2010/10-2015/06 英国南安普顿大学,工程与环境学院航空航天系,博士(PhD)
2002/09-2006/11 同济大学,交通运输工程学院,博士
1999/09-2002/02 同济大学,交通运输工程学院,硕士
1990/09-1994/07 同济大学(原上海铁道大学),土木学院,学士
2016/07- 至今 同济大学铁道与城市轨道交通研究院
2015/01-2016/06 英国南安普顿大学,工程与环境学院航空航天系,博士后
2010/05-2010/09 同济大学铁道与城市轨道交通研究院
2009/05-2010/05 英国南安普顿大学声与振动研究所(ISVR),访问学者,合作导师:Prof. David Thompson
2000/04-2009/05 同济大学铁道与城市轨道交通研究院
J.Y. Zhu, Z.W. Hu, D.J. Thompson. The flow and flow-induced noise behaviour of a simplified high-speed train bogie in a cavity with and without a fairing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2018, 232(3): 759-773.
J.Y. Zhu, Z.W. Hu. Flow between the train underbody and trackbed around the bogie area and its impact on ballast flight. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2017, 166: 20-28.
J.Y. Zhu, Z.W. Hu, D.J. Thompson. The effect of a moving ground on the flow and aerodynamic noise behaviour of a simplified high-speed train bogie. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2017, 5(2): 110-125.
J.Y. Zhu, Z.W. Hu, D.J. Thompson. Flow behaviour and aeroacoustic characteristics of a simplified high-speed train bogie. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2016, 230(7): 1642–1658.
J.Y. Zhu, Z.W. Hu, D.J. Thompson. Flow simulation and aerodynamic noise prediction for a high-speed train wheelset. International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 2014, 13(7&8): 533-552.
D.J. Thompson, E. Latorre Iglesias, X.W. Liu, J.Y. Zhu, Z.W. Hu. Recent developments in the prediction and control of aerodynamic noise from high-speed trains. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2015, 3(3): 119-150.
J.Y. Zhu, D.J. Thompson, C.J.C. Jones. On the effect of unsupported sleepers on the dynamic behaviour of a railway track. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2011, 49: 1389-1408.
J.Y. Zhu, D.J. Thompson. Characterization of forces, dynamic response and sound radiation from articulated switch sleeper in turnout system. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2010, 224: 53-60.
J.Y. Zhu. Analysis of dynamic behavior of low vibration track under wheel load drop by a FEM algorithm. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2008, 222: 217-223.
J.Y. Zhu. On the effect of varying stiffness under the switch rail on the wheel-rail dynamic characteristics of a high-speed turnout. Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2006, 220: 69-75.
朱剑月, 雷震宇, 李莉. 高速列车轮对气动噪声特性分析. 机械工程学报,2019, 55(14): 69-79.
朱剑月, 任利惠, 雷震宇. 高速列车转向架舱对转向架区域流场与气动噪声影响. 同济大学学报,2018, 46(11): 1556-1608.
朱剑月. 铰接式岔枕道岔结构落轴冲击数值分析. 同济大学学报, 2011, 39(8): 1155-1160.
朱剑月. 轨下扣件支承失效对轨道结构动力性能的影响. 振动工程学报, 2011, 24(2): 158-163.
朱剑月, 张艳. 轨枕吊空对轨道结构动力性能的影响. 中国铁道科学, 2011, 32(3): 8-15.
朱剑月, 景建辉. 高速列车气动噪声研究与控制. 国外铁道车辆, 2011, 48(5): 1-8.
朱剑月. 铰接式岔枕受力与振动响应分析. 同济大学学报, 2009, 37(1): 73-77.
朱剑月, 练松良. 基于轨道元的运动有限元分析. 铁道学报, 2009, 31(3): 65-68.
朱剑月, 练松良. 轨道结构落轴冲击动态响应有限元分析. 铁道学报, 2005(3): 76-79.
朱剑月, 罗雁云. 尖轨轨下采用弹性滑床板对轮-岔动力性能影响. 铁道学报, 2004, 26(1): 77-81.
朱剑月, 耿传智. 高架弹性支承块轨道结构落轴冲击动态响应. 同济大学学报, 2005, 33(12): 1621-1625.
朱剑月, 顾福民, 罗雁云. 道岔尖轨轨下刚度改变对轮轨动力性能影响. 同济大学学报, 2002, 30(2): 198-202.
朱剑月, 耿传智. PC简支梁铁路桥墩身动力响应的特解边界元分析. 中国铁道科学, 2004(2): 31-34.
J.Y. Zhu, Z.W. Hu. Flow on the ballasted trackbed with permeable surfaces and its influence on the ballast flight. 4th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, Croatia, 2016.
J.Y. Zhu, Z.W. Hu, D.J. Thompson. Ground effect on the flow behaviour and aeroacoustic characteristics of a simplified high-speed train bogie. UK Turbulence Consortium Annual Review, Southampton, 2015.
J.Y. Zhu, Z.W. Hu, D.J. Thompson. Analysis of flow and aerodynamic noise behaviour of a simplified high-speed train bogie inside the bogie cavity. High Speed Rail: Celebrating Ambition, University of Birmingham, 2014.
J.Y. Zhu, Z.W. Hu, D.J. Thompson. Analysis of aerodynamic and aeroacoustic behaviour of a simplified high-speed train bogie. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Railway Noise, Sweden, 2013; Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 126: 489-496, 2015.
J.Y. Zhu. Aerodynamic noise of high-speed train bogies. PhD Thesis. University of Southampton, UK, 2015.