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张林同志现任同济大学软件学院院务助理。他曾于2003年和2006年在上海交通大学计算机科学与技术系分别获得学士和硕士学位。之后曾先后在Microsoft和Autodesk公司工作。2008年3月至香港理工大学攻读博士学位,导师为张磊教授(IEEE Fellow、Chair Professor)。2011年8月博士毕业后进入同济大学工作。主要研究兴趣包括机器视觉与图像理解、智能驾驶中的环境感知、生物特征识别、多媒体质量评价等。他以第一或通信作者身份已在IEEE T-PAMI、IEEE T-IP、IEEE T-MM、IEEE T-CSVT、ACM TOMM、Pattern Recognition等期刊上发表论文40余篇,在CVPR、ACM MM、ACCV等顶级国际会议上发表论文40余篇。根据Google Scholar统计,截至目前,其所发表论文总的被引用次数为11000+次;其中,4篇论文入选ESI Highly Cited Papers。其论文“FSIM: A feature similarity index for image quality assessment, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 20 (8) 2378-2386, 2011”为IEEE T-IP自2011年以来所有发表论文中被引用次数最高的论文,目前被引用4300+次。其论文“Online finger-knuckle-print verification for personal authentication, Pattern Recognition, 43 (7) 2560-2571, 2010”曾获Pattern Recognition杂志最佳论文提名。其论文“3D ear identification using LC-KSVD and local histograms of surface types”获得ICME2015最佳论文提名。 他目前是IEEE高级会员、中国计算机学会(CCF)杰出会员、中国计算机学会(CCF)计算机视觉专业委员会委员、中国图象图形学学会机器视觉专业委员会委员、中国自动化学会混合智能专业委员会委员、视觉与学习青年研讨会(VALSE)资深领域主席(Senior Area Chair)。目前是国际期刊IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters、Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation编委(Associate Editor)。入选2020年度、2021年度Elsevier(爱思唯尔)中国高被引学者,入选2022年全球顶尖前10万名科学家(计算机科学与技术)。获2019年全国软件工程教学案例比赛一等奖(排名1),2020年上海市科技进步一等奖(排名2),2022年教育部技术发明一等奖(排名2),2022年上海市高等教育优秀教学成果二等奖(排名3)。他于2013年入选上海市浦江人才计划,2020年入选教育部长江学者奖励计划青年学者,2021年入选上海市曙光计划。2021年8月开始,担任中国计算机学会传播大使。 Education 03/2008~01/2011 PhD, Dept. of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China. 09/2003~04/2006 M.Sc., Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. 09/1999~07/2003 B.Sc., Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. Work Experience 12/2019~Present, Professor, School of Software Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China 12/2014~12/2019, Associate Professor, School of Software Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China 08/2011~12/2014, Assistant Professor, School of Software Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China 01/2011~08/2011, Research Assistant, Dept. Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. 12/2005~01/2007 Software Engineer, Autodesk Inc., Shanghai, China. 04/2005~12/2005 Technical Supporter, Global Technical Support Center, Microsoft Inc., Shanghai, China. 荣誉与获奖 2022年,高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)技术发明一等奖(排名2),获奖项目“城市空间信息全域物联感知与三维建模关键技术及应用”,中华人民共和国教育部 2022年,上海市高等教育优秀教学成果二等奖(排名3),获奖项目“筑基建魂,二十年砥砺求索,新时代一流软件工程人才培养体系的构建与实践”,上海市教育委员会 2022年,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation最佳编委(Best Editor Award) 2021年,Elsevier(爱思唯尔)中国高被引学者 2021年,上海市曙光计划,上海市教育委员会 2020年,教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者,中华人民共和国教育部 2020年,上海市科技进步一等奖(排名2),获奖项目“面向应急抢险与事故处理的数据高效传输与智能分析关键技术与应用”,上海市人民政府 2020年,Elsevier(爱思唯尔)中国高被引学者 2020年6月,“深化教学改革与创新,建设一流的软件工程专业基础和数字媒体课程群”获同济大学教学成果特等奖(排名第三,共14人),同济大学 2019年12月,首届芯创杯高校未来汽车人机交互设计大赛优秀指导教师,中国电子信息产业发展研究院 2019年11月,“CV之旅:环视系统构建及基于环视的泊车位检测”获第十八届全国软件与应用学术会议(NASAC2019)全国软件工程教学案例比赛一等奖(排名第一),中国计算机学会软件工程专业委员会、系统软件专业委员会 2019年10月,同济大学育才教育奖励金二等奖优秀教师,同济大学 2018年5月,“面向计算机视觉课程的综合实验平台”获同济大学校级教学成果三等奖 (排名第一),同济大学 2017年9月,同济大学师德师风优秀教师提名奖,同济大学 2013年7月,上海市浦江人才计划,上海市科学技术委员会 2013年6月,同济大学青年岗位能手,同济大学 2012年11月,同济大学铭创教育基金优秀教师奖,同济大学 Oct. 2013, Best Paper Award (Honorable Mention) for the paper "Lin Zhang et al., Online finger-knuckle-print verification for personal authentication, Pattern Recognition 43 (7) 2560-2571, 2010" in the journal Pattern Recognition Oct. 2010, Silver Medal in the iENA (International Trade Fair for Ideas-Inventions-New Products) exhibition held at Nuremberg Germany for our system "Digital Image/ Video Quality Enhancement" (With Dr. Lei Zhang and Dr. Weisheng Dong) Apr. 2010, The Most Promising Researcher, Dept. Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Mar. 2008~Feb. 2011, Edward Sai Kim Hotung Scholarship, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2003年06月,优秀毕业论文,上海交通大学 2002年10月,第二轮选优考优秀生,上海交通大学


机器视觉 环境感知与理解


