高炳钊,同济大学汽车学院教授、智能汽车研究所副所长、智能动力系统控制研究室主任。2015年度国家优青、入选2022年度国家重大人才工程、自动化学会车辆控制与智能化专业委员会秘书长、IFAC T.C. Automotive Control委员。发表IEEE汇刊、ASME汇刊、VSD等控制和车辆权威SCI期刊论文八十余篇,出版中英文专著2部,授权发明专利六十余件,含美国发明专利2件。曾获2019年和2021年自动化学会技术发明一等奖、吉林省中青年科技创新领军人才、吉林省高校创新团队带头人、吉林省优秀博士学位论文和多项学会优秀论文奖。电动汽车动力传动控制系统的科研成果获得产业化应用与批量生产。
教育 & 工作经历
2005/10-2009/03,日本横滨国立大学机械工程, 工学博士
Hong Chen, Bingzhao Gao. Nonlinear Estimation and Control of Automotive Drivetrains[M], Springer. 2014.
Bingzhao Gao, Jinlong Hong, Ting Qu, Shuyou Yu, Hong Chen*. An Output Regulator with Rejection of Time-Varying Disturbance: Experimental Validation on Clutch Slip Control[J], IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2020, 28(5): 1158-1167.
Bingzhao Gao, Qiong Liang, Yu Xiang, LuLu Guo, Hong Chen*. Gear Ratio Optimization and Shift Control of 2-Speed I-AMT in Electric Vehicle[J], Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015, 50-51: 615-631. ESI高被引论文
LuLu Guo, Hong Chen, Qifang Liu, Bingzhao Gao*. A Computationally Efficient and Hierarchical Control Strategy forVelocity Optimization of On-Road Vehicles[J], lEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2019, 49(1): 31-41.
Yuxiang Zhang, Bingzhao Gao*, Lulu Guo, Hongyan Guo, Hong Chen. Adaptive Decision-making for Automated Vehicles under Roundabout Scenarios using Optimization Embedded Reinforcement Learning[J], IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021, 32(12): 5526-5538.
Bingzhao Gao, Kunyang Cai, Ting Qu*, Yunfeng Hu, Hong Chen. Personalized Adaptive Cruise Control Based on Online Driving Style Recognition Technology and Model Predictive Control[J], IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, 69(11): 12482-12496.
Bingzhao Gao, Yongjun Yan, Hong Chu, Hong Chen, Nan Xu*. Torque Allocation of Four-wheel Drive EVs Considering Tire Slip Energy[J], SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2022, 65(2): 122202.
Hongqing Chu, Lulu Guo, Yongjun Yan, Bingzhao Gao*, Hong Chen. Self-learning Optimal Cruise Control Based on Individual Car-following Style[J], IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, 22(10): 6622-6633.