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教育背景 1991,7—同济大学 热能工程本科毕业,获得学士学位 1994.3—同济大学 热能工程硕士毕业,获得硕士学位 1997年6月博士毕业留校工作(博士论文曾获得上海市优秀博士论文) 工作履历 2013,8- 热能与环境工程研究所所长 2000,7月起聘为同济大学热能所副教授 2001.10~2002,10: 丹麦技术大学(DTU)资源与环境系 留学基金委资助访问学者,研究方向:固废处置, 参与欧盟项目EU-LIFE 99 programme (编号:LIFE 99ENV/DK000615)的研究 2004.1~2004,6 德国汉堡国防军大学热力所,客座研究员,参与德国科学研究会DFG项目Optimal design, flexibility analysis and dynamic simulation of multistream heat exchanger networks(编号RO 294/9)的研究 2005,7月起聘为同济大学 热能所 教授 2006,3~2006,9 丹麦技术大学(DTU)环境科学与工程系 中丹政府合作项目访问学者,研究方向:固废处置与固废管理技术的生命周期评价;合作导师:Prof. Thomas H. Christensen


废弃物热处理与资源化:垃圾焚烧,废塑料裂解油化及蜡化技术;污泥热解;生物质类废弃物生物炭(焦)生成技术 燃烧污染物生成与防治(焚烧飞灰处理技术)及焚烧烟气净化技术 废弃物能源化技术 废水热回收:例如油田废水、垃圾渗滤液的蒸发回收过程。防止蒸发过程中结垢、提高蒸馏水品质、降低蒸发能耗


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Chen Dezhen, Guan Zhenzhen, Liu Guangyu. Recycling combustibles from aged municipal solid wastes (MSW) to improve fresh MSW incineration in Shanghai: Investigation of necessity and feasibility.Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China 2010,4(6)pp235-243 Xie Jinglong, Hu yuyan, Chen Dezhen(T),Hydrothermal treatment of MSWI fly ash for simultaneous dioxins decomposition and heavy metal stabilization, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2010,3, pp108-115 Chen D.; Christensen T.H. Life-cycle assessment (EASEWASTE) of two municipal solid waste incineration technologies in China. WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH, 2010,6, pp508-519 (SCI,601UI;EI:20102312982369) 陈德珍,杨杉杉,罗行,An explicit solution for thermal calculation and synthesis of superstructure heat exchanger networks,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2007,15(2),296-301 ,(SCI, EI) Wang, Z.H., Chen, D.Z., Song, X.D., Zhao, L., Study on combined sewage sludge pyrolysis and gasification process: mass & energy balance. Enironmental Technology, 2012. Chen, D.Z., Hu Y. Y and Zhang P. F. Hydrothermal treatment of incineration fly ash for PCDD/F decomposition: the effect of iron addition, Enironmental Technology, 2012. 赵磊,陈德珍(T),太阳能温室内污泥主要干燥参数的变化,太阳能学报, 2009, (EI: 20095312588840) X.D. Song, X.Y. Xue, D.Z. Chen*, P.J. He, X.H. Dai. Application of biochar from sewage sludge to plant cultivation: Influence of pyrolysis temperature and biochar-to-soil ratio on yield and heavy metal accumulation. Chemosphere, 2014 Wang H., Chen D.Z*., Yuan G.A.. Morphological characteristics of waste polyethylene/polypropylene plastics during pyrolysis and representative morphological signal characterizing pyrolysis stages. Waste Management. 2013, 33(2): 327-339 G. Yuan, D. Chen*, L. Yin, et al. High efficiency chlorine removal from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pyrolysis with a gas-liquid fluidized bed reactor, Waste Management, 2014


副主编 The International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization (10th ICCEU及以后, APISCEU的改称) 组委会委员会议组委会委员 上海市学位委员会第四届学科评议组成员 环境增值联盟专家委员会副主任委员
