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周楠,现任同济大学经管学院长聘教授。国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金获得者,英国雷丁大学邓宁年度访问学者。清华大学本科、新加坡国立大学硕士、美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院管理学博士毕业。 周老师一直致力于用资源基础观和制度理论理解中国企业持续健康成长,解决企业在成长过程中遇到的一系列关键问题,包括如何平衡对增长与利润的追求、如何更精准地理解和衡量外来者劣势等。在UTD 24期刊发表论文6篇(2篇SMJ和4篇JIBS)。谷歌学术引用超过2500次,其中一篇Web of Science高被引论文。论文已被50余名AOM、AIB、SMS学者引用。出版英文专著一部,目前担任SMJ、MIR、JIBP编委,曾任JIBS编委。获得美国管理学会年会新兴市场研究最佳论文提名奖、企业社会责任最佳论文奖提名、国际商务学会40岁以下最有前途学者提名等国际奖项,以及南开大学百名青年学科带头人、天津市131工程创新型人才等称号。 教育背景 2006/09-2010/12,美国宾夕法尼亚大学,沃顿商学院,博士 2004/08-2006/07,新加坡国立大学,商学院,硕士 2000/09-2004/07,清华大学,经济管理学院,学士 学术活动及社会服务 2021/04至今,同济大学经济与管理学院,长聘教授,博士生导师 2017/01-2021/03,南开大学商学院,副教授,博士生导师 2016/04-2018/06,中欧国际商学院新兴市场研究中心,兼职研究员 2013/11-2017/01,中国民生银行总行发展规划部发展研究中心,高级研究员 2011/01-2013/10 莫斯科管理学院斯科沃,助理教授 2011/01-2013/10 斯科沃--安永新兴市场研究院,战略研究负责人 荣誉 2021 优秀青年基金 国家自然科学基金 2021 新兴市场方面最佳论文提名奖 美国管理学会年会 2020-2021 英国雷丁大学邓宁访问学者(Dunning Visiting Fellowship) 2017 天津市131工程创新型人才(第二层次) 天津市颁发 2017 南开大学百名青年学科带头人 南开大学颁发 2013 全球化方面最佳图书 Strategy+ Business杂志颁发 2011 40岁以下最有前途学者提名 国际商务学会年会颁发 2008 最佳学生论文一等奖 中国管理研究国际学会双年会颁发


战略管理:新兴市场企业成长、多元化 国际商务:中国企业国际化、海外不利性、距离对外商直接投资的影响


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Journal Articles in UTD 24 Journals “Bilateral political tension and the signaling role of patenting in a host country”, with JT Li and Jue Wang, forthcoming at Journal of International Business Studies. DOI: 10.1057/s41267-023-00657-4. “Growth or Profit? Strategic Orientations and Long-term Performance in China”, with Seung Ho Park, 2020, Strategic Management Journal, 41(11): 2050-2071. “Foreign subsidiary CSR as a buffer again parent firm reputation risk”, with Heli Wang, 2020, Journal of International Business Studies, 51(8): 1256-1282. “From home country to home base: A dynamic approach to the liability of foreignness”, with Mauro Guillen, 2015, Strategic Management Journal, 36(4): 907-917. “MNC strategy and social adaptation in emerging markets”, with Meng Zhao and Seung Ho Park, 2014, Journal of International Business Studies, 45(7): 842-861. “An Institutional Approach to Cross-National Distance”, with Heather Berry and Mauro F. Guillen, 2010, Journal of International Business Studies, 41(9): 1460-1480. Journal Articles in Other SSCI Journals “Emerging market multinationals’ liability of outsidership”, sole author, forthcoming at Journal of World Business. DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2023.101505 “From learner to innovator: Knowledge transfer from a parent MNE and foreign subsidiaries’ local innovation”, with JT Li, Changhong Bai and Dan Zhang, forthcoming at Management International Review. DOI: 10.1007/s11575-023-00512-6. “Decomposing firm performance in emerging markets: The difference between growth and profit”, forthcoming, with Seung Ho Park, forthcoming at Management and Organization Review. “The determinants of investment size: the role of parent firm and national distance”, with Tianyou Hu and Andrew Delios, 2023, European Journal of International Management, 19(3): 413-438. “The Role of FDI Motives in the Link between Institutional Distance and Subsidiary Ownership Choice by Emerging Market Multinational Enterprises”, with Jie Wu, Seung Ho Park, Zaheer Khan, and Martin Meyer, 2022, British Journal of Management, 33(3): 1371-1394. “Institutional complementarities and corporate governance: The case of hostile takeover attempts”, with Mauro Guillen, 2019, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 27(2): 82-97. “Hybrid state-owned enterprises and internationalization: Evidence from emerging market multinationals”, sole author, 2018, Management International Review, 58(4): 605-631. “Categorizing the liability of foreignness: Ownership, location, and internalization-specific dimensions”, with Mauro Guillen, 2016, Global Strategy Journal, 6(4): 309-329. “Facing global economic crisis: Foreign sales, ownership groups, and corporate value”, with Xufei Ma and Daphne Yiu, 2014, Journal of World Business, 49(1): 87-100. “Profitable growth: Avoiding the "growth fetish" in emerging markets”, with Seung Ho Park and Gerardo Ungson, 2013, Business Horizons, 56(4): 473-481. - Included in Harvard Business Review (Product number: BH545-PDF-ENG) “Diversification and Diffusion: A Social Networks and Institutional Perspective”, with Andrew Delios, 2012, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29(3): 773-798. “Ownership Structure and the Diversification and Performance of Publicly-Listed Companies in China”, with Andrew Delios and Weiwei Xu, 2008, Business Horizons, 51(6): 473-483. “A New Perspective on Ownership Identities in China’s Listed Companies”, with Andrew Delios and Zhijian Wu, 2006, Management and Organization Review, 2(3): 319-343. Journal Articles (Chinese) “Research on the Influence of Sequential Innovation Strategy on Innovation Performance”, with Xu Xin and Cai Mengyu, forthcoming, Science & Technology Progress and Policy (科技进步与对策). “Research perspectives, methods and prospects of platform governance”, with Cai Mengyu, Xu Xin and Zhang Wanjiao, forthcoming, Journal of Management Case Studies (管理案例研究与评论). “Growth path of internet platform firms: Classification and characteristics”, with Xu Xin and Cai Mengyu, forthcoming, Forum on Science and Technology in China (中国科技论坛). “Institutional distance and innovation performance of Chinese enterprises’ cross-border mergers and acquisitions”, with Yang Zhu, 2023. Science Research Management (科研管理), 44(2): 81-88. “The role of teacher and student in business school case teaching”, with Sunny Li Sun and Liu Gang, 2011. Journal of Management Case Studies (管理案例研究与评论), 4(4): 323-329. “Legitimation in Density Dependence Model: The Moderating Role of Firm and Location Heterogeneity”, with Zhu Yujie and Sun Hui, 2009, Management World (管理世界), 25(3): 111-120. “The empirical analyses of the determinants of the FDI location choices in China”, with Zhu Yujie, 2005, Research on Financial and Economic Issues (财经问题研究), 27(11): 53-60. “The different factors affecting the geographical distribution of FDI in China”, with Zhu Yujie, 2003, International Economic Cooperation (国际经济合作), 15: 17-20.


Editorial Review Board Journal of International Business Studies Editorial Board Management International Review Ad hoc Reviewer for SMJ; OS; ASQ; JMS etc.
