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夏超,博士,同济大学汽车学院硕士生导师 目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目1项,国家重点研发计划项目1项,同时主持和参与校企合作项目十余项。 截止2022年1月,发表论文二十余篇,其中SCI收录11篇,EI收录6篇。担任《Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics》、《Physics of Fluids》、《Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit》等SCI期刊审稿专家。 同时负责汽车模型风洞实验室的空气动力学实验技术开发与实验教学工作,参与完成2021年上海一流本科课程建设——汽车整车风洞空气动力测试虚拟仿真实验。 教育 & 工作经历 2017年6月获同济大学汽车学院车辆工程,工学博士 2017年7月至今,同济大学汽车学院上海地面交通工具风洞中心,工程师 项目经历 国家自然科学青年基金:基于降阶模型的高速列车尾涡动力学演化特性及列车风形成机理研究 (2020~2022),负责 中国中车株洲机车空气动力学项目:符合TSI标准的双层动车组空气动力学性能计算评估项目计算技术服务(2019~2022),负责 南昌智能新能源汽车研究院前瞻技术课题:基于伴随方法的电动汽车气动减阻研究(2020~2022),负责 国家自然科学基金面上项目:高速列车转向架区域近地空腔内复杂结构气动噪声产生机理与控制研究(2019~2022),参与 上海市地面交通工具风洞专业技术服务平台项目:汽车队列行驶空气动力学特性(2019~2022),参与 国家重点研发计划项目子任务:关键区域气动噪声控制技术研究(2016~2020),参与 中国中车株洲机车中低速磁浮列车防冰雪空气动力学仿真计算及防护方案设计(2020~2022),参与 基于空气动力学的汽车车轮风阻及散热研究(2018~2019),参与 C35DB汽车气动噪声仿真分析与优化(2017.9~2018.6),参与 IM31项目汽车整车气动噪声分析与优化(2017~2018),参与 中车唐车DMU车下关键设备热场计算项目(2017~2018),参与 京张高速智能动车组车头气动噪声计算(2018~2020),参与 时速400公里高速动车组整车气动噪声仿真与优化(2018~2019),参与 高速动车组系列头型开发项目气动噪声仿真分析(2017~2018),参与




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Chu, S., Xia, C.*, Wang, H., Fan, Y., & Yang, Z., 2021, Three-dimensional spectral proper orthogonal decomposition analyses of the turbulent flow around a seal-vibrissa-shaped cylinder. Physics of Fluids, 33(2), 025106. Fan, Y., Xia, C.*, Chu, S., Yang, Z., & Cadot, O., 2020, Experimental and numerical analysis of the bi-stable turbulent wake of a rectangular flat-backed bluff body. Physics of Fluids, 32(10), 105111. Zhou, Z., Xia, C.*, Shan, X. Yang, Z., 2020, The Impact of Bogie Sections on the Wake Dynamics of a High-Speed Train. Flow Turbulence Combust, 104, 89–113. Zhao Y.Y, Yang Z.G, Li Q.L*, Xia C., 2020, Analysis of the near-field and far-field sound pressure generated by high-speed trains pantograph system. Applied Acoustics, 169:107506 杨志刚,范亚军,夏超*,储世俊,单希壮.基于双稳态尾迹的方背Ahmed模型减阻.吉林大学学报(工学版),2020,50(05):1635-1644. Yan, G., Xia, C., Zhou, H., Zhu, H., & Yang, Z. (2019). Experimental Investigation of the Bi-Stable Behavior in the Wake of a Notchback MIRA Model (No. 2019-01-0663). SAE Technical Paper. 范亚军, 夏超*, 葛典典, 杨志刚. 方背Ahmed模型非定常尾迹的实验研究. 实验流体力学, 2019, 33(6): 84-89. Yuan, H., Yang, Z. G.*, Xia, C., & Li, Q., 2018, Reduced-order modeling of pressure excitation on automotive front side window. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 233(10):095440701881119. 9.Xia, C.*, Wang, H.F., Bao, D., Yang, Z.G., 2018, Unsteady flow structures in the wake of a high-speed train. Experimental thermal and fluid science, 98, 381–396. Xia, C., Wei, Z.*, Yuan, H. D., Li, Q. L., and Yang, Z.G., 2018, POD analysis of the wake behind a circular cylinder coated with porous media. Journal of Visualization, 21, 965-985. Du, X., Yang, Z., Jin, Z., Xia, C., and Bao, D., 2018. A comparative study of passive control on flow structure evolution and convective heat transfer enhancement for impinging jet. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 126, 256-280. Xia, C.*, Wang, H.F, Shan, X.Z, Yang, Z.G, and Li, Q.L, 2017, Effects of ground configurations on the slipstream and near wake of a high-speed train. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 168, 177-189. Xia, C., Shan, X. Z.*, and Yang, Z. G., 2017, Comparison of different ground simulation systems on the flow around a high-speed train. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 231(2): 135-147. Xia, C.*, Shan, X. Z., and Yang, Z. G., 2017, Detached-Eddy Simulation of Ground Effect on the Wake of a High-Speed Train. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 139(5), 051101. Wei, Z., Yang, Z.G., Xia, C., and Li, Q. L.*, 2017, Cluster-Based Reduced-Order Modelling of the Wake Stabilization Mechanism behind a Twisted Cylinder. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 171: 288-303. Xia, C., Bao, D., Shan, X., Li, Q., & Yang, Z., 2017, Experimental Study on the Unsteady Wake of a High-speed Train. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, (icia). Zhou, Z., Xia, C. *, Wei, Z., Shan, X., & Yang, Z., 2017, Numerical Study on the Effect of Underbody Configurations on the Wake of a High-speed Train. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, (icia). 魏峥, 夏超*, 袁海东, 李启良, 杨志刚. 覆盖多孔介质的圆柱尾迹实验研究. 空气动力学学报, 2017, 35(02): 265-270, 289. Xia, C., Shan, X. Z.*, and Yang, Z. G., 2015, Wall interference effect on the aerodynamics of a high-speed train. Procedia Eng, 126: 527-531. Cui, W. S., Zhu, H., Xia, C., and Yang, Z. G.*, 2015, Comparison of steady blowing and synthetic jets for aerodynamic drag reduction of a simplified vehicle, Procedia Eng, 126: 388–392. 夏超*, 单希壮, 杨志刚, 李启良, 陈羽. 风洞地面效应对高速列车空气动力学特性的影响. 铁道学报. 2015; 37(4):8-16 夏超*, 单希壮, 杨志刚, 李启良. 不同湍流模型在列车外流场计算中的比较. 同济大学学报: 自然科学版. 2014; 42(11):1687-93.
