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Guangbin WANG, Hao LU, Wenan HU, Xinghua GAO, Pardis Pishdad-Bozorgi. Understanding Behavioral Logic of Information and Communication Technology Adoption in Small and Medium-sized Construction Enterprises: An Empirical Study from China [J]. Journal of Management in Engineering,2020, accepted and in press. (SCI收录)
Guangbin WANG, Huan LIU, Heng LI, Xiaochun LUO and Jiaxi LIU. A building project-based industrialized construction maturity model involving organizational enablers: a multi-case study in China [J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12(10): 12104029. (SCI, SSCI收录)
Yingxia XUE, Guangbin WANG. Analyzing the evolution of cooperation among different parties in river water environment comprehensive treatment public-private partnership projects of China [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,270(10):121118 (SCI收录)
Hao LU, Pardis Pishdad-Bozorgi, Guangbin WANG, Yingxia XUE and Dan TAN. ICT implementation of small-and medium-sized construction enterprises: organizational characteristics, driving forces, and value perceptions [J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11(12): 11123441. (SCI, SSCI收录)
Yixuan TANG, Guangbin WANG, Heng LI, Dongping CAO and Xiaoying LI. Comparing Project-Based Collaborative Networks for BIM Implementation in Public and Private Sectors: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019, 2019. (SCI收录)
Guangbin WANG, Yingxia XUE, Miros?aw Jan Skibniewski, Jiule SONG and Hao LU. Analysis of private investors conduct strategies by governments supervising public-private partnership projects in the new media era [J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(12):10124723. (SCI, SSCI收录)
Yixuan TANG, Guangbin WANG, Heng LI, & Dongping CAO. Dynamics of collaborative networks between contractors and subcontractors in the construction industry: evidence from national quality award projects in China [J]. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2018, 144(9): 05018009. (SCI, EI收录)
Dongping CAO, Heng LI, Guangbin WANG, Xiaochun LUO, and Dan TAN. Relationship network structure and organizational competitiveness: evidence from BIM implementation practices in the construction industry [J]. Journal of Management in Engineering 2018,34(3): 04018005. (SCI, EI收录)
Dongping CAO, Heng LI, Guangbin WANG, Xiaochun LUO, Xincong YANG, and Dan TAN. Dynamics of project-based collaborative networks for BIM implementation: Analysis based on stochastic actor-oriented models [J]. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2017, 33(3): 04016055. (SCI, EI收录)
Dongping CAO, Heng LI, and Guangbin WANG. Impacts of building information modeling (BIM) implementation on design and construction performance: a resource dependence theory perspective [J]. Frontiers of Engineering Management. 2017,4(1): 20-34.
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Jiule SONG, Giovanni C. Migliaccio, Guangbin WANG, and Hao LU. Exploring the Influence of System Quality, Information Quality, and External Service on BIM User Satisfaction[J]. Journal of Management in Engineering. 2017, 33(6): 04017036. (SCI, EI收录)
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孙继德、王广斌等. 大型航空交通枢纽建设与运筹进度管控理论与实践,中国建筑工业出版社, 2020.
王广斌,宋久乐. BIM使用者满意度的影响因素与测度研究,科学出版社,2020.
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王广斌,张雷. 全国BIM应用技能考试培训教材:综合BIM应用,中国建筑工业出版社,2016.
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