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李相勇,管理科学与工程系教授。主要研究领域为服务网络设计与优化、数据驱动运营优化和分析、收益管理和定价等,研究致力于为运营、运输、物流和通讯等服务系统的规划、管理和决策建立有效的优化模型和方法。讲授课程包括收益管理和动态定价、运筹学、管理优化方法等。 李相勇教授作为作者/合作者在INFORMS Journal on Computing、Transportation Research Part B、IISE Transactions、European Journal of Operational Research、OMEGA、Annals of Operations Research、International Journal of Production Economics、Journal of the Operational Research Society、Transportation Research Part E、Computers and Operations Research、Computers and Industrial Engineering、系统工程理论与实践、管理科学学报等国际国内学术期刊上发表论文多篇。 李相勇教授担任期刊International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics编委会委员,担任Networks、European Journal of Operational Research、OMEGA等多个学术期刊审稿人。研究曾获上海市科技进步二等奖和三等奖,中国物流与采购联合会科技进步二等奖,论文曾获中国物流学术年会优秀论文一等奖和二等奖。入选了教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,上海市曙光学者计划和上海市浦江人才计划。研究成果曾用于上汽通用智能排产系统,上海市建筑垃圾回收航运网络设计。曾指导学生获得第二届上海市高校开放大数据分析挑战赛特等奖,同济大学优秀本科毕业设计。 教育背景 2004-2007 管理学博士 上海交通大学 2001-2004 工学硕士 西南交通大学 1997-2001 工学学士 西南交通大学 主持和参与项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (72372114) 面向全渠道零售的需求匹配问题研究 2024.1-2027.12 主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (72072127) 面向全渠道零售的订单履约问题研究 2021.1-2024.12 主持 同济大学学科交叉联合攻关示范项目 (2022-1-YB-13) 面向即时配送的无人车与骑手协同配送调度优化问题研究 2022.6.1-2023.11.30 参与 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (71672126) 面向O2O即时配送服务的订单匹配问题研究 2017.1-2020.12 主持 曙光计划项目(18SG23) 考虑协同优化的城市物流服务网络设计问题研究 2018.11-2020.12 主持 国家自然科学基金重点项目 (71532015) 零售商自有品牌的定价策略与供应链协调机制 2016.1-2020.12 参与 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目 (15YJA630030) 面向策略规划的速递服务网络设计与优化研究 2015.1-2017.12 主持 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目 考虑资源管理的服务网络设计与优化 2014.1-2016.12 主持 国家自然科学基金青年基金 (71101105) 考虑消费者双曲时间偏好行为的动态定价策略研究 2012.1-2014.12 主持 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题 (2011EGL004) 考虑复杂消费者行为的网络零售商动态定价策略研究 2012.1-2013.12 主持 博士点基金 (20110072120013) 考虑消费者惰性行为的动态定价策略研究 2012.1-2013.12 主持 浦江人才计划项目 网络零售环境下考虑消费者双曲时间偏好行为的动态定价策略研究 2011.10-2013.9 主持 学术经历 2007.11-2009.12 加拿大温莎大学奥德特商学院 博士后 2007.9-2007.10 香港城市大学商学院 助理研究员 (Research Associate) 学术服务 国际期刊International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics编委会委员 中国软科学研究会理事 中国运筹学会会员 中国物流协会会员 上海市运筹学会会员 Networks、EJOR、OMEGA、IJPE、JORS等多个学术期刊的审稿人 学术荣誉 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 上海市曙光学者计划 上海市浦江人才计划 上海市科技进步二等奖(2018) 上海市科技进步三等奖(2015) 中国物流与采购联合会科技进步二等奖(2021) 中国物流学术年会优秀论文一等奖(2016) 和二等奖(2020) 上海三菱电梯奖励金(教学奖)(2020) 2021届优秀本科毕业设计指导老师 2021年第二届上海市高校开放大数据分析挑战赛特等奖(指导老师) 2022年第三届上海市高校开放大数据分析挑战赛二等奖(指导老师) 第九届全国大学生统计建模大赛上海赛区选拔赛三等奖(指导老师)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Xiaonan Li, Xiangyong Li*, Junxin Shi. 2024. Capacity Sharing for Ride-Sourcing Platforms under Competition. Transportation Research Part E, 182, 103397. Junxin Shi, Xiangyong Li*. 2023. Order Assignment in a Ride-hailing Platform with Heterogeneous Participants. Operations Management Research, Accepted. Junxin Shi, Xiangyong Li*,Y.P. Aneja, Xiaonan Li. 2023. Ride-matching for the Ride-hailing Platform with Heterogeneous Drivers. Transport Policy, 136, 169-192. Lu Yang, Xiangyong Li*, Ye Xia, Y.P. Aneja. 2023. Returns Operations in Omnichannel Retailing with Buy-Online-and-Return-to-Store. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, 119, 102874. Xiaonan Li, Xiangyong Li*, Hai Wang, Junxin Shi, Y.P. Aneja. 2022. Supply Regulation under the Exclusion Policy in a Ride-Sourcing Market. Transportation Research Part B, 166, 69-94. Lu Yang, Xiangyong Li*, Ning Zhong. 