张建同;何钰林;考虑维护的共享单车再平衡问题研究,工业工程与管理;2022,05 07 网络首发
张建同;贾会峰;赵晓伟;考虑多提前期的厨房电器供应链网络库存系统鲁棒控制研究,运筹与管理, 2021,30(05);46-51.
张建同;何钰林; 基于深度强化学习的动态共享单车重置问题研究,上海管理科学, 2021,43(02);81-86
张建同; 刘晓哲; 宋玉坚; 甩箱模式下集装箱卡车路径规划问题研究, 工业工程与管理, 2020, 1(1):1-10
Zhang Jiantong; Chen Xiaodong; Fang Chencheng; Transmission of a supplier’s disruption risk along the supply chain: a further investigation of the Chinese automotive industry. Production Planning & Control, 2018.6.25, 29(9): 773-789.
张建同; 褚威超; 知识共享角度下的社会化问答社区用户分类——以知乎为例,上海管理科学,2020,42(05):30-37
Zhang Jiantong; Song Yujian; Mathematical Model and Algorithm for the Reefer Mechanic Scheduling Problem at Seaports. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2017.3.6, 2017(3) :1-13.
Zhang Jiantong; Lv Biyu; Tian Guichao; Liu Wenchi; Fare design in urban transit network considering elastic demand and adverse weather’s impact. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014,4,15(2):1-11.
张建同; 丁烨; 变邻域模拟退火算法求解速度时变的VRPTW问题.运筹与管理,运筹与管理. 2019,28(11):77-84.
张建同; 杨文娟; 基于优先级的进离港航班排序优化问题研究.运筹与管理, 2018.6.25, 147(06): 119-125.
张建同; 张敏; 郭卓琦; 基于修正KMV模型的汽车供应链金融风险分析.工业工程与管理,2018,录用.
张建同; 宋玉坚; 叶春明; 多堆场集装箱卡车路径规划的混合蚁群算法.工业工程与管理,2017.2.13, 22(2) : 89-96.
张建同; 方陈承; 顾客历史行为和优惠券对其购买决定的影响——基于一项实验研究.软科学 2017.2.15, 31(2):109-112.
张建同; 方陈承; 何芳; 上海市房地产限购限贷政策评估: 基于断点回归设计的研究. 科学决策, 2015. 7.1, 20(7): 1-23.
Xingyue (Luna) Zhang; Yuliang Yao; Jiantong Zhang(*); Chencheng Fang; Post-promotion redemption, exposure, and spillover effects of electronic coupons: An empirical analysis, Production and Operations Management, 2022, 32(2), 603-617.
Meifeng Luo; Fuying Chen; Jiantong Zhang(*); Relationships among port competition, cooperation and competitiveness: A literature review, Transport Policy, 2022, 118:1-9.
Yuting Zhang; Chutong Qiu; Jiantong Zhang(*); A Research Based on Online Medical Platform: The Influence of Strong and Weak Ties Information on Patients’ Consultation Behavior, Healthcare, 2022; 10(6):977.
Yusheng lu; Jiantong Zhang(*); Bibliometric analysis and critical review of the research on big data in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 9 August 2021,1-19.
Yuanyuan, Cao; Jiantong, Zhang(*) ; Liang, Ma; Xinghong, Qin; Junjun, Li; Examining User’s Initial Trust Building in Mobile Online Health Community Adopting, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(11).
Wenjuan Yang; Jiantong Zhang(*); Hong Yan; Impacts of online consumer reviews on a dual-channel supply chain. Omega, 2020, 102266. (SCI; IF: 5.341; JCR分区: 1区).
Fang Chencheng; Zhang Jiantong(*); Users' continued participation behavior in social Q&A communities: A motivation perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 2019.3, 92(3), 87-109
Liu Ming; Yang Xuenan; Zhang Jiantong(*); Chu Chengbin; Scheduling a tempered glass manufacturing system: a three-stage hybrid flow shop model. International Journal of Production Research, 2017.5.20, 55(3): 1~24.
Zhao Xiaowei; Yan Hong; Zhang Jiantong (*); Acritical review of container security operations. Maritime Policy & Management, 2016.11.29, 44(2):170~186.
Xu Wei; Zheng Bangyi; Zhang Jiantong (*); Efficient restarted radius bisection algorithm for sphere decoding with applications to multiple-in multiple-out systems. IET Communications, 2012.12.18, 6(18):3140~3149.
