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教育经历 1990年~1994年,成都科技大学力学系学习,毕业获学士学位 1995年~1998年,西南交通大学应用力学与工程系学习,毕业获硕士学位 1998年~2001年,西南交通大学应用力学与工程系学习,毕业获博士学位 工作经历 2002.01~2003.12,同济大学交通运输工程学院,博士后研究工作 2004.01 ~至今, 博士后出站留校任教 2012.07-2013.07, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University,访问学者




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Wang Zhiqiang, Lei Zhenyu, Trend analysis of rail corrugation on the metro based on wheel-rail stick-slip characteristics. Vehicle System Dynamics. 2023, 1-30(on line). Lei Zhenyu, Wang Zhiqiang, Contact and creep characteristics of wheel-rail system under harmonic corrugation excitation. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2021, 27(17-18), 2069-2080. Wang Zhiqiang, Lei Zhenyu, Parameter Influences on Rail Corrugation of Metro Tangential Track. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2021, 21(3). Wang Zhiqiang, Lei Zhenyu, Analysis of influence factors of rail corrugation in small radius curve track. Mechanical Sciences. 2021, 12(1), 31-40. Wang Zhiqiang, Lei Zhenyu, Zhao Yang, et al. Rail Corrugation Characteristics of Cologne Egg Fastener Section in Small Radius Curve. Shock and Vibration. 2020, 2020:1827053(1-12). Wang Zhiqiang, Lei Zhenyu, Rail corrugation characteristics in small radius curve section of Cologne-egg fasteners. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2020, 34(11), 4499-4511. Wang Zhiqiang, Lei Zhenyu, Analysis of Rail Corrugation Characteristics on HighSpeed Rail Based on Transient Finite Element Method. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 2021, 26(3), 231-239. 王志强, 雷震宇. 地铁线路上一种钢轨波磨现象的成因分析. 润滑与密封. 2022-5-7:1-8. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/44.1260.TH.20220506.1353.016.html 王志强, 雷震宇, 小半径曲线科隆蛋扣件地段钢轨波磨特性. 应用力学学报. 2021, 38(1), 255-261. 王志强, 雷震宇, 地铁直线轨道钢轨波磨影响参数研究. 中国机械工程. 2021, 32(4), 420-430. 雷震宇, 徐瑶, 王志强, 等. 科隆蛋扣件钢轨波磨演化对车轨系统的影响. 机械强度. 2021, 163-167. 王志强, 雷震宇,科隆蛋扣件段钢轨波磨产生机理及发展特性. 振动,测试与诊断. 2021, 41(04), 688-694+829. Wang Zhiqiang, Lei Zhenyu, Dynamic characteristics of a wheelset-track system under corrugation excitations in the metro operation process. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. 2021, 45(3), 411-420. Wang Zhiqiang, Lei Zhenyu, Formation Mechanism of Metro Rail Corrugation Based on Wheel-Rail Stick-Slip Behaviors. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2021, 11(17). Li Li, Thompson David, Xie Yingsong, Luo Yanyun, Lei zhenyu. Influence of rail fastener stiffness on railway vehicle interior noise. Applied Acoustics. 2019, 145,69-81. Wang Zhiqiang, Lei Zhenyu, Cause Investigation of Metro Corrugation in Vehicle Braking Section of Track. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2021, 59(4), 637-647. Lei Zhenyu, Wang Zhiqiang, Generation Mechanism and Development Characteristics of Rail Corrugation of Cologne Egg Fastener Track in Metro. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2020, 24(6), 1763-1774. 王志强, 雷震宇, 地铁不同曲线半径下钢轨磨耗发展特性. 铁道建筑. 2020, 134-137. 王志强, 雷震宇, 地铁直线轨道波磨成因及发展特性. 科学技术与工程. 2020, 12118-12124. 雷震宇, 王志强, 地铁小半径曲线段钢轨磨耗分布发展特性分析. 机械强度. 2020, 42(4), 890-895. 朱剑月, 雷震宇, 李莉, 高速列车轮对气动噪声特性分析. 机械工程学报. 2019, 55(14), 69679. 雷震宇,刘明. 盾构管片弹性橡胶密封垫防水性能灵敏度分析[J], 同济大学学报自然科学版,2107,43(3):336-341. (EI) 雷震宇,刘明. 具有随机参数的盾构管片弹性密封垫防水性能的优化分析[J],应用数学和力学,2017,38(8):899-909. Lei ZY, Chen Q, A new approach to fuzzy finite element analysis[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2002, 191(45): 5113-5118. 雷震宇,闫旭.车辆-轨道-桥梁竖直耦合振动程序设计及仿真[J].城市轨道交通研究, 2015, 18(6): 28-35. 甘霖,雷震宇,闫旭. 应用于城市轨道交通高架箱梁桥减振降噪的调液阻尼器控制仿真[J].城市轨道交通研究, 2015, 18(8): 46-51. 蔡立军,雷震宇. 地铁下穿居民建筑时的隔振方式研究[J], 城市轨道交通研究,2017,3:68-71. 王培利,雷震宇,周骏. 盾构隧道近距离平行穿越原水管道沉降分析[J], 现代城市轨道交通,2015,6:38-41. 雷震宇, 闫旭. 车辆-轨道-桥梁竖直耦合振动程序设计及仿真[J], 城市轨道交通研究,2015,6:28-35. 罗驰, 雷震宇. 孔洞排布型式对盾构隧道橡胶密封垫的受力差异及稳定性分析[J], 城市轨道交通研究,2015,5:44-47.
