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现任同济大学附属上海同济医院骨科副主任、足踝外科主任、同济大学医学院足踝外科研究所和足踝外科疾病临床诊治中心副主任,同济大学附属同济医院大外科教研室副主任。 长期从事足踝外科的基础及临床研究,具有扎实的基础知识、科研能力和良好的综合素质、管理协调能力,对足踝部常见创伤、畸形有着比较深入的研究和了解,能够较好把握学科发展方向。参与获得上海市科技进步三等奖一项,临床成果奖一项。相关研究成果在上海市骨科年会、全国足踝外科年会分别获二等奖、一等奖。每年均参加全国骨科年会作论文交流及大会发言。在国内外刊物上发表学术论文60 余篇,其中SCI 收录13 篇,中华系列杂志10 余篇。参与完成《跟骨骨折的解剖学、生物力学和临床研究》获上海市科技进步三等奖、上海市临床医疗成果三等奖、及同济大学医疗成果一等奖。主持2项国家自然科学基金项目,目前在研一项,已结题一项。2015年获美国足踝外科学会旅行学者奖。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhou H, Ren H, Li C, Xia J, Yu G, Yang Y. Biomechanical Analysis of Cuboid Osteotomy Lateral Column Lengthening for Stage II B Adult-Acquired Flatfoot Deformity: A Cadaveric Study. Biomed Res Int. 2017:4383981. doi: 10.1155/2017/4383981. Epub 2017 Apr 10. PubMed PMID: 28497049; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5402248. (2.134) Li B, Wu G, Yang Y. Conservative versus surgical treatment for displaced fracture of the medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2016 Aug;24(2):163-6. PubMed PMID: 27574255. (0.6) Zhou HC, Yu T, Ren HY, Li B, Chen K, Zhao YG, Yang YF. Clinical Comparison of Extensile Lateral Approach and Sinus Tarsi Approach Combined with Medial Distraction Technique for Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures. Orthop Surg. 2017 Feb;9(1):77-85. doi: 10.1111/os.12310. Epub 2017 Mar 9. PubMed PMID: 28276647. (0.6) Li CG, Li B, Yang YF. Management of acute Achilles tendon rupture with tendon-bundle technique. J Int Med Res. 2017 Feb;45(1):310-319. doi:10.1177/0300060516677928. Epub 2017 Jan 12. PubMed PMID: 28222622.(1.431) Li B, Chen DW, Yang YF, Yu GR. Effect of Second Toe-to-Hand Transfer on the Plantar Pressure Distribution of the Donor Foot. Acta Ortop Bras. 2016 Jan-Feb;24(1):39-42. doi: 10.1590/1413-785220162401140540. PubMed PMID: 26997913 (0.6) YANG Yunfeng, Zhao Hongmou, Zhou Jiaqian, et al.Treatment of displaced intraarticular calcaneal fractures with or without bone grafts: A systematic review of the literature.[J] INDIAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS, 2012, 46(2):130-7. Zhao Hongmou,YANG Yunfeng, Yu Guangrong,et al. A systematic review of outcome and failure rate of uncemented Scandinavian total ankle replacement.[J] INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS,2011,35(12):1751-8 YANG Yunfeng, Yu Guangrong, Zhou Jiaqian, Li Bing. Treatment of occult Lisfranc injury with open reduction and internal fixation. [J] CHINESE JOURNAL OF REPARATIVE AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY, 2011, 25(7):785-8. YANG Yunfeng, Yu Guangrong, Huang Siping, et al. Effect of the plantar fasciotomy on the movement of the foot arch. 2007 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, ICBBE, 2007, 478-481 YANG Yunfeng, Yu Guangrong, Niu Wenxin,et al. Effect of the plantar ligaments injury on the longitudinal arch height of the human foot. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v4689 LNBI, 2007, 111-119. YANG Yunfeng, Yu Guangrong, Zhou Jiaqian,et al. The Displacements of Human Foot after Plantar Ligaments Injury: A cadaveric study and finite element analysis.2008 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, ICBBE.2008, 2438-2441. Bing Li, Da-wei Chen, Guang-rong Yu, Yun-feng Yang. Comment on Kritsaneephaiboon et al.: Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis of distal tibial fracture using a posterolateral approach: a cadaveric study and preliminary report. INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS (SICOT) (2013) 37:1423. Bing Li, Da-wei Chen, Guang-rong Yu and Yun-feng Yang. Subtalar Distraction Osteogenesis for Old Calcaneal Fractures. FOOT ANKLE INT. 2013 34: 1606. Bing Li, Da-wei Chen, Ashwin Aubeeluck, Yun-feng Yang and Guang-rong Yu. Comment on Kalender AM, et al. Mitchell's Osteotomy With Mini-Plate and Screw Fixation for Hallux Valgus. FOOT ANKLE INT. 2013 34: 915. LIANG Jun, YANG Yunfeng, YU Guangrong, et al. The Deformation and Stress Distribution of Human Foot after Plantar Ligaments Release: A cadaveric study and finite element analysis. SCIENCE CHINA LIFE SCIENCES. 