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唐忠敏,同济大学特聘研究员,博士生导师,同济大学附属第十人民医院双聘PI。博士毕业于中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,之后在美国哈佛医学院附属布莱根妇女医院(2019-2021)和威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(2021-2023)从事博士后研究。2023年4月加入同济大学医学院,研究工作主要是设计并制备“活性”纳米材料应用于抗肿瘤,糖尿病血糖控制及mRNA递送等领域的研究。2017 年至今,以第一/通讯作者(含共同)在Nat. Rev. Mater., Chem. Rev., Chem. Soc. Rev., PNAS, Adv. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Matter等顶尖期刊发表论文17篇。被引用5400 余次(H-index=30),7篇论文入选ESI 高被引论文,同时授权一项中国发明专利,申请三项美国发明专利。


依托同济大学和附属医院的多学科交叉特色,医工理融合,围绕“活性”纳米材料开展三个方向研究: 1. “活性”纳米材料结合催化医学在肿瘤、心血管疾病、糖尿病等方面的研究 2. 设计合成新型脂质“活性”纳米材料用于RNA的递送 3. RNA递送结合基因编辑技术的生物医学应用研究


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Z. Tang, H Zhang, Y Liu, D Ni, H Zhang, J Zhang, Z Yao, M He, J Shi, W Bu*. (2017) Antiferromagnetic pyrite as the tumor microenvironment‐mediated nanoplatform for self‐enhanced tumor imaging and therapy. Advanced Materials 29 (47), 1701683. (High cited paper) Z. Tang, P. Zhao, D. Ni, Y. Liu, M. Zhang, H. Wang, H. Zhang, H. Gao, Z. Yao, W. Bu*. (2018) Pyroelectric nanoplatform for NIR-II-triggered photothermal therapy with simultaneous pyroelectric dynamic therapy. Materials Horizons 5 (5), 946-952. Z Tang, Y Liu, M He, W Bu*. (2019) Chemodynamic therapy: tumour microenvironment-mediated Fenton and Fenton‐like reactions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (4), 946-956. (High cited paper) Z Tang, Y Liu, D Ni, J Zhou, M Zhang, P Zhao, B Lv, H Wang, D Jin, W Bu*. (2020) Biodegradable Nanoprodrugs: “Delivering” ROS to Cancer Cells for Molecular Dynamic Therapy. Advanced Materials 32 (4), 1904011. Z. Tang, N. Kong, J. Ouyang, C. Feng, N. Y. Kim, X. Ji, C. Wang, O. C. Farokhzad, H. Zhang, W. Tao*. (2020) Phosphorus science-oriented design and synthesis of multifunctional nanomaterials for biomedical applications. Matter 2 (2), 297-322. (High cited paper) Z. Tang, N. Kong, X. Zhang, Y. Liu, P. Hu, S. Mou, P. Liljestr?m, J. Shi, W. Tan, J. S. Kim, Y. Cao, R. Langer, K. W. Leong, O. C. Farokhzad*, W. Tao*. (2020) A materials-science perspective on tackling COVID-19. Nature Reviews Materials 5 (11), 847-860. (Front Cover) Y. Xiao, Z. Tang (Co-first), J. Wang, C. Liu, N. Kong, O. C. Farokhzad*, W. Tao*. (2020) Oral insulin delivery platforms: Strategies to address the biological barriers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (45), 19787-19795. Z Tang, X Zhang, Y Shu, M Guo, H Zhang, W Tao*. (2021) Insights from nanotechnology in COVID-19 treatment. Nano Today 36, 101019. (High cited paper) Z Tang, P Zhao, H Wang, Y Liu*, W Bu*. (2021) Biomedicine meets Fenton chemistry. Chemical Reviews. 