Xu Wei; Qiao Sanzheng; Zhang Jiantong (*); A twisted factorization method for complex symmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue decomposition Information. An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2012.01.01, (15):1393 -1407.
方陈承; 张建同(*); 实验法在管理学研究中的演进与创新.上海管理科学,2018,40(03):98-103.
宋玉坚; 张建同(*); 求解双层规划的多目标布谷鸟算法,运筹与管理, 2017.8,26(8):1-10.
邱伟; 张建同(*); 基于供应链金融的中小企业信用风险评价研究,上海管理科学, 2016.01.01,38(4):46-50.
韦金香; 张建同(*); 银行ATM设备业务总量的时序特征分析及预测,上海管理科学, 2017.12.01, 39(6):25-28.
曹园园; 张建同(*); 电子商务顾客体验评价指标体系研究,统计与决策, 2014.2.13, 13(3):73-75.
田贵超; 张建同(*); 胡一竑; 基于乘客行为的城市轨道交通分时定价策略研究, 上海管理科学,2013.10.20, 35(5):77-83.
曹园园; 张建同(*); 基于因子分析和综合模糊方法的电子商务客户体验评价研究,上海管理科学,2013.4.20 , 35(2):34-38.
刘文驰; 张建同(*); 王世进; 弹性需求下城市公交网络服务的优化,运筹与管理, 2012.4.25,21(2):44-49.
Wenjuan, Yang; Jiantong Zhang; Hong Yan(*); Promotions of online reviews from a channel perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Volume 161, May 2022,1-14
Sun, Shuhua;Burke, Michael;Chen, Huaizhong;Tan, Yinliang (Ricky); Zhang Jiantong; Hou, Lili; Mitigating the psychologically detrimental effects of supervisor undermining: Joint effects of voice and political skill[J].Human Relations 2022,75(1)87-113
Hongzhen, Song; Jiantong Zhang; Junchang Li(*); The impacts of subsidy strategies and recycling modes on the closed‐loop supply chain, Managerial and Decision Economics, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.3658.
胡迅; 张建同; 黄一炜; 基于Kraljic模型的零件分类研究,上海管理科学, 2020,42(02):9-13
陈芙英; 张建同; 罗梅峰; 21世纪海上丝绸之路”沿线港口地位综合评价,运筹与管理. 2020, 29(01):157-164
陈芙英; 张建同; “一带一路”倡议下我国沿海港口竞争力评价与比较研究, 工业工程与管理, 2020, 1:1-10.
Junchang, Li; Jiantong, Zhang; Ye, Ding; Uncertain Multiplicative Language Decision Method Based on * Group Compromise Framework for Evaluation of Mobile Medical APPs in China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(8).
Wenting, Yang; Jiantong, Zhang; Ruolin, Ma; The Prediction of Infectious Diseases: A Bibliometric * Analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(17).
Ming Liu; Lijie An(*); Zhang Jiantong; Feng Chu; Chengbin Chu; Energy-oriented bi-objective optimization for a multi-module reconfigurable manufacturing system. International Journal of Production Research,2018.
Liu Ming; Yang Xuenan(*); Chu Feng; Zhang Jiantong; Chu Chengbin. Energy-oriented bi-objective optimization for the tempered glass scheduling. Omega, 2018.
Song Yujian; Zhang Jiantong; Liu Ming(*); Chu Chengbin; The berth allocation optimization with the consideration of time-varying water depths. International Journal of Production Research,2018, 57:1-29.
Song Yujian (*); Zhang Jiantong; Liang Zhe; Ye Chunming; An exact algorithm for the container drayage problem under a separation mode[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2017,106:231~254.
Fang Chencheng(*); Zhang Jiantong; Performance of green supply chain management : A systematic review and meta analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018,183:1064~1081.
Fang Chencheng; Zhang Jiantong; Qiu wei(*); Online classified advertising: a review and bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics , 2017 ,113 (11) :1~31.
Zhang Songtao; Zhao Xiaowei (*); Zhang Jiantong; Stability and stabilization of discrete T-S fuzzy time-delay system based on maximal overlapped-rules group. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2016.01.01, 27(1): 201~211.
