Zheng Yu, Zhang Xiaoning, Liang Zhe. Multimodal Subsidy Design for Capacity Flexibility Optimization. Transportation Research Part A. Vol.? 140, pp? 16-35,? OCT 2020.
Wang, Jing; Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiaoning*. A hybrid management scheme with parking pricing and parking permit for a many-to-one park and ride network. Transportation Research C, Vol.? 112, pp? 153-179, ? Mar 2020.
Wang, Jing; Zhang, Xiaoning*; Wang, Hua; HM Zhang. Optimal parking supply in bi-modal transportation network considering transit scale economies. Transportation Research E, Vol? 130, pp? 207-229,? Oct 2019.
Wang, Hua; Meng, Qiang; Zhang, Xiaoning, Multiple equilibrium behaviors of auto travellers and a freight carrier under the cordon-based large-truck restriction regulation, Transportation Research E, Vol 134,? Feb 2020.
Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiaoning* Joint implementation of tradable credit and road pricing in public-private partnership networks considering mixed equilibrium behaviors, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2016, 94: 158-170.
Jing Wang*; Xiaoning Zhang*, H.M. Zhang. Parking permits management and optimal parking supply considering traffic emission cost, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2018. 60: 92-103.
Hua Wang, Xiaoning Zhang. Game theoretical transportation network design among multiple regions. Annals of Operations Research, Vol 249, No1-2, 97-117, 2017.
Wang, Hua; Wang, Xinchang; Zhang, Xiaoning, Dynamic resource allocation for intermodal freight transportation with network effects: Approximations and algorithms, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, v 99, p 83-112, May 1, 2017
Wang, Hua; Zhang, Xiaoning; Wang, Shuaian. A joint optimization model for liner container cargo assignment problem using state-augmented shipping network framework, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, v 68, p 425-446, July 1, 2016.
Wang, Hua; Lam, William H. K.; Zhang, Xiaoning; Shao Hu, Sustainable Transportation Network Design with Stochastic Demands and Chance Constraints, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, v 9, n 2, p 126-144, February 2015.
Hua Wang, Xiaoning Zhang, Joint implementation of tradable credit and road pricing in public-private partnership networks considering mixed equilibrium behaviors, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,2016.10., 94:158~170.
Tan, Zhijia、Li, Wan、Zhang, Xiaoning, Yang, Hai, Service charge and capacity selection of an inland river port with location-dependent shipping cost and service congestion, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol 76, pp 13-33, 2015/4.
Hua Wang, William H.K. Lam, Xiaoning Zhang, Hu Shao. Sustainable transportation network design with stochastic demands and chance constraints. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 9(2): 126-144, 2015.
Hua Wang, Qiang Meng, Xiaoning Zhang. Park-and-ride network equilibrium with heterogeneous commuters and parking space constraint. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2015.
Hua Wang, Qiang Meng, Xiaoning Zhang. Optimal parking pricing in the many-to-one park-and-ride network with parking space constraint. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2015.
Hua Wang, Qiang Meng, Xiaoning Zhang. Game-theoretical models for competition analysis in a new emerging liner container shipping market. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 70: 201-227, 2014.
Feifei Qin, Xiaoning Zhang, Qiang Zhou. Evaluating the impact of organizational patterns on the efficiency of urban rail transit systems in China. Journal of Transport Geography, 40: 89–99, 2014.
Yangbeibei Ji, Rui Jiang, Edward Chung, Xiaoning Zhang. The impact of incidents on macroscopic fundamental diagrams. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Transport, 167(TR1): 1–10, 2014.
Xiaoning Zhang. Optimisation methods of congestion pricing. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 14(1): 1-6, 2014.
Hai Yang, Wei Liu, Xiaolei Wang, Xiaoning Zhang. On the morning commute problem with bottleneck congestion and parking space constraints. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 58(1): 106-118, 2014.
Xiaoning Zhang, Zichang Liu, Hua Wang. Lessons of bus rapid transit from nine cities in China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2394: 45-54, 2013.
Xiaoning Zhang. Effects of queue spillover in networks considering simultaneous departure time and route choices. Transportation Planning and Technology, 36(3): 267-286, 2013.
Xiaoning Zhang, Bert van Wee. Enhancing transportation network capacity by congestion pricing with simultaneous toll location and toll level optimization. Engineering Optimization, 44(4): 477-488, 2012.
Xiaoning Zhang, H.M. Zhang, Hai-Jun Huang, Lijun Sun, Tie-Qiao Tang. Competitive, cooperative and Stackelberg congestion pricing for multiple regions in transportation networks. Transportmetrica, 7(4): 297–320, 2011.
Xiaoning Zhang, Bert van Wee. Efficiency comparison of various parking charge schemes considering daily travel cost in a linear city. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 11(2): 234-255, 2011.
Xiaoning Zhang, Hai Yang, Hai-Jun Huang. Improving travel efficiency by parking permits distribution and trading. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45(7): 1018–1034, 2011.
Xiaoning Zhang, H.M. Zhang. Simultaneous departure time and route choices in queuing networks and a novel paradox. Networks and Spatial Economics, 10(1): 93-112, 2010.
Xiaoxia Jian, Hua Wang, and Xiaoning Zhang, Optimal Exit Layout Strategy for Crowd Safety Evacuation in a Ramp Domain, Journal of Management Science and Engineering (JMSE,管理科学学报英文版), 2017, 2(3), 209–226.
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