2007 年至今 同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院 主任医师。
1. 叶磊、 朱建龙(通讯作者)、 冯令达、 翁雷、 陆惠娟盆腹腔淋巴取样术在子宫内膜癌手术中的临床意义.中国妇产科临床杂志2012.3.194-197。
(Lei Ye, Jianlong Zhu (correspondent) Lingda Feng, Lei Weng, Huijuan Lu. The clinical significance of the pelvic peritoneal lymph node sampling in endometrial carcinoma surgery. Clinical Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2012.3.194-197.)
2.韩凌斐、 郭晓青、胡家昌、孔繁飞、 何拉曼、 李芳、 朱建龙*、 孙 静*。宫颈癌患者外周血髓源性抑制细胞的比例及其临床意义。华中科技大学学报(医学版),2015, 44(1):32-36
(Lingfei,Han Xiaoqing Guo, Jiachang Hu, Fanfei Kong,Laman He, Fang Li, Jianlong Zhu *, Jing Sun *. The clinical significance of the proportion of myeloid derived suppressor cells in peripheral blood of patients with cervical cancer. Huazhong University of Science and Technology Journal (Medical Edition), 2015, 44 (1): 32-36)
3.Ting Zhang, Lei Ye,1 Lingfei Han, Qizhi He, and Jianlong Zhu (Corresponding author) Knockdown of HVEM, a Lymphocyte Regulator Gene, in Ovarian Cancer Cells Increases Sensitivity to Activated T Cells .Oncology Research, Vol. 24, pp. 189–196. SCI IF:3.957
(张婷、叶磊、韩凌斐、贺其志、朱建龙(通讯作者)。在卵巢癌细胞中敲除淋巴细胞调节基因HVEM增加激活T细胞的敏感性。肿瘤学研究, 24, 189–196SCI:3.957)
4.Yuan Fang#, Lei Ye, Ting Zhang,Qizhi He, Jianlong Zhu (Corresponding author ) High expression of herpesvirus entry mediator (HVEM) in ovarian serous adenocarcinoma tissue. J BUON, 2017:22(1):88-86 SCI IF:0.79
(方原、叶磊、张婷、贺其志、朱建龙(通讯作者)。(HVEM)疱疹病毒进入介质在卵巢浆液性腺癌组织高表达 J BUON, 2017:22(1):88-86 SCI IF:0.79)