教育经历: 1983.7 吉林工学院获工学学士学位
1987.5 吉林工学院获工学硕士学位
2005.06 吉林大学获工学博士学位
工作经历: 1989.9 吉林工业大学讲师
1995.9 吉林工业大学副教授
2000.9 吉林大学教授
2005.9 吉林大学博士导师
X. C. Li, D. Dou, Z. Y. Zheng, J. C. Li* Microstructure and properties of FeAlCrNiMox high entropy alloys J. Mater. Eng. Performance, 25 (2016) 2164–2169
X. C. Li, Z. Y. Zheng, J. C. Li*, ‘Microstructure and properties of coating of FeAlCu-CrCoMn high entropy alloy deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering’, Mater. Research (2016)19 802-806
D. Dou, X. C. Li, Z. Y. Zheng, J. C. Li*, Coatings of FeAlCoCuNiV high entropy alloy’, Surf. Eng., (2016)32 766-770
G. H. Zhang, J. C. Li, L. J. Zhao, Synthesis of Ni nanoparticles as the absorbent for sewage treatment", Adv Mater Sci Eng. 2015 973648
Z. Y. Zheng, X. C. Li, C. Zhang, J. C. Li*, ‘microstructure and corrosion behaviour of Fe-CoNiCuSnx high entropy alloys’, Mater Sci Technol,31 (2015) 1148-1152
Y. H. Liu, J. D. Hu, Z. X. GUO, J. C. Li*, Brazing ceramic to titanium using amorphous filler metal, Welding J 93 (2014) 66-70.
Z. Y. Sun, J. B. Zhu, J. Zhang, J.C. Li*, Microstructure and the properties of AlFeCoNiCrSnx high entropy alloys, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 38(2014) 8247-825
J. Zhang, Z. Y. Sun, J. B. Zhu, J. C. Li*, Preparation of amorphous coatings of AlFeCo-NiCuZrV alloy by DCMS method, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 26 (2014) 5627-5630
N. Gao, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, Tunable band gaps in silicene/MoS2 heterobilayers, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16 (23), 11673 – 11678
N. Gao, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, Band gap opening in silicene: effect of substrates, Chem. Phys. Lett. 592 (2014) 222-226
N. Gao, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, A comparable study of structural and electrical transport properties of Al and Cu nanowires using first-principle calculations, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (2013) 263108
Lixia Wang, Jianchen Li, Chunsheng Mao, Lishu Zhang, Lijun Zhao, Qing Jiang, Facile prepa-ration of cobalt hybrid/graphene nanocomposite by in situ chemical reduction: high lithium storage capacity and highly efficient removal of Congo Red, Dalton Transactions, 2013,42, 8070-8077.
M. Tian, Z. Y. Sun, J. C. Li*, Thermal stability of ultralow-k dielectric multi-layer films Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 5 (2013) 282-285
L. Liu, J. B. Zhu, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, ‘Microstructure and tensile properties of FeMnNiCuCoSnx high entropy alloys’ Mater Design 44 (2013) 223-227.
L. Liu, J. B. Zhu, C. Hou, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, Dense and smooth amorphous films of multicomponent FeCoNiCuVZrAl high-entropy alloy deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering, Mater Design 46 (2013) 675-679
L. X. Wang, J. C. Li, Z. T. Wang, L. J. Zhao, Q. Jiang, Low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis of alpha-Fe/Fe3O4 nanocomposite for fast Congo red removal,Dalton Trans 42 (2013) 2572-2579
Y. H. Liu, J. D. Hu, P. Shen, X. H. Han, J. C. Li*, Microstructural and mechanical properties of jointed ZrO2/Ti–6Al–4V alloy using Ti33Zr17Cu50 amorphous brazing filler, Mater Design 47 (2013) 281-286
L. Liu, T. H. Wang, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang Size effect on surface tension of liquid binary alloy droplets, Solid State Commun. 152 (2012) 573-576
D. M. Song, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, Visible light photocatalysis of single-walled (Zn4/6Cu2/6O)3/(Zn5/6Cu1/6O)3 superlattice nanotube for redox reaction of water calculated by generalized gradient approximations with the Hubbard U model, J Appl. Physics 111 (2012) 034318
Lixia Wang, Jianchen Li, Yingqi Wang, Lijun Zhao, Qing Jiang,Adsorption capability for Congo red on nanocrystalline MFe2O4 (M = Mn, Fe, Co,Ni) spinel ferrites,Chemical Engineering Journal 181-182 (2012) 72-79
Wang, LX, Li, JC, Jiang, Q, Zhao, LJ, Water-soluble Fe3O4 nanoparticles with high solubility for removal of heavy-metal ions from waste water, Dalton Trans 41 (2012) 4544-4551
L. Liu, J. B. Zhu, C. Zhang, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, ‘Microstructure and the properties of FeCoCuNiSnx high entropy alloys’, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 548 (2012) 64–68