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在国内脊柱外科圣殿上海长征医院学习工作22年,曾先后赴美国华盛顿圣路易斯大学、杜克大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、拉什医科大学等国际知名医学中心访问学习计1年余,形成了以脊柱外科为专业方向,以脊柱微创为主攻目标的专业特色。先后承担国家自然科学基金和上海市课题6项,参与国家级和上海市课题10项;第一申请人获得专利5项;第一/通讯作者发表中华系列等核心期刊论文21篇,SCI论文15篇,总IF 50+分,包括本专业国际最具权威性杂志Spine、Neurosurgery等期刊上;副主编、参编专著26部;合作获得国家科技进步二等奖2项,上海市科技进步一等奖2项,上海医学科技奖一等奖1项,军队医疗成果三等奖2项。




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Dynamic changes in mechanical properties of the adult rat spinal cord after injury,共同通讯,2023-01,Acta Biomaterialia,10.630 Neurogenesis potential of oligodendrocyte precursor cells from oligospheres and injured spinal cord,共同通讯, 2022- 12,Front Cell Neurosci, 6.147 Effect of Velocity and Contact Stress Area on the Dynamic Behavior of the Spinal Cord Under Different Testing Conditions,共同通讯, 2022- 10, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6.064 Clinical and radiographic outcomes of combined posterior transfacet screw fixation and anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery for unilateral cervical facet fracture with traumatic disc herniation: a retrospective cohort study,通讯作者,2022-01, Pain and Therapy,3.960 A biomechanical anal ysis of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion alone or combined cervical fixations in treating compression-extension injury with unilateral facet joint fracture: a finite element study,通讯作者,2021-11,BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,2.562 Traumatic cervical spinal cord injury: relationship of MRI findings to initial neurological impairment,通讯作者,2021-09,European Spine Journal,2.721 Anterior decompression of persistent vertebral artery occlusion caused by the cervical facet joint originated osteophyte,通讯作者,2021-09, Orthopaedic Surgery,2.071 How does cervical sagittal balance change after hangman fracture treated with anterior or posterior approach surgery?, 共同第一,2020-01,World Neurosurgery,2.210