Zhang Songtao; Zhao Xiaowei (*); Zhang Jiantong; New robust H∞control approach for discrete T-S fuzzy time-delay system. International Journal of Automation and Control, 2015.01.01, 9(4) :333~354.
Lv Biyu; Zhang Jiantong; Optimal production, ordering and pricing in a two-echelon supply chain with uncertain demand. ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications,2014.6.01 5 (3): 663~670.
Lv Biyu; Zhang Jiantong; Customer heterogeneity and intertemporal pricing. ICIC Express Letters, 2014.6.01, 8(6):1719~1724.
Zhang Songtao; Zhao Xiaowei; Zhang Jiantong; Dynamic model and fuzzy robust control of uncertain closed-loop supply chain with time-varying delay in remanufacturing. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2014.5.12 ,53(23):9805~9811.
Hu Yihong; Zhang Jiantong; Competition and efficiency of express service in online shopping industry. Information Japan, 2013.01.01 16(7):4595~4610.
方陈承; 张建同; 社会化问答社区中用户研究的述评与展望.情报杂志, 2018, 37(09):185-193.
夏忆冰;马红;门闯; 张建同; 集聚与腹地——地理中心视角的空间关系刻画, 经济地理, 2014.01.01, 34(10):78~84.
胡一竑;李学迁;张江华; 张建同; 网购供应链网络均衡模型研究, 运筹与管理, 2012.8.1 21(4):34~40.
胡一竑;朱道立; 张建同; 考虑消费者偏好的寡头服务商竞争研究, 系统工程, 2012.6.1,27(3):311~319.
Zhang, Jiantong; Guo, Zhuoqi; Chen, Xiaodong; Evaluation of automotive chain risk: An empirical research. 13th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM) Kunming, China, 2016.6.24- 2016.6.26.
Zhang, Jiantong; Guang, Yang; Analysis on Shanghai’s logistics demand based on BP neural network. 2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Networking. Sensing and Control (ICNSC) Evry, France, 2013.4.10 -2013.4.12.
郭雨姗; 张建同 ; Intelligent triage of Online Healthcare Community: a double-depth text classification model based on feature fusion, 第十四届“行为运筹学与行为运营管理”研讨会会议, 线上线下结合,线下地址:桂林市七星区金鸡路1号桂林电子科技大学商学院, 2022-12-17至2022-12-18 (会议报告)
郭雨姗; 张建同 ; 基于文本分析的在线医疗平台服务质量评估, 2022年第一届“数字化转型与智慧管理”全国高校经管类博士生学术论坛, 线上腾讯会议室, 2022-10-22至2022-10-23 (会议报告)
孙嘉青; 丁烨; 褚威超; 张建同 ; 基于时空需求预测的共享单车调度问题研究, The 4th International Conference on Data-Driven Optimization of Complex System, 四川省成都市滨江东路9号, 2022-10-28至2022-10-30 (会议报告)
陈婷婷; 张建同 ; Sustainable Collaboration Strategy in Pharmaceutical Refrigerated Logistics Routing Problem, 第十四届“行为运筹学与行为运营管理”研讨会会议, 线上线下结合,线下地址:桂林市七星区金鸡路1号桂林电子科技大学商学院, 2022-12-17至2022-12-18 (会议报告)
Fang, Chencheng; Zhang, Jiantong; What does delay in coupon redemptions imply? An investigation into customers' future purchase probability 14th International Conference on sevices systems and sevices management (ICSSSM), 2017
Fang, Chencheng; Yao, Yuliang; Zhang, Jiantong; How do firms benefit from couponing promotions? A comparison between new and existing customers. China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Nanjing, China, 2017.
Liu, Ming; Song, Yujian; Zhang, Jiantong; Chu, Feng; Algorithm for the tactical berth allocation optimization with the consideration of time-varying water depths. 46th International Conferences on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2016
Zhao, Xiaowei; Zhang, Jiantong; Lv, Biyu; A fuzzy robust control approach to closed-loop supply chain network design under uncertainty . The 2014 POMS International Conference Singapore, 2014.7.21- 2014.7.23.
Zhao, Xiaowei; Zhang, Jiantong; Quantifying the bullwhip effect in service supply chain networks of the Emerging Markets. The 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 2014.
实用多元统计分析,张建同 编著,同济大学出版社,2016年8月