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2022年3月至今,复旦大学代谢与整合生物学研究院, 青年研究员 2021年1月至2022年2月,牛津大学Wolfson学院, Junior Research Fellow 2019年1月至2022年2月,牛津大学MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, 博士后 (合作导师:Adam Mead教授) 2012年9月至2018年6月,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,理学博士(导师:John Speakman院士) 荣誉及获奖情况 2021 Oxford Centre for Hematology Pump Priming Award, 牛津大学 2021 Medical Sciences Pump Priming Fund, 牛津大学 2021 Academic fund, 牛津大学,Wolfson学院 2020 BRC Training Grant, 牛津大学 2017 中国科学院院长奖 2016 国家奖学金 2016 New Investigator Award finalist fellowship, International Congress for Obesity (ICO) and World Obesity Federation


肥胖已成为全球性的健康问题,是二型糖尿病、高血压、心血管、癌症等疾病的风险因素。本课题组通过结合单细胞转录组、空间转录组、基因组学、体外功能验证、开发基于ai技术的计算生物学新方法等技术手段来系统的解析肥胖的发生与调控。 与传统的数据驱动研究范式不同,本课题组更侧重对研究的科学问题“量体裁衣”式的进行数据采集、数据分析以及算法开发,从“精准分析”的层面上推动精准医疗。目前课题方向包括:1)肥胖及相关起源与进化;2)肥胖的发生与发展;3)肥胖与脂肪肝、癌症等疾病发生;4)饮食与运动调控肥胖;5)精细化单细胞多组学(数据整合、细胞间通讯作用、细胞命运决定等)的算法开发解析肥胖的发生与调控。


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Wang Z#, Wu Z#, Wang H#, Feng R#, Wang G#,*, Li M#, Wang S-Y#, Chen X#, Su Y, Wang J, Zhang W, Bao Y, Lan Z, Song Z, Wang Y, Luo X, Zhao L, Hou A, Tian S, Gao H, Miao W, Liu Y, Wang H, Yin C, Ji Z-L, Feng M, Liu H, Diao L, Amit I, Chen Y, Zeng Y, Ginhoux F*, Wu X*, Zhu Y*, Li H*. An immune cell atlas reveals the dynamics of human macrophage specification during prenatal development. Cell, 2023/9/28, 186(20), 4454-4471. e19. (#co-first author, *co-corresponding author) (Faculty Opinions recommended) -Highlight by Cell Research, Science Immunology, Trends in Immunology, Cellular & Molecular Immunology等 -入选《科技日报》2023年国内十大科技新闻http://digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_www.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2023-12/26/content_564676.htm?div=-1 Li R#, Colombo M#, Wang G#,*, Rodriguez-Romera A, O'Sullivan J, Clark S-A, Pérez Sáez J, Meng Y, Khan A, Wen S, Dong P, Zhou W, Sousos N, Murphy L, Clarke M, Jooss N, Olijnik A-A, Wong Z, Sirinukunwattana K, Ryou H, Norfo R, Cheng Q, Brierley C, Carrelha J, Ren Z, Thongjuea S, Rathinam V, Krishnan A K, Royston D, Rabinovich G, Mead A*, Psaila B*. A Pro-inflammatory Stem Cell Niche Drives Myelofibrosis Through a Targetable Galectin 1 Axis. bioRxiv, 2023, 2023.08.05.550630. (#co-first author, *co-corresponding author, Dong P, Zhou W为本课题组成员) Roy A#, *, Wang G#, Iskander D, O'Byrne S, Elliott N, O'Sullivan J, Buck G, Heuston EF, Wen WX, Rodriguez-Meira A, Hua P, Karadimitris A, Mead A, Bodine D, Roberts I, Psaila B*, Thongjuea S*. Transitions in lineage specification and gene regulatory networks in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells over human development. Cell Reports, 2021, 36(11), 109698. (#co-first author) Psaila B#,*, Wang G#, Rodriguez-Meira A, Li R, Heuston EF, Murphy L, Yee D, Hitchcock I, Sousos N, O'Sullivan J, Anderson S, Senis Y, Weinberg O, Calicchio M, NIH Intramural Sequencing Center, Iskander D, Royston D, Milojkovic D, Roberts I, Bodine D, Thongjuea S *, Mead A*. Single-cell analyses reveal megakaryocyte-biased hematopoiesis in myelofibrosis and identify mutant clone-specific targets. Molecular Cell, 2020, 78(3), 477-492. (#co-first author) (Faculty Opinions recommended) Wang G, Li B, Zhang X, Niu C, Li J, Li L, Speakman JR*. No seasonal variation in physical activity of Han Chinese living in Beijing. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2017, 14(1), 48. Wang G, Speakman JR*. Analysis of positive selection at single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with body mass index does not support the “thrifty gene” hypothesis. Cell Metabolism, 2016, 24(4), 531-541. (F1000 Prime recommended) Lin X, Wang G. Development of a RNAi-based release of insects carrying a dominant lethal (RIDL) system in Drosophila melanogaster. Science Bulletin, 2015, 60(3), 356-362.
