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教育经历 2008-2014年 同济大学,博士 2012-2013年 英国南安普顿大学,噪声与振动研究所(ISVR)博士联培 2004-2008年 南京航空航天大学,学士 工作经历 2016年至今同济大学铁道与城市轨道交通研究院,助理教授 2017年-2019年英国南安普顿大学噪声与振动研究所(ISVR) ,博士后 2014年-2016年同济大学机械工程,博士后 教学情况 留学生研究生课程《Railway vehicle engineering》,《轨道车辆构造与原理》等 部分承担与参与科研项目 上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划项目获得者(2020年);主持及参与国家科技支撑计划,中国博士后科学基金,同济大学优秀人才计划等多项,包括:“现代有轨电车环境影响研究”, “基于新型颗粒阻尼技术的轮轨振动噪声控制研究”,“高速列车轴箱悬挂动态特性及隔振性能研究”,“下一代地铁车辆技术研究及示范应用-列车试验验证及评估”, “更高速度等级动车组转向架关键技术研究” ,“广州7号线地铁车辆振动噪声治理项目研究”, “印度诺伊达地铁车辆项目头车/中间车振动研究”,“CRH380型动车组整车整备状态模态测试”, “高速动车组整车振动结构研究”, “土耳其安卡拉车体与转向架频率匹配研究”,“上海18号线噪声与振动项目”,“ 马来西亚LRT3项目噪声与振动控制”等




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Sun W, Thompson D, Toward M, Wiseman M, Ntotsios E, Byrnec S. The influence of track design on the rolling noise from trams. Applied Acoustics, 2020, 170: 107536. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2020.107536. Sun W, Thompson D, Toward M, Zeng Z. Modelling of vibration and noise behaviour of embedded tram tracks using a wavenumber domain method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020: 115446. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2020.115446. Sun W, Thompson D, Zhou J. A mechanism for overcoming the effects of the internal resonances of coil springs on vibration transmissibility. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 471(1): 1-15.DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2019.115145. Sun W, Thompson D, Zhou J. The influence of vehicle-track dynamic coupling on the fatigue failure of coil springs within the primary suspension of metro vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2019,https://doi.org/10.1080/00423114.2019.1643486. Sun W, Zhou J, Thompson D, Gong D. Vertical random vibration analysis of vehicle-track coupled system using Green's function method. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2014, 52(3): 362-389. Sun W,Thompson D, Toward M, et.al. A comparison of rolling noise from different tram tracks. [C]//The 13th IWRN International Workshop on Railway Noise(IWRN’13), Gent, Belgium, September, 2019. Sun W, Thompson D, Zhou J. The Influence of the Dynamic Properties of the Primary Suspension on Metro Vehicle-Track Coupled Vertical Vibration[C]//The 26th IAVSD International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks(IAVSD’26). Springer, Chalmers, Sweden, 2019: 977-985. Sun W, Ntotsios E, Squicciarini G, Toward M, Thompson D. Noise and vibration from tramways: a comparison with prediction models. [C]//The 4th International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance. Spain, Barcelona, 2018.9. Sun W,Zhou J,Gong D,You T. Analysis of modal frequency optimization of railway vehicle car body. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016.4, 8(4): 1~12. Sun W, Gong D, Zhou J, Zhao Y. Influences of Suspended Equipment under Car Body on High-speed Train Ride Quality. Procedia Engineering, 2011. Han Y, Sun W*, Zhou J, Gong D. Vibration Analysis of Composite Multilayer Floor of High-Speed Train. Shock and Vibration, 2019, 2019: 0-6276915. Sun W, Zhou J, Thompson D, Gong D. Vertical Random Vibration Analysis of Vehicle-track Coupling System with Green’s Functions Method [C]//The 23th IAVSD International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD’23). Qingdao, China, August 2013. Sun W, Thompson D, Zhou J, Gong D. Analysis of Dynamic Stiffness Effect of Primary Suspension Helical Springs on Railway Vehicle Vibration. Joint International Conference: Motion and Vibration Control & Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics 2016, UK, Southampton. IOP: Journal of Physics Series. Sun W, Gong D, Zhou J. Study on Wheel-Rail Coupled Vibration of Metro with Co-Simulation of Finite Element Analysis and Multi-Body Dynamics Simulation. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2015, 752: 636-641. 孙文静,宫岛,周劲松,李卓. 一系螺旋弹簧动刚度对车辆-轨道耦合振动影响分析[J];振动与冲击,第34卷,第5期,49-55页,2015. (EI) 孙文静,周劲松,宫岛. 基于格林函数法的车辆—轨道垂向耦合系统随机振动分析[J];中国铁道科学,第36卷,第1期,61-67页,2015. (EI) 孙文静,周劲松,宫岛. 基于Timoshenko梁模型的车辆-轨道耦合系统垂向随机振动分析[J];机械工程学报,第50卷,第18期,134-141页,2014. (EI) 孙文静,田春,周劲松,吴萌岭.高速列车空气动力制动会车动力学性能[J];同济大学学报(自然科学版),第42卷,第9期,1401-1407页,2014. (EI) 孙文静,周劲松,宫岛. 弹性车体垂向运行平稳性一系最优控制研究[J];振动与冲击,第31卷,第12期,150-154页,2012. (EI) 孙文静,周劲松,宫岛,吴萌岭.单牵引拉杆节点刚度对车辆动力学性能的影响[J];城市轨道交通研究,第14卷,第10页,2011. 王瑞卿,孙文静,周劲松,等.上海A型地铁车辆弹性车体与转向架耦合振动分析[J].计算机辅助工程, 2012, 21(5): 11-14. 周劲松,孙文静,宫岛.铁道车辆几何滤波现象及弹性车体共振分析[J].同济大学学报:自然科学版, 2009 (12): 1653-1657.(EI)


Vehicle System Dynamics, ImechE Part F:Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit,Science of the Total Environment等SCI期刊审稿人
