聚焦于肿瘤消融及免疫治疗的基础和临床研究工作,取得系列创新性成果。迄今以第一/通讯作者在 Nature Communications(IF= 17.694,2篇)、Advanced Functional Materials(IF= 19.924)、Advanced Science(IF= 17.521,2篇)、ACS Nano(IF= 18.027)、Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism(IF= 6.134) 等国际知名学术期刊共发表 SCI 论文 14 篇,影响因子总和 100 余,其中影响因子10分以上6篇, 1 篇为ESI高被引论文。2019年获亚太肿瘤介入大会(APCIO 2019)青年学者一等奖;2020年获上海“医树奖”青年临床医学科技创新奖。主持国家自然科学基金青年、面上项目以及上海市科委、上海市卫健委等项目 5 项,在研经费超过150万。
Yue W, Chen L, Yu L, Zhou B, Yin H, Ren W, Liu C, Guo L, Zhang Y, Sun L, Zhang K*, Xu H*, Chen Y*. Checkpoint blockade and nanosonosensitizer augmented noninvasive sonodynamic therapy combination reduces tumour growth and metastases in mice. Nat Commun, 2019, 10(1): 2025. (SCI, IF=17.694, ESI高被引)
Guan X, Sun L, Shen Y, Jin F, Bo X, Zhu C, Han X, Li X, Chen Y*, Xu H*, Yue W*. Nanoparticle-enhanced radiotherapy synergizes with PD-L1 blockade to limit post- surgical cancer recurrence and metastasis. Nat Commun, 2022;13(1):2834. (SCI, IF=17.694)
Shen Y, Chen L, Guan X, Han X, Bo X, Li S, Sun L, Chen Y*, Yue W*, Xu H*. Tailoring Chemoimmunostimulant Bioscaffolds for Inhibiting Tumor Growth and Metastasis after Incomplete Microwave Ablation. ACS Nano, 2021, 15(12): 20414-20429. (SCI, IF=18.027)
Li S, Zhu C, Zhou X, Chen L, Bo X, Shen Y, Guan X, Han X, Shan D, Sun L, Chen Y*, Xu H*, Yue W*. Engineering ROS-Responsive Bioscaffolds for Disrupting Myeloid Cell-Driven Immunosuppressive Niche to Enhance PD-L1 Blockade-Based Postablative Immunotherapy. Adv Sci (Weinh), 2022, 13: e2104619. (SCI, IF=17.521)
Zhang K*, Li HY, Lang JY, Li XT, Yue WW*, Yin YF, Du D, Fang Y, Wu H, Zhao YX*, Xu C*. Quantum Yield‐Engineered Biocompatible Probes Illuminate Lung Tumor Based on Viscosity Confinement‐Mediated Antiaggregation. Adv Funct Mater, 2019, 29(44): 1905124. (SCI, IF=19.924)
Yue WW#, Qi L#, Wang DD, Yu SJ, Wang XJ, Xu HX*, Wang SR*. US-guided Microwave Ablation of Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma: Longer-Term Results of a Prospective Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2020, 105(6): dgaa128. (SCI, IF= 6.134,内分泌领域TOP期刊)