-specific deficiency of unc-51 like kinase 1 and 2 protects mice from acetaminophen-induced liver injury. Hepatology 67: 2397-2413, 2018. (*Co-first authors) Li TY, Sun Y, Liang Y, Liu Q, Shi Y, Zhang CS, Zhang C, Song L, Zhang P, Zhang X, Li X, Chen T, Huang HY, He X, Wang Y, Wu YQ, Chen S, Jiang M, Chen C, Xie C, Yang JY, Lin Y, Zhao S, Ye Z, Lin SY, Chiu DT, Lin SC. ULK1/2 Constitute a Bifurcate Node Controlling Glucose Metabolic Fluxes in Addition to Autophagy. Molecular Cell 62: 359-370, 2016. Lin SY*, Li TY*, Liu Q, Zhang C, Li X, Chen Y, Zhang SM, Lian G, Liu Q, Ruan K, Wang Z, Zhang CS, Chien KY, Wu J, Li Q, Han J, Lin SC. GSK3-TIP60-ULK1 Signaling Pathway Links Growth Factor Deprivation to Autophagy, Science 336: 477-481, 2012. (*Co-first authors); News & Views: Li TY, Lin SY, Lin SC. Mechanism and physiological significance of growth factor-related autophagy. Physiology (Bethesda) 28: 423-431, 2013. Lin SY*, Li TY*, Liu Q, Zhang C, Li X, Chen Y, Zhang SM, Lian G, Liu Q, Ruan K, Wang Z, Zhang CS, Chien KY, Wu J, Li Q, Han J, Lin SC. Protein phosphorylation-acetylation cascade connects growth factor deprivation to autophagy. Autophagy 8: 1385-6, 2012. (*Co-first authors) Other Publications Morel JD, Sleiman MB, Li TY, Alvensleben G, Bachmann AM, Hofer D, Broeckx E, Ma JY, Carreira V, Chen T, Azhar N, Gonzalez-Villalobos RA, Breyer M, Reilly D, Mullican S, Auwerx J. Mitochondrial and NAD+ metabolism predict recovery from acute kidney injury in a diverse mouse population. JCI Insight 8(3): e164626. 2023. Gao AW, Alam GE, Lalou A, Li TY, Molenaars M, Zhu Y, Overmyer KA, Shishkova E, Hof K, Sleiman MB, Houtkooper RH, Coon JJ, Auwerx J. Multi-omics analysis identifies essential regulators of mitochondrial stress response in two wild-type C. elegans strains. iScience 25: 103734, 2022. Song LT, Liu ZH, Hu HH, Yang Y, Li TY, Lin ZZ, Ye Jing, Chen J, Huang X, Liu DT, Zhou J, Shi Y, Zhao H, Xie C, Chen L, Song E, Lin SY, Lin SC. Proto-oncogene Src links lipogenesis via lipin-1 to breast cancer malignancy. Nature Communications 11: 5842, 2020. Li H, Rukina D, David FPA, Li TY, Oh CM, Gao AW, Katsyuba E, Sleiman MB, Komljenovic A, Huang Q, Williams RW, Robinson-Rechavi M, Schoonjans K, Morgenthaler S, Auwerx J. Identifying gene function and module connections by the integration of multispecies expression compendia. Genome Research 29: 2034-2045, 2019. Vannini N, Campos V, Girotra M, Trachsel V, Rojas S, Tratwal J, Ragusa S, Stefanidis E, Ryu D, Rainer PY, Nikitin G, Giger S, Li TY, Semilietof A, Oggier A, Yersin Y, Tauzin L, Pirinen E, Cheng WC, Ratajczak J, Canto C, Martin E, Sizzano F, Petrova TV, Vanhecke D, Zhang L, Romero P, Nahimana A, Cherix S, Michel AD, Ho PC, Deplancke B, Coukos G, Auwerx J, Lutolf MP, Naveiras O. The NAD-Booster Nicotinamide Riboside Potently Stimulates Hematopoiesis through Increased Mitochondrial Clearance. Cell Stem Cell 24: 405-418, 2019. Luo H, Jiang M, Lian G, Liu Q, Shi M, Li TY, Song L, Ye J, He Y, Yao Y, Zhang C, Lin ZZ, Zhang CS, Zhao TJ, Jia WP, Li P, Lin SY, Lin SC. AIDA Selectively Mediates Downregulation of Fat Synthesis Enzymes by ERAD to Retard Intestinal Fat Absorption and Prevent Obesity. Cell Metabolism 27:843-853, 2018. Zhang CS, Hawley SA, Zong Y, Li M, Wang Z, Gray A, Ma T, Cui J, Feng JW, Zhu M, Wu YQ, Li TY, Ye Z, Lin SY, Yin H, Piao HL, Hardie DG, Lin SC. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and aldolase mediate glucose sensing by AMPK. Nature 548:112-116, 2017. Geng J, Sun X, Wang P, Zhang S, Wang X, Wu H, Hong L, Xie C, Li X, Zhao H, Liu Q, Jiang M, Chen Q, Zhang J, Li TY, Song S, Wang HR, Zhou R, Johnson RL, Chien KY, Lin SC, Han J, Avruch J, Chen L, Zhou D. Kinases Mst1 and Mst2 positively regulate phagocytic induction of reactive oxygen species and bactericidal activity. Nature Immunology 11: 1142-1152, 2015. Zhang CS, Liu Q, Li M, Lin SY, Peng Y, Wu D, Li TY, Fu Q, Jia W, Wang X, Ma T, Zong Y, Cui J, Pu C, Lian G, Guo H, Ye Z, Lin SC. RHOBTB3 promotes proteasomal degradation of HIFa through facilitating hydroxylation and suppresses the Warburg effect. Cell Research 25: 1025-1042, 2015. Zhang CS, Jiang B, Li M, Zhu M, Peng Y, Zhang YL, Wu YQ, Li TY, Liang Y, Lu Z, Lian G, Liu Q, Guo H, Yin Z, Ye Z, Han J, Wu JW, Yin H, Lin SY, Lin SC. The Lysosomal v-ATPase-Ragulator Complex Is a Common Activator for AMPK and mTORC1, Acting as a Switch between Catabolism and Anabolism. Cell Metabolism 20: 526-540, 2014. Wu H, Xiao Y, Zhang S, Ji S, Wei L, Fan F, Geng J, Tian J, Sun X, Qin F, Jin C, Lin J, Yin ZY, Zhang T, Luo L, Li Y, Song S, Lin SC, Deng X, Camargo F, Avruch J, Chen L, Zhou D. The Ets Transcription Factor GABP Is a Component of the Hippo Pathway Essential for Growth and Antioxidant Defense. Cell Reports 30: 1663-1677, 2013. Zhan YY, Chen Y, Zhang Q, Zhuang JJ, Tian M, Chen HZ, Zhang LR, Zhang HK, He JP, Wang WJ, Wu R, Wang Y, Shi C, Yang K, Li AZ, Xin YZ, Li TY, Yang JY, Zheng ZH, Yu CD, Lin SC, Chang CS, Huang PQ, Lin T, Wu Q. The orphan nuclear receptor Nur77 regulates LKB1 localization and activates AMPK, Nature Chemical Biology 8: 897-904, 2012.
