国家科技部重点研发计划,2017YFC0109204,基于锥束 CT 和灌注技术在脑血管介入治疗中的整合解决方案的研究,2017/07-2021/12,95.05万,已结题,主持
Lishuai Feng; Chaoran Dou; Yuguo Xia; Benhao Li; Mengyao Zhao; Peng Yu; Yuanyi Zheng; Ahm ed Mohamed El-Toni; Nada Farouk Atta; Ahmed Galal; Yingsheng Cheng; Xiaojun Cai; Yan Wang; Fan Zhang ; Neutrophil-like Cell-Membrane-Coated Nanozyme Therapy for Ischemic Brain Damage and Long-Term Neurological Functional Recovery, ACS nano, 2021 Feb 23;15(2): 2263-2280. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c07973. Epub 2021 Jan 11. (2021 15.881/Q1)
Yiran Zhang#, Yanming Wang#, Li Meng, Qingqing Huang, Yueqi Zhu, Wenguo Cui*, Yingsheng Cheng*, Ranlu Liu*. Targeted Micelles with Chemotherapeutics and Gene Drugs to Inhibit the G1/S and G2/M Mitotic Cycle of Prostate Cancer. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2021 Jan 9;19(1):17. doi: 10.1186/ s12951-020-00756-6. (2021 10.435/Q2)
Liu J, Zhou B, Guo Y, Zhang A, Yang K, He Y, Wang J, Cheng Y, Cui D. SR-A-Targeted Nanoplatform for Sequential Photothermal/Photodynamic Ablation of Activated Macrophages to Alleviate Atherosclerosis. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.2021 Jun 16. doi: 10.1021/acsami.1c06380. Online ahead of print. (2021 9.229/Q1)
Fan S, Zhang Y, Tan H, Xue C, He Y, Wei X, Zha Y, Niu J, Liu Y, Cheng Y, Cui D. Manganese/iron-based nanoprobes for photodynamic/chemotherapy combination therapy of tumor guided by multimodal imaging. Nanoscale. 2021 Mar 18;13(10):5383-5399. doi: 10.1039/d0nr08831e. (2021 7.790/Q1)
Lishuai Feng, Chaoran Dou, Yuguo Xia, Benhao Li, Mengyao Zhao, Ahmed Mohamed El-Toni, Nada Farouk Atta, Yuanyi Zheng, Xiaojun Cai,* Yan Wang,* Yingsheng Cheng,*and Fan Zhang*. Enhancement of Nanozyme Permeation by Endovascular Interventional Treatment to Prevent Vascular Restenosis via Macrophage Polarization Modulation. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020-12,30(52) DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202006581. (2021 18.808/Q1)
J Liu,J Gao,A Zhang,Y Guo,S Fan,Y He,K Yang,J Wang,D Cui*,Y Cheng.* Carbon nanocage-based nanozyme as an endogenous H2O2-activated oxygenerator for real-time bimodal imaging and enhanced phototherapy of esophageal cancer. Nanoscale, 2020 Nov 5;12(42):21674-21686. doi: 10.1039/ d0nr05945e. (2021 7.790/Q1)
Junyuan Xiao, Yiran Zhang, Tonglei Fang, Tianwen Yuan, Qinghua Tian, Jingjing Liu, Yingsheng Cheng, Yueqi Zhu, Liang Cheng, and Wenguo Cui. Mineralized manganese dioxide channel as the stent coating for in situ precise tumor navigation. Nano Research. 2020-10 DOI: 10.1007/s12274-020-3114-0(2021 8.897/Q2)
Junyuan Xiao, Liang Cheng, Tonglei Fang, Yiran Zhang, Jia Zhou, Ruoyu Cheng, Wantao Tang, Xiaoyan Zhong, Yong Lu, Lianfu Deng, Yingsheng Cheng,* Yueqi Zhu,*Zhuang Liu,* and Wenguo Cui*. Nanoparticle-Embedded Electrospun Fiber–Covered Stent to Assist Intraluminal Photodynamic Treatment of Oesophageal Cancer. Small. 2019 Dec;15(49):e1904979. doi: 10.1002/ smll. 201904979. Epub 2019 Oct 28. (2021 13.281/Q1)
Yueqi Zhu, Hongbo Zhang, Yiran Zhang, Huayin Wu, Liming Wei, Gen Zhou, Yuezhou Zhang, Lianfu Deng, Yingsheng Cheng,* Minghua Li,* Hélder A. Santos,* and Wenguo Cui. Endovascular Metal Devices for the Treatment of Cerebrovascular Diseases. Advanced materials. 2019 Feb; 31(8): e1805452. DOI: 10.1002/adma. 201805452. ((2021 30.849/Q1)
Zhou J, Li T, Zhang C, Xiao J, Cui D, Cheng Y*. Charge-switchable nanocapsules with multistage pH-responsive behaviours for enhanced tumour-targeted chemo/photodynamic therapy guided by NIR/MR imaging. Nanoscale. 2018 May 24;10(20):9707-9719. doi: 10.1039/c8nr00994e. (2021 7.790/Q1)
Li H, Wang P, Gong W, Wang Q, Zhou J, Zhu WH, Cheng Y*. Dendron-Grafted Polylysine-Based Dual-Modal Nanoprobe for Ultra-Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Precancerosis via Targeting a Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptor. Adv Healthc Mater. 2018 Mar;7(5). doi: 10.1002/adhm.201700912. Epub 2017 Dec 1. (2021 9.933/Q1)
Li H, Wang P, Deng Y, Zeng M, Tang Y, Zhu WH, Cheng Y*. Combination of active targeting, enzyme-triggered release and fluorescent dye into gold nanoclusters for endomicroscopy-guided photothermal/photodynamic therapy to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Biomaterials. 2017 Sep;139:30-38. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials. 2017.05.030. Epub 2017 May 23. (2021 12.479/Q1)
Zeng M, Shao A, Li H, Tang Y, Li Q, Guo Z, Wu C, Cheng Y*, Tian H, Zhu WH. Peptide Receptor-Targeted Fluorescent Probe: Visualization and Discrimination between Chronic and Acute Ulcerative Colitis. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Apr 19;9(15):13029-13036. doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b00936. Epub 2017 Apr 7. (2021 9.229/Q1)
18.Yueqi Zhu, Kai Yang, Ruoyu Cheng, Yi Xiang, Tianwen Yuan, Bruno Sarmento, Yingsheng Cheng*and Wenguo Cui*. The current status of biodegradable stent to treat benign luminal disease. Materials Today. 2017; 20(9):516-529. (2021 31.041/Q1)