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教育经历 1993-1999,美国加州大学Riverside 分校,遗传学,博士 1983-1987,中国农业大学,昆虫学, 本科 工作经历 2014-至今 上海市结核病(肺)重点实验室主任 2011-至今 同济大学医学院,特聘教授,院长助理,同济大学附属上海市肺科医院转化医学研究中心主任 2002-2011 中科院上海生命研究院/上海交通大学医学院健康科学研究所课题组长,研究员,博士生导师 2002-2005 美国哈佛大学,博士后/Visiting fellow 1999-2002 美国Scripps 研究所博士后,高级助研 1993-1999 美国加利福尼亚大学里弗赛德(河边)分校,助研 1999-2002 美国Scripps 研究所博士后,高级助研 获得荣誉&奖励 2017 教育部自然科学一等奖(第一完成人) 2016 政府特殊津贴 2014 教育部长江学者特聘教授 2014 上海市优秀学术带头人 2008 第一届谈家桢生命科学创新奖 2008 明治乳业生命科学杰出奖 2006 上海市第一届科技创新人才奖 2005 国家自然科学基金委“杰出青年”(免疫学) 2002 中国科学院“百人计划”称号(免疫学)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Liu S, Guan L, Peng C, Cheng Y, Cheng H, Wang F, Ma M, Zheng R, Ji Z, Cui P, Ren Y, Li L, Shi C, Wang J, Huang X, Cai X, Qu D, Zhang H, Mao Z, Liu H, Wang P, Sha W, Yang H,* Wang L,* Ge B* (2023) Mycobacterium tuberculosis suppresses host DNA repair to boost its intracellular survival. Cell Host & Microbe (accepted) Wang F#, Zhao M#, Chang B#, Zhou Y, Wu X, Ma M, Liu S, Cao Y, Zheng M, Dang Y, Xu J, Chen L, Liu T, Tang F, Ren Y, Xu Z, Mao Z, Huang K, Luo M, Li J*, Liu H*, Ge B*. (2022) Cytoplasmic PARP1 links the genome instability to the inhibition of antiviral immunity through PARylating cGAS. Molecular Cell. 82(11):2032-2049.e7. Yang H#, Wang F#, Guo X#, Liu F#, Liu Z, Wu X, Zhao M, Ma M, Liu H, Qin H, Wang L, Tang T, Sha W, Wang Y, Chen J, Huang X, Wang J, Peng C, Zheng R, Tang F, Zhang L, Wu C, Oehlers SH, Song Z, She J, Feng H, Xie X, Ge B*. (2021) Interception of host fatty acid metabolism by mycobacteria under hypoxia to suppress anti-TB immunity. Cell Discovery 7(1):90. doi: 10.1038/s41421-021-00301-1. Wu X#, Wu Y#, Zheng R#, Tang F, Qin L, Lai D, Zhang L, Chen L, Yan B, Yang H, Wang Y, Li F, Zhang J, Wang F, Wang L, Cao Y, Ma M, Liu Z, Chen J, Huang X, Wang J, Jin R, Wang P, Sun Q, Sha W, Lyu L, Moura-Alves P, Dorhoi A, Pei G, Zhang P, Chen J, Gao S, Randow F, Zeng G, Chen C, Ye XS*, Kaufmann SHE*, Liu H*, Ge B*. (2021) Sensing of mycobacterial arabinogalactan by galectin-9 exacerbates mycobacterial infection. EMBO Rep. 22(7):e51678. Zhao M#, Wang F#, Wu J#, Cheng Y, Cao Y, Wu X, Ma M, Tang F, Liu Z, Liu H*, Ge B*. (2021) cGAS is a micronucleophagy receptor for the clearance of micronuclei. Autophagy. 22:1-17. Wang L#, Wu J#, Li J#, Yang H, Tang T, Liang H, Zuo M, Wang J, Liu H, Liu F, Chen J, Liu Z, Wang Y, Peng C, Wu X, Zheng R, Huang X, Ran Y, Rao Z*, Ge B* (2020) Host-mediated ubiquitination of a mycobacterial protein suppresses immunity. Nature 577, 682-688. (Highlighted by Cell Host & Microbe, Science Bulletin) Wang L#, Liu Z#, Wang J, Liu H, Tang T, Li H, Yang H, Qin L, Ma D, Chen J, Liu F, Zheng R, Song P, Zhou Y, Cui Z, Wu X, Wu J, Huang X, Wu C, Chen X, Zeng G, Ge B*. (2019) Oxidization of TGF β-activated kinase (TAK1) by MPT53 is required for immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Nature