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Journal Papers Zhong Wang, Lin Zhang*, Shengjie Zhao, and Yicong Zhou, "Ct-LVI: A Framework Towards Continuous-time Laser-Visual-Inertial Odometry and Mapping", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, to appear. (website and source code) Zhong Wang, Lin Zhang*, Shengjie Zhao, and Yicong Zhou, "Global Localization in Large-scale Point Clouds via Roll-pitch-yaw Invariant Place Recognition and Low-overlap Global Registration", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, to appear. (website and source code) Jiafeng Huang, Shengjie Zhao, Tianjun Zhang, and Lin Zhang*, "MC-VEO: A Visual-Event Odometry with Accurate 6-DoF Motion Compensation," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, to appear. (website and source code) Tiantian Chen, Ying Shen*, Xuri Chen, Lin Zhang, and Shengjie Zhao, "MPEG: A Multi-Perspective Enhanced Graph Attention Network for Causal Emotion Entailment in Conversations," IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, to appear. (data and source code) Zhong Wang, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen, and Yicong Zhou, "D-LIOM: Tightly-coupled direct LiDAR-inertial odometry and mapping," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 25, pp. 3905-3920, 2023. (data and source code). Yang Chen, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen, Brian Nlong Zhao, and Yicong Zhou, "Extrinsic self-calibration of the surround-view system: A weakly supervised approach," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 25, pp. 1622-1635, June 2023. (data and source code) Xuan Shao, Ying Shen, Lin Zhang*, Shengjie Zhao, Dandan Zhu, and Yicong Zhou, "SLAM for indoor parking: A comprehensive benchmark dataset and a tightly-coupled semantic framework", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1: 1-23, January 2023. (website and data) Tianjun Zhang, Lin Zhang*, Yang Chen, and Yicong Zhou, "CVIDS: A collaborative localization and dense mapping framework for multi-agent based visual-inertial SLAM," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 31, pp. 6562-6576, 2022. (data and source code) Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, Tianjun Zhang, Ying Shen, and Yicong Zhou, "MOFISSLAM: A multi-object semantic SLAM system with front-view, inertial and surround-view sensors for indoor parking", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 4788-4803, 2022. (website and data) Tianjun Zhang, Hao Deng, Lin Zhang*, Shengjie Zhao, Xiao Liu, and Yicong Zhou, "Online correction of camera poses for the surround-view system: A sparse direct approach", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 106:1-24, 2022. (website and source code) Lin Zhang, Anqi Zhu, Shiyu Zhao, and Yicong Zhou, "Simulation of atmospheric visibility impairment", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 30, pp. 8713-8726, 2021. (data and source code) Zhong Wang, Ying Shen, Lin Zhang*, Shaoming Zhang, and Yicong Zhou, "Towards robust autonomous coverage navigation for carlike robots", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 8742-8749, 2021. (data and source code) Anqi Zhu, Lin Zhang*, Juntao Chen, and Yicong Zhou, "Pedestrian-aware panoramic video stitching based on a structured camera array", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 136: 1-24, 2021. (data and source code) Shiyu Zhao, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen, and Yicong Zhou, "RefineDNet: A weakly supervised refinement framework for single image dehazing", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 30, pp. 3391-3404, 2021. (website and source code) Zhong Wang, Lin Zhang*, Shengjie Zhao, and Shaoming Zhang, "Global localization with a single-line LiDAR by dense 2D signature and 1D registration", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 11497-11506, May 2021. Shiyu Zhao, Lin Zhang*, Shuaiyi Huang, Ying Shen, and Shengjie Zhao, "Dehazing evaluation: Real-world benchmark datasets, criteria and baselines", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 29, pp. 6947-6962, 2020. (data and source code) Shiyu Zhao, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen, Shengjie Zhao, and Huijuan Zhang, "Super-resolution for monocular depth estimation with multi-scale sub-pixel convolutions and a smoothness constraint", IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 16323-16335, 2019. Lin Zhang, Junhao Huang, Xiyuan Li, and Lu Xiong, "Vision-based parking-slot detection: A DCNN-based approach and a large-scale benchmark dataset", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 5350-5364, 2018. (data and source code) Lin Zhang, Lida Li, Anqi Yang, Ying Shen, and Meng Yang, "Towards contactless palmprint recognition: A novel Device, a new benchmark, and a collaborative representation based identification approach", Pattern Recognition, vol. 69, pp. 199-212, 2017. (data and source code) Lin Zhang, Qingjun Liang, Ying Shen, Meng Yang, and Feng Liu, "Image set classification based on synthetic examples and reverse training", Neurocomputing, vol. 228, pp. 3-10, 2017. Lin Zhang, Lida Li, Hongyu Li, and Meng Yang, "3D ear identification using block-wise statistics based features and