2011, 54 (3):267-71. YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong, ZHOU Jiaqian,et al. Longitudinal arch stress distribution of the foot following plantar ligament injury. [J]CHINESE JOURNAL OF TRAUMA. 2008(5):327-330. YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong, ZHOU Jiaqian,et al. Effect of injury to plantar ligaments on plantar pressure distribution. [J] JOURNAL OF CHINESE ORTHOPAEDIC TRAUMA.2009 (3):239-242. YANG Yunfeng,YANG Jiong, WANG Renyan,et al. Poor outcome of ankle fracture after operation: a case report.[J] JOURNAL OF CHINESE ORTHOPAEDIC TRAUMA.2010(8):24-26. YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong, NIU Wenxin,et al. Construction of the Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model of Normal Human Foot Structure. [J] CHINESE JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 2007,26 (5):542-546. YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong, MEI Jiong,et al. Comparison of Two Methods in Evaluating the Subtalar Joint Motion.[J] CHINESE JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 2005,02:63-66+70. YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong. percutaneous osteotomy in the treatment of hallux valgus.[J] CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS. 2006,1(4):199-207. YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong, MEI Jiong,et al. Influence of subtalar joint arthrodesis on hind foot motion. [J]SHANGHAI MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2004(2):33-35. YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong, MEI Jiong,et al. The Influence of Ankle Joint Arthrodesis on Hind Foot Motion. [J] JOURNAL OF TONGJI UNIVERSITY (medical science), 2005(1):87-90. MING Xaiohui,YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong, et al. Static support of the plantar fascia to the forefoot.[J] ORTHOPEDIC JOURNAL OF CHINA.2009,17(6):446-450. NIU Wenxin,YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong, et al. Valid Constructing Method of Three-dimensional Finite Element Human Foot Model and Experimental Analysis on Its Rationality. [J] JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.2009, 26(1):80-84. NIU Wenxin,YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong, et al. Experimental modeling and biomechanical measurement of flatfoot deformity. 7TH ASIAN-PACIFIC CONFERENCE ON MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING. 2008(19)133-138. DAI Hong,YANG Yunfeng. A Fast Interactive Image Segamentation Algorithm for talus. [J]COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND SOFTWARE. 2009, 26(5):77-80. YU Guangrong, YANG Yunfeng, ZHANG Kai, et al. [J] CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS, 2005, 25(4):236-239. YANG Yunfeng,ZHOU Jia qian, ZHANG Shimin. Treatment of unstable fracture of distal part of radius with anatomical plate. [J] ORTHOPEDIC JOURNAL OF CHINA. 2004.12(18).1384-1387. YANG Yunfeng,YU Guangrong, MEI Jiong. The biomechanics of Subtalar joint. [J] JOURNAL OF TONGJI UNIVERSITY (medical science), 2003(1):75-79. DAI Hong, YANG Yunfeng. Fast image segmentation and animation creating algorithms of talus based on Matlab. [J]JOURNAL OF CLINICAL REHABILITATIVE TISSUE ENGINEERING RESEARCH. 2010, 14(26):4764-4769.


中华医学会骨科学分会第十届委员会足踝外科学组委员 中国医师协会骨科分会创伤专业委员会委员 中国医师协会骨科分会足踝外科专业组委员 中华医学会上海骨科分会足踝外科学组副组长 上海医师协会骨科分会足踝外科学组 副组长 上海市中西医结合学会创伤医学专业委员会委员 SICOT中国部足踝外科学会常委 国际内固定研究会(AO)讲师 《中华创伤骨科杂志》特约审稿专家 《中国运动医学杂志》特约审稿专家 《足踝外科电子杂志》常务编委 《骨与关节外科杂志》常务编委 《BMC:Musculoskeletal Disorder》特约审稿专家