Microbiology 4, 1378–1388 Wang L, Zhou Y, Chen Z, Sun L, Wu J, Li H, Liu F, Wang F, Yang C, Yang J, Leng Q, Zhang Q, Xu A, Shen L, Sun J, Wu D, Fang C, Lu H*, Yan D*, Ge B*. (2019) PLCβ2 negatively regulates the inflammatory response to virus infection by inhibiting phosphoinositide-mediated activation of TAK1. Nature Communications 14;10(1):746. Liu H#, Zhang H#, Wu X#, Ma D, Wu J, Wang L, Jiang Y, Fei Y, Zhu C, Tan R, Jungblut P, Pei G, Dorhoi A, Yan Q, Zhang F, Zheng R, Liu S, Liang H, Liu Z, Yang H, Chen J, Wang P, Tang T., Peng W, Hu Z, Xu Z, Huang X, Wang J, Li H, Zhou Y, Liu F, Yan D, Kaufmann SH, Chen C, Mao Z * & Ge B*. (2018) Nuclear cGAS suppresses DNA repair and promotes tumorigenesis. Nature 563, 131–136. (Highlighted by Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, Cancer Discovery and Science Signaling) Zheng R#, Li Z#, He F#, Liu H*, Chen J, Cheng J, Xie X, Zhou J, Chen H, Wu X, Wu J, Chen B, Liu Y, Cui H, Fan L, Sha W, Liu Y, Wang J, Huang C, Zheng L, Xu F, Wang J,, Feng Y, Qin L, Yang H, Liu Z, Cui Z, Liu F, Chen X, Gao S, Sun S*, Shi Y* & Ge B*. (2018) Genome-wide association study identifies two risk loci for tuberculosis in Han Chinese. Nature Communications 9, 4295. Liu F#, Chen J#, Zhou Y, Liu H, Li H, Wang P, a Liu Z, Zheng R, Wang L, Yang H, Cui Z, Huang X, Wang J, Sha W, Xiao H & Ge B*. (2018) MicroRNA-27a controls the intracellular survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by regulating calcium-associated autophagy. Nature Communications 9, 4072- Zhou Y, He C, Yan D, Liu F, Liu H, Chen J, Cao T, Zuo M, Wang P, Ge Y, Lu H, Tong Q, Qin C, Deng Y, Ge B*. (2016) The kinase CK1ɛ controls the antiviral immune response by phosphorylating the signaling adaptor TRAF3. Nature Immunology 17(4):397-405. Yan DP, Wang X., Li-Jun Luo LJ, Xuetao Cao X. and Ge B.* (2012) Inhibition of toll-like receptor signaling by an ITIM-containing bacterial protein. Nature Immunology, 13(11):1063-71 Kong L, Zhang H, Qin L, Zhuang ZH, Sun L, Yu MC, Zhu J, Chen Z. Wang ZG* and Ge B* 2009 An essential role for RIG-I in Toll-like receptor-mediated phagocytosis. Cell Host & Microbe 6(2):150-161. (Cited by “Faculty of 1000 Biology, Highlighted by Nature) Yu MC, Su LL, Zou L, Liu Y, Wu N, Kong L, Zhuang ZH, Sun L, Liu HP, Hu JH, Li D, Strominger JL, Zang JW, Pei G*, Ge B.* (2008) An essential function for β-arrestin 2 in the inhibitory signaling of Natural Killer cells. Nature Immunology, 9(8):898-907. (Commented in Nature Immunology, Highlighted by Nature) Kong L, Ge B*. (2008) MyD88-independent activation of a novel actin-Cdc42/Rac pathway is required for Toll-like receptor-stimulated phagocytosis. Cell Research. 18(7):745-55 (Cover Story)


Cellular & Molecular Immunology 编委 Microbe & Infection 编委 Tuberculosis 编委 中国防痨杂志 编委 肺部健康与呼吸杂志 编委 中国医促会结核病分会 常委 上海免疫学会 理事 上海医学会病毒学分会 委员 上海医学会结核病分会 委员
