Yuzhu Liu, Weigang Liu, Jizhong Yang*, and Liangguo Dong. 2021. Extracting angle domain common image gather with variable density acoustic-wave equation. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 18(2), 192-199.
Jizhong Yang, Yunyue Elita Li, Yuzhu Liu, Yanwen Wei, and Haohuan Fu. 2020. Mitigating the cycle-skipping of full-waveform inversion by random gradient sampling. Geophysics, 85(6), R493–R507.
Jizhong Yang, Yunyue Elita Li, Yuzhu Liu, and Jingjing Zong. 2020. Least-squares extended reverse time migration with randomly sampled space shifts. Geophysics, 85(6), S357–S369.
Jizhong Yang, Yunyue Elita Li, Arthur Cheng, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2019. Least-squares reverse time migration in the presence of velocity errors. Geophysics, 84(6), S567-S580.
Jizhong Yang, Yunyue Elita Li, Yanwen Wei, Haohuan Fu, and Yuzhu Liu. 2019. Full-waveform inversion with randomized space shift. The Leading Edge, 38(3): 197-203.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, Yunyue Elita Li, Arthur Cheng, Liangguo Dong, and Yue Du. 2019. Joint least-squares reverse time migration of primary and prismatic waves. Geophysics, 84(1): S29-S40.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2016. Least-squares reverse time migration in the presence of density variations. Geophysics, 81(6):S497-S509.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2016. Simultaneous estimation of velocity and density in acoustic multi-parameter full-waveform inversion using an improved scattering-integral approach. Geophysics, 81(6): R399-R415.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2016. Multi-parameter full waveform inversion for velocity and density based on Born sensitivity kernels. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 59(3): 1082-1094.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2014. A multi-parameter full waveform inversion strategy for acoustic media with variable density. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 57(2): 628-643.
Jizhong Yang, Jingjing Zong, Arthur Cheng, Yunyue Elita Li. 2020. The application of least-squares extended reverse-time migration to vertical seismic profiling data. SEG 2020 Workshop: 2nd SEG Borehole Geophysics Workshop, Virtual, 44-47, Keynote Speaker.
Jizhong Yang, Jingjing Zong, Arthur Cheng, Yunyue Elita Li. 2020. The behavior of least-squares extended reverse time migration for vertical seismic profiling data. 90th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 3818–3822, Oral presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Jingjing Zong, Yunyue Elita Li, Arthur Cheng. 2020. Application of Reverse Time Migration with Random Space Shift to Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) Data. 82nd Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, Fr_P05_07, E-Poster Presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yunyue Elita Li, and Yuzhu Liu. 2019. Least-squares reverse time migration with random space shift. 89th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 4201–4205, Oral presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yunyue Elita Li, Yuzhu Liu, and Bo Zhang. 2019. Reverse time migration with random space shift. 81st Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, Tu P03 02, Poster Presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yunyue Elita Li, Yanwen Wei, Haohuan Fu, and Yuzhu Liu. 2018. Full-waveform inversion based on gradient sampling algorithm with randomized space shift. 88th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1063-1067, Oral presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yunyue Elita Li, Arthur Cheng, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2018. Least-squares reverse time migration with velocity errors. 88th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 4256-4260, Oral presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, Liangguo Dong, Yunyue Elita Li, and Arthur Cheng. 2017. Least-squares reverse time migration incorporating prismatic waves. 87th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 4519-4523, Oral presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yunyue Elita Li, Arthur Cheng, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2017. Least-squares extended reverse time migration with velocity errors. SEG Workshop: Full-waveform Inversion and Beyond, Beijing, China, 68-71, Oral presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu and Liangguo Dong. 2016. Least-squares reverse time migration with variable density. 78th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, We SRS2 09, Oral Presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2015. Frequency domain least-squares reverse time migration with a modified scattering-integral approach. 85th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 4164-4169, doi: 10.1190/segam2015-5909496.1, Oral Presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2015. Frequency domain full waveform inversion using the rapid expansion method in a time-stepping manner. 85th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1394-1398, doi: 10.1190/segam2015-5857382.1, E-poster Presentation.
JizhongYang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2015. Multi-parameter FWI in acoustic media based on the truncated Gauss-Newton method with a modified scattering-integral approach. SEG Workshop: Depth Model Building: Full-waveform Inversion, Beijing, China, 112-115, doi: 10.1190/FWI2015-028, Oral Presentation.
JizhongYang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2015. Least-squares reverse time migration with truncated Gauss-Newton method. 77th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, Tu P3 12, E-poster Presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2015. Truncated Gauss-Newton method with a modified scattering-integral approach for multi-parameter FWI in acoustic media. 77th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, Tu N104 02, Oral Presentation.
JizhongYang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2014. Truncated Gauss-Newton implementation for multi-parameter full waveform inversion. AGU, Fall Meeting Abstracts, NS43A-3849, Poster Presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2014. A multi-parameter full waveform inversion strategy in acoustic media. 76th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, We P01 09, Poster Presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2013. Time-windowed frequency domain full waveform inversion using phase-encoded simultaneous sources. 75th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, We 11 11, Oral Presentation.
Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu, and Liangguo Dong. 2011. Reflection Fresnel volume tomography and its application. SPG/SEG Shenzhen 2011 International Geophysical Conference, Expanded Abstracts, 2151-2160, doi: 10.1190/1.4705000, Oral Presentation.