2022. Omnichannel Retail Operations with Mixed Fulfillment Strategies, International Journal of Production Economics, 254, 108608. Dapei Jiang, Xiangyong Li*, Y.P. Aneja, Wei Wang, Peng Tian. 2022. Integrating Order Delivery and Return Operations for Order Fulfillment in an Online Retail Environment. Computers and Operations Research, 143, 105749. Justin Britt, M. Fazle Baki, Ahmed Azab, Abderrahmane Chaouch, Xiangyong Li. 2021. A stochastic hierarchical approach for the master surgical scheduling problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 158, 107385. Xiangyong Li*, Kai Wei, Zhaoxia Guo, Wei Wang, Y.P. Aneja. 2021. An Exact Approach for the Service Network Design Problem with Heterogeneous Resource Constraints. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, 102, 102376. (Test Instances) Dapei Jiang, Xiangyong Li*. 2021. Order Fulfillment Problem with Time Windows and Synchronization Arising in the Online Retailing. International Journal of Production Research, 59(4)1187-1215. Xiangyong Li*, Y.P. Aneja. 2020. A New Branch-and-Cut Approach for the Generalized Regenerator Location Problem. Annals of Operations Research, 295, 229-255. Jiaqing Qiu, Xiangyong Li*, Yongrui Duan, Mengxi Chen, Peng Tian. 2020. Dynamic Assortment in the Presence of Brand Heterogeneity. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 56, 102152. Xiangyong Li*, Yi Ding, Kai Pan, Dapei Jiang, Y.P. Aneja. 2020. Single-path Service Network Design Problem with Resource Constraints. Transportation Research Part E, 140, 101945. Xiangyong Li*, Y.P. Aneja. 2020. A Branch-and-Benders-Cut Approach for the Fault Tolerant Regenerator Location Problem. Computers and Operations Research, 115, 104847. Xiangyong Li*, Jieqi Li, Y.P. Aneja, Zhaoxia Guo, Peng Tian. 2019. Integrated Order Allocation and Order Routing Problem for e-Order Fulfillment. IISE Transactions, 51, 1128-1150. Xiangyong Li*, Lanjian Zhu, Fazle Baki, A.B. Chaouch. 2018. Tabu Search and Iterated Local Search for the Cyclic Bottleneck Assignment Problem. Computers and Operations Research, 96, 120-130. Xiangyong Li*, Chongfang Yue, Y. Aneja, Si Chen, Youzhi Cui. 2018. An Iterated Heuristic for the Regenerator Location Problem. Applied Soft Computing,70, 182-194. New Large Testing instances Xiangyong Li*, Y. Aneja. 2017. Regenerator location problem: Polyhedral study and effective branch-and-cut algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 257(1) 25-40. Xiangyong Li*, Kai Wei, Y. Aneja, P. Tian. 2017. Design-balanced capacitated multicommodity network design with heterogeneous assets. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, 67(3)145-159. Xiangyong Li*, Kai Wei, Y. Aneja, P. Tian, Youzhi Cui. 2017. Matheuristics for the single-path design-balanced service network design problem. Computers and Operations Research, 77(1) 141-153. Xiangyong Li*, Shaochong Lin, P. Tian, Y. Aneja. 2017. Models and column generation approach for the resource-constrained minimum cost path problem with relays. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, 66(1) 79-90. Xiangyong Li*, Shaochong Lin, Si Chen, Y.P. Aneja, Peng Tian, Youzhi Cui. 2017. An iterated metaheuristic for the directed network design problem with relays. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 113, 35-45. Li, X., N. Rafaliya, M. F. Baki, B. A. Chaouch. 2017. Scheduling Elective Surgeries: The Tradeoff among Bed Capacity, Waiting Patients and Operating Room Utilization Using Goal Programming. Health Care Management Science, 20(1): 33-54. Xiangyong Li*, F. Baki, P. Tian, B. A. Chaouch. 2014. A robust block-chain based tabu search algorithm for the dynamic lot sizing problem with product returns and remanufacturing. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science 42(1) 75-87. Xiangyong Li*, Y.P. Aneja. 2012. A branch-and-cut approach for the minimum energy broadcasting problem in wireless networks. INFORMS Journal on Computing 24(3) 443-456. Xiangyong Li*, Y.P. Aneja, Jiazhen Huo. 2012 Using branch-and-price approach to solve the directed network design problem with relays. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science 40(5) 672-679. Xiangyong Li*, SCH Leung, Peng Tian. 2012. A multistart adaptive memory-based tabu search algorithm for the heterogeneous fixed fleet open vehicle routing problem. Expert Systems with Applications 39(1) 365-374. Xiangyong Li*, Y.P. Aneja, Jiazhen Huo. 2012. A robust branch-and-cut approach for the minimum-energy symmetric network connectivity problem. OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science 40(2)210-217. Li Zhao, Peng Tian, Xiangyong Li*. 2012. Dynamic pricing in the presence of consumer inertia, OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science 40(2)137-148. Xiangyong Li, Md. Fazle Baki, Yash P. Aneja. 2011. Flow shop scheduling to minimize the total completion time with a permanently present operator: Models and ant colony optimization metaheuristic. Computers & Operations Research 38(1)152-164. Y.P. Aneja, R.Chandrasekaran, Xiangyong Li*, K.P.K. Nair. 2010. A branch-and-cut algorithm for the strong minimum energy topology in wireless sensor networks. European Journal of Operational Research 204(3),604-612. Xiangyong Li*, Peng Tian, Stephen C.H. Leung. 2010. Vehicle routing problems with time windows and stochastic travel and service times: Models and algorithms. International Journal of Production Economics 125(1) 137-145. X-Y Li*, Y.P. Aneja, F. Baki. 2010. An ant colony optimization metaheuristic for single-path multicommodity network flow problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society 61(9), 1340-1355. Xiangyong Li*, Peng Tian , Y.P. Aneja. 2010. An adaptive memory programming metaheuristic for the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem. Transportation Research Part E 46(6), 1111-1127. Xiangyong Li*, F. Baki, Y.P. Aneja. 2010. An ant colony optimization metaheuristic for machine-part cell formation problems. Computers & Operations Research 37(12)2071-2081. X-Y Li*, P. Tian, SCH Leung. 2009. An ant colony optimization metaheuristic hybridized with tabu search for open vehicle routing problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society 60(7) 1012-1025. Kanchan Das, Fazle Baki, Xiangyong Li. 2009. Optimization of operation and changeover time for production planning and scheduling in a flexible manufacturing system. Computers & Industrial Engineering 56(1)283-293. Xiangyong Li, Y.P. Aneja. 2009. A branch-and-cut algorithm for the minimum energy symmetric connectivity problem in wireless networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5573, 494-506. 工作论文 Xiaowen Li, Xiangyong Li, Lu Yang, Ye Xia. 2022. Quality Disclosure on a Sharing Platform with Spatially Differentiated Suppliers and Loss-averse Buyers. Submission under review. Xiangyong Li, Xuefei Wang. 2018. Order Fulfillmemnt Problem in the O2O Environment. Working paper. Xiangyong Li, Zhongmin Da. 2018. E-Order Fulfillment with Outsourced Delivery. Working paper. Xiangyong Li, Zhaoxia Guo, Kai Pan, Xuyang Xing. 2018. Data-Driven Taxi Capacity Expansion Planning under Demand Uncertainty. Working paper. Xiangyong Li, Y.P. Aneja. 2018. Benders Decomposition Approach for a Scheduling Problem. Working paper.
