2000 – 2004,西安交通大学,管理学院技术经济及管理系,博士
1997 – 2000,合肥工业大学,材料科学与工程系,硕士
1993 – 1997,合肥工业大学,材料科学与工程系,学士
2012.3 ~ 2012.5 麻省理工斯隆管理学院,高级访问学者(International Faculty Fellow)
2013.2 ~ 2013.5 香港大学商学院,资深研究员(Senior research assistant)
2014.9 ~ 2015.9 美国南加州大学马歇尔商学院访问学者
Xie, E., Fang, J., Chen, X., Wu, D., Kumar, V. Performance feedback on sales growth goal and OFDI location choices for firms in emerging economies. Journal of World Business,
Bi, J., Xie, E.*, & Sheng, S. 2021. Ties Strength Dispersion and Alliance Portfolio Performance: The Moderating Effects of CEOs’ Political and International Experience. British Journal of Management, Online.
Cheng, L., Xie, E., Fang, J., & Mei, N. 2022. Performance feedback and firms’ relative strategic emphasis: The moderating effects of board independence and media coverage. Journal of Business Research, 139: 218-231.
Yuanyuan Huang, En Xie, Zhan WU. (2021) Portfolio characteristics of outward foreign direct investment and dynamic performance of emerging economy firms: An option portfolio perspective, International Business Review, Volume 30, Issue 4
Wei, H., Xie, E.*, & Gao, J. 2021. R&D Investment and Debt Financing of High-Tech Firms in Emerging Economies: The Role of Patents and State Ownership. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Forthcoming.
Xin Chen, En Xie, Marc Van Essen. (2021) Performance feedback and firms' R&D frequency: a comparison between state-owned and private-owned enterprises in China, Asian Business & Management 20, pages 221-258.
Li, Peter Ping; Xie, En “The unique research on the informal ties and social networks in East Asia: Diverse perspectives and new research agenda” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2019
Xie, En; Yang, Zhi; Reddy, K. S. “Institutional environment and inter-firm collaborative relationships: an introductory perspective and ideas for future research”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2019
Yang, Zhi; Jiang, Yueyin; Xie, En, “Buyer-supplier relational strength and buying firm's marketing capability: An outside-in perspective”, Industrial Marketing Management, 2019
Xie, En; Huang, Yuanyuan; Stevens, Charles E.; Lebedev, Sergey, “Performance feedback and outward foreign direct investment by emerging economy firms”, Journal of World Business. 2019.
Wang, Qingliang; Miao, Fred; Tayi, Giri Kumar; Xie, En, “What makes online content viral? The contingent effects of hub users versus non-hub users on social media platforms”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2019.
En Xie; K.S. Redding; “State-owned enterprises in the contemporary global business scenario: introduction”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, (2018).
谢恩,傅宇,李垣。国际秩序演化下的中国企业全球化, 管理科学学报,2021
毕静煜, 谢恩*. 2021. 伙伴社会价值对企业突破性创新的影响研究. 科研管理, 42(1): 67-77.
毕静煜,谢恩*. 2021. 研发联盟组合关系特征与企业创新:伙伴地理多样性的调节作用. 管理评论, 33(10):103-114.
毕静煜,谢恩*,魏海笑. 2021. 联盟伙伴技术多样性对企业突破性创新产出的影响研究—研发联盟组合特征的调节作用. 研究与发展管理, 35(2): 41-52.