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作为第一作者或者通讯作者在Nature,Neuron,Nature Communications,PNAS,Current Biology等发表多篇论文。主要学术成绩:解析控制防御性逃跑反应的链状联接神经环路构造(Current Biology,2015,2021),发现抉择逃跑反应方向的新脊髓中间神经元(PNAS,2021);解析感觉-运动整合神经环路的模块化结构,提出脊髓运动节律性产生的机制(Neuron,2014,2020);发现脊髓运动神经元的新功能,修改传统意义上脊髓运动神经环路基础 (Nature,2016);揭示脊髓V2a中间神经元驱动脊髓运动的突触机制以及损伤后神经环路重建机制(Nature Communications,2018,2021)。 目前主持“科技创新2030-脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目(课题负责人),上海市市级科技重大专项“全脑神经联接图谱与克隆猴计划”(课题负责人),国家自然科学基金3项(面上项目2项,国际合作交流1项)等多项科研课题。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Wang Z, Duan H, Hao F, Hao P, Zhao W, Gao Y, Gu Y, Song J*, Li X*, Yang Z*. Circuit reconstruction of newborn neurons after spinal cord injury in adult rats via an NT3-chitosan scaffold. Prog Neurobiol. 2022 Nov 21;220:102375. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2022.102375. Huang CX, Wang Z, Cheng J, Zhu Z, Guan NN, Song J*. De novo establishment of circuit modules restores locomotion after spinal cord injury in adult zebrafish. Cell Rep. 2022 Oct 25;41(4):111535. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111535. Huang CX, Zhao Y, Mao J, Wang Z, Xu L, Cheng J, Guan NN* and Song J*. An injury-induced serotonergic neuron subpopulation contributes to axon regrowth and function restoration after spinal cord injury in zebrafish. Nature Communications, (2021) 12:7093. Guan NN, Xu L., Zhang T., Huang CX., Wang Z., Dahlberg E., Wang H., Wang F., Pallucchi I., Hua Y., El Manira A and Song J*. (2021). A specialized spinal circuit for command amplification and directionality during escape behavior. PNAS, 2021 Oct 19;118(42):e2106785118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2106785118. Xu L.#, Guan NN. #, Huang CX., Hua Y., and Song J*. (2021). A neuronal circuit that generates the temporal motor sequence for the defensive response in zebrafish larvae. Curr Biol. 2021 Aug 9;31(15):3343-3357. Song, J.#, Pallucchi, I.#, Ausborn, J.#, Ampatzis, K.#, Bertuzzi, M., Fontanel, P., Picton, L.D., and El Manira, A*. (2020). Multiple Rhythm-Generating Circuits Act in Tandem with Pacemaker Properties to Control the Start and Speed of Locomotion. Neuron 105, 1048-1061.e1044. Song, J.#*, Dahlberg, E., and El Manira, A. (2018). V2a interneuron diversity tailors spinal circuit organization to control the vigor of locomotor movements. Nature Communications. (2018) 9:3370 DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-05827-9. Song, J. #, Ampatzis, K., Bj?rnfors, E.R., and El Manira, A. (2016). Motor neurons control locomotor circuit function retrogradely via gap junctions. Nature. 2016 Jan 21;529(7586):399-402. Song, J., Ampatzis, K., Ausborn, J., and El Manira, A. (2015). A Hardwired Circuit Supplemented with Endocannabinoids Encodes Behavioral Choice in Zebrafish. Curr Biol 25, 2610-2620. Ampatzis, K., Song, J., Ausborn, J., and El Manira, A. (2014). Separate microcircuit modules of distinct v2a interneurons and motoneurons control the speed of locomotion. Neuron 83, 934-943. Other publications Wang, Y., Yin, J., Wang, G., Li, P., Bi, G., Li, S., Xia, X., Song, J., Pei, G., and Zheng, J.C. (2019). Responsibility and Sustainability in Brain Science, Technology, and Neuroethics in China-a Culture-Oriented Perspective. Neuron 101, 375-379. Ma, L., Wang, Y., Hui, Y., Du, Y., Chen, Z., Feng, H., Zhang, S., Li, N., Song, J., Fang, Y., et al. (2019). WNT/NOTCH Pathway Is Essential for the Maintenance and Expansion of Human MGE Progenitors. Stem Cell Reports 12, 934-949. Abdo, H., Calvo-Enrique, L., Lopez, J.M., Song, J., Zhang, M.D., Usoskin, D., El Manira, A., Adameyko, I., Hjerling-Leffler, J., and Ernfors, P. (2019). Specialized cutaneous Schwann cells initiate pain sensation. Science 365, 695-699. Ampatzis, K., Song, J., Ausborn, J., and El Manira, A. (2013). Pattern of innervation and recruitment of different classes of motoneurons in adult zebrafish. J Neurosci 33, 10875-10886.