121, 4, 1981–2019. (High cited paper) (Front Cover) P. Zhao, Y. Jiang, Z. Tang*, Y. Li, B. Sun, Y. Wu, J. Wu, Y. Liu*, W. Bu*. (2021) Constructing Electron lever in Perovskite Nanocrystal to Regulate Local Electron Density for Intensive Chemodynamic Therapy. Angewandte Chemie 133(16), 8987-8994. Y. Xiao, Z. Tang (Co-first), X. Huang, J. Joseph, W. Chen, J. Zhou, N. Kong, N. Joshi, J. Du, W. Tao* (2021) Glucose-responsive oral insulin delivery platform for one treatment a day in diabetes. Matter 4(10). 3269-3285. Z. Tang, Y. Xiao, N. Kong, C. Liu, W. Chen, X. Huang, D. Xu, J. Ouyang, C. Feng, C. Wang, J. Wang, H. Zhang, W. Tao* (2021) Nano-bio interfaces effect of two-dimensional nanomaterials and their applications in cancer immunotherapy. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 11(11), 3447-3464. Y. You, Z. Tang*, H. Lin*, J. Shi. (2021) Emerging two-dimensional material nanozymes for theranostic nanomedicine. Biophysics Reports, 7. 159-172. M. Younis, Z. Tang*, W. Cai* (2022) Multimodality imaging of nanoparticle-based vaccines: Shedding light on immunology. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, e1807. Y. Xiao, Z. Tang (Co-first), X. Huang, W. Chen, J. Zhou, H. Liu, C. Liu, N. Kong*, W. Tao* (2022) Emerging mRNA technologies: delivery strategies and biomedical applications. Chemical Society Review, 51, 3828-3845. (Front Cover) Z. Tang, S. Wu, P. Zhao, H. Wang, D. Ni, H. Li, X. Jiang, Y. Wu, Y. Meng, Z. Yao*, W. Cai, W. Bu* (2022) Chemical Factory‐Guaranteed Enhanced Chemodynamic Therapy for Orthotopic Liver Cancer. Advanced Science, 9, 2201232. X. Ji*, Z. Tang (Co-first), H. Liu, Y. Kang, L. Chen, J. Dong, W. Chen, N. Kong, W. Tao*, T. Xie* Thermoelectric effect mediated cancer Thermoelectric therapy and surgical adjuvant treatment (2022) Advanced Materials, 2207391. H. Wang, H. Gao, X. Jiang, P. Zhao, D. Ni, Z. Tang, Y. Liu*, X. Zheng*, W. Bu*. Regulating water states by vacancies for cancer therapy. Nano Today 37 (2021): 101099. D. Ni, J. Zhang, J. Wang, P. Hu, Y. Jin, Z. Tang, Z. Yao, W. Bu*, J. Shi*. Oxygen Vacancy Enables Markedly Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy of a Gd3+-Doped Contrast Agent. ACS Nano 11 (4), 4256-4264. H. Zhang, Y. Wu, J. Wang, Z. Tang, Y. Ren, D. Ni, H. Gao, R. Song, T. Jin, Q. Li, W. Bu*, Z. Yao*. In Vivo MR Imaging of Glioma Recruitment of Adoptive T-Cells Labeled with NaGdF4-TAT Nanoprobes. Small 14 (3), 1702951. Y Liu, X Meng, H Wang, Z Tang, C Zuo, M He, W Bu*. Photoelectron Transfer at ZnTPyP Self-Assembly/TiO2 Interfaces for Enhanced Two-Photon Photodynamic Therapy. ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (2), 1492-1498. M. Zhang, Z. Cui, R. Song, B. Lv, Z. Tang, X. Meng, X. Chen, X. Zheng, J. Zhang, Z. Yao, W. Bu*. SnWO4-based nanohybrids with full energy transfer for largely enhanced photodynamic therapy and radiotherapy. Biomaterials 155, 135-144. H. Wang, B. Lv, Z. Tang, M. Zhang, W. Ge, Y. Liu, X. He, K. Zhao, X. Zheng, M. He, W. Bu*. Scintillator-based nanohybrids with sacrificial electron prodrug for enhanced x-ray-induced photodynamic therapy. Nano letters 18 (9), 5768-5774. R. Song, M. Zhang, Y. Liu, Z. Cui, H. Zhang, Z. Tang, X. Chen, H. Wu, Z. Yao, M. He, W. Bu*. A multifunctional nanotheranostic for the intelligent MRI diagnosis and synergistic treatment of hypoxic tumor. Biomaterials 175, 123-133. Y. Liu, Y. Jiang, M. Zhang, Z. Tang, M. He, W. Bu*. Modulating hypoxia via nanomaterials chemistry for efficient treatment of solid tumors. Accounts of Chemical Research 51 (10), 2502-2511. A. Shen, X. Meng, X. Gao, X. Xu, C. Shao, Z. Tang, Y. Liu, W. Bu*, P. Wang*. An Adaptable Nanoplatform for Integrating Anatomic and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging under a 3.0 T Magnetic Field. Advanced Functional Materials 29 (2), 1803832. P. Zhao, Z. Tang, X. Chen, Z. He, X. He, M. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Ren, K. Zhao, W. Bu*. Ferrous-cysteine–phosphotungstate nanoagent with neutral pH fenton reaction activity for enhanced cancer chemodynamic therapy. Materials Horizons 6 (2), 369-374. M. Zhang, R. Song, Y. Liu, Z. Yi, X. Meng, J. Zhang, Z. Tang, Z. Yao, Y. Liu, X. Liu*, W. Bu*. Calcium-overload-mediated tumor therapy by calcium peroxide nanoparticles. Chem 5 (8), 2171-2182. X. Sui, T. Jin, T. Liu, S. Wu, Y. Wu, Z. Tang, Y. Ren, D. Ni, Z. Yao, H. Zhang. Tumor Immune Microenvironments (TIMEs): Responsive Nanoplatforms for Antitumor Immunotherapy. Front Chem. 2020; 8: 804. C. Wang, P. Zhao, D. Jiang, G. Yang, Y. Xue, Z. Tang, M. Zhang, H. Wang, X. Jiang, Y. Wu, Y. Liu, W. Zhang, W. Bu*. In Situ Catalytic Reaction for Solving the Aggregation of Hydrophobic Photosensitizers in Tumor. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (5), 5624-5632. Y. Liu, S. Wu, Y. Liu, H. Zhang, M. Zhang, Z. Tang, Y. Wang, T. Gong, Z. Yao, X. Fang, W. Bu*. Cathodic protected Mn2+ by NaxWO3 nanorods for stable magnetic resonance imaging-guided tumor photothermal therapy. Biomaterials 234, 119762. W. Su, H. Wang, T. Wang, X. Li, Z. Tang, S. Zhao, M. Zhang, D. Li, X. Jiang, T. Gong, W. Yang, C. Zuo*, Y. Wu, W. Bu*. Auger Electrons Constructed Active Sites on Nanocatalysts for Catalytic Internal Radiotherapy. Advanced Science 7 (10), 1903585. C. Feng, J. Ouyang, Z. Tang, N. Kong, Y. Liu, L. Fu, X. Ji, T. Xie, O. C. Farokhzad, W. Tao*. Germanene-Based Theranostic Materials for Surgical Adjuvant Treatment: Inhibiting Tumor Recurrence and Wound Infection. Matter 3, 127–144. A. Xie, S. Hanif, J. Ouyang, Z. Tang, N. Kong, N. Y. Kim, B. Qi, D. Patel, B. Shi, W. Tao*. Stimuli-responsive prodrug-based cancer nanomedicine. EBioMedicine 56 (2020) 102821. J. Ouyang, X. Ji, X. Zhang, C. Feng, Z. Tang, N. Kong, A. Xie, J. Wang, X. Sui, L. Deng, Y. Liu, J. S. Kim, Y. Cao, W. Tao*. In situ sprayed NIR-responsive, analgesic black phosphorus-based gel for diabetic ulcer treatment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (46), 28667-28677. J. Ouyang, Z. Tang, N. Farokhzad, N. Kong, N. Y. Kim, C. Feng, S. Blake, Y. Xiao, C. Liu, T. Xie, W. Tao*. Ultrasound mediated therapy: Recent progress and challenges in nanoscience. Nano Today 35, 100949. B. Lv, H. Zhang, X. Zheng, H. Wang, W. Ge, Y. Ren, Z. Tan, M. Zhang, Z. Tang, Y. Liu, L. Zhang, Y. Wu, X. Jiang, W. Bu*. Structure-oriented catalytic radiosensitization for cancer radiotherapy. Nano Today 35, 100988. Z. Zhang, Z. Tang, N. Farokhzad, T. Chen, W. Tao*. Sensitive, Rapid, Low-Cost, and Multiplexed COVID-19 Monitoring by the Wireless Telemedicine Platform. Matter 3 (6), 1818-1820. C. Liu, J. Shin, S. Son, Y. Choe, N. Farokhzad, Z. Tang, Y. Xiao, N. Kong, T. Xie, J. S. Kim, W. Tao*. (2021). Pnictogens in medicinal chemistry: evolution from erstwhile drugs to emerging layered photonic nanomedicine. Chemical Society Reviews. 50(4), 2260-2279. W. Chen, C. Liu, X. Ji, J. Joseph, Z. Tang, J. Ouyang, Y. Xiao, N. Kong, N. Joshi, O. C. Farokhzad, W. Tao*, T. Xie*. Stanene‐Based Nanosheets for β‐Elemene Delivery and Ultrasound‐Mediated Combination Cancer Therapy. Angewandte Chemie. 133(13), 7231-7240. H. Wang, H. Gao, X. Jiang, P. Zhao, D. Ni, Z. Tang, Y. Liu, X. Zheng, W. Bu*. (2021) Regulating water states by vacancies for cancer therapy. Nano Today, 37, 101099. X. Ji, L. Ge, C. Liu, Z. Tang, Y. Xiao, W. Chen, Z. Lei, W. Gao, S. Blake, D. De, B. Shi, X. Zheng, N. Kong, X. Zhang, W. Tao*. Capturing functional two-dimensional nanosheets from sandwich-structure vermiculite for cancer theranostics. Nature Communications 12.1 (2021): 1-17. X. Zhu, X. Duan, Y. Hu, Z. Tang, C. Miao, W. Tao*, J. Wu. One-step and facile synthesis of peptide-like poly(melphalan) nanodrug for cancer therapy. Nano Today 37 (2021): 101098. J. Ouyang, L. Zhang, L. Li, W. Chen, Z. Tang, X. Ji, C. Feng, N. Tao, T. Chen*, Y. Liu*, W. Tao* Cryogenic Exfoliation of 2D Stanene Nanosheets for Cancer Theranostics. Nano-Micro Letters, 13(1), 1-18. C. Liu, S. Sun, Q. Feng, G. Wu, Y. Wu, N. Kong, Z. Yu, J. Yao, X. Zhang, W. Chen, Z. Tang, Y. Xiao, X. Huang, A. Lv, C. Yao, H. Cheng, A. Wu*, T. Xie*, W. Tao*. Arsenene Nanodots with Selective Killing Effects and their Low-Dose Combination with ?-Elemene for Cancer Therap. Advanced Materials, 33(37), 2102054. X. Huang, G. Wu, C. Liu, X. Hua, Z. Tang, Y. Xiao, W. Chen, J. Zhou, N. Kong, P. Huang, J. Shi, W. Tao* (2021) Intercalation-Driven Formation of siRNA Nanogels for Cancer Therapy. Nano Letters, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c03539.