LC-KSVD", IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 1531-1541, 2016. (website and source code) Lin Zhang, Ying Shen, Hongyu Li, and Jianwei Lu, "3D palmprint identification using block-wise features and collaborative representation", IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 1730-1736, 2015. (website and source code) Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, and Alan C. Bovik, "A feature-enriched completely blind image quality evaluator", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 2579-2591, 2015. (website and source code) Lin Zhang, Ying Shen, and Hongyu Li, "VSI: A visual saliency induced index for perceptual image quality assessment", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 4270-4281, 2014. (website and source code) Lin Zhang, Zhongyi Gu, Xiaoxu Liu, Hongyu Li, and Jianwei Lu, "Training quality-aware filters for no-reference image quality assessment", IEEE Multimedia Magazine, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 67-75, 2014. Guangwei Gao, Jian Yang, Jianjun Qian, and Lin Zhang, "Integration of multiple orientation and texture information for finger-knuckle-print verification", Neurocomputing, vol. 135, no. 7, pp. 180-191, 2014. Zhenhua Guo, Qin Li, Lin Zhang, Jane You, David Zhang, and Wenhuang Liu, "Is local dominant orientation necessary for the classification of rotation invariant texture?", Neurocomputing, vol. 116, no. 9, pp. 182-191, 2013. Guangwei Gao, Lei Zhang, Jian Yang, Lin Zhang, and David Zhang, "Reconstruction based Finger-Knuckle-Print verification with score level adaptive binary fusion", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 5050-5062, 2013. Ying Shen, Hausan Wong, Shaohong Zhang, and Lin Zhang, "RNA structural motif recognition based on least-squares distance", RNA, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 1183-1191, 2013. Lin Zhang and Hongyu Li, "Encoding local image patterns using Riesz transforms: With applications to palmprint and finger-knuckle-print recognition", Image and Vision Computing, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 1043-1051, 2012. Lin Zhang, Hongyu Li, and Junyu Niu, "Fragile bits in palmprint recognition", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 663-666, 2012. Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, David Zhang, and Zhenhua Guo, "Phase congruency induced local features for finger-knuckle-print recognition", Pattern Recognition, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 2522-2531, 2012. Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, Xuanqin Mou, and David Zhang, "FSIM: A feature similarity index for image quality assessment", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 2378-2386, 2011.(website and source code) Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, David Zhang, and Hailong Zhu, "Ensemble of local and global information for finger-knuckle-print recognition", Pattern Recognition, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 1990-1998, 2011. Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, David Zhang, and Hailong Zhu, "Online finger-knuckle-print verification for personal authentication", Pattern Recognition, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 2560-2571, 2010. Bob Zhang, Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang and Fakhri Karray, "Retinal vessel extraction by matched filter with first-order derivative of Gaussian", Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 438-445, 2010. Conference Papers Fengyi Zhang, Lin Zhang*, Tianjun Zhang, and Dongqing Wang, Adaptively hashing 3DLUTs for lightweight real-time image enhancement, in: Proc. ICME, pp. 2771-2776, 2023. Zhong Wang, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen and Yicong Zhou, LVI-ExC: A target-free LiDAR-Visual-Inertial extrinsic calibration framework, in: Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, pp. 3319-3327, 2022. Fengyi Zhang, Hui Zeng, Tianjun Zhang, and Lin Zhang*, CLUT-Net: Learning adaptive compressed representations of 3DLUTs for lightweight image enhancement, in: Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, pp. 6493-6501, 2022. Yang Yang, Chaoyue Wang, Risheng Liu, Lin Zhang, Xiaojie Guo, and Dacheng Tao, Self-augmented unpaired image dehazing via density and depth decomposition, in: Proc. CVPR, pp.2037-2046, 2022 Jiayan Tong, Tianjun Zhang, and Lin Zhang*, Towards underwater image restoration: A physical-accurate pipeline and a large scale full-reference benchmark, in: Proc. ICME, 2022. (data and source code) Kaixin Chen, Lin Zhang, Ying Shen, and Yicong Zhou, Towards controllable and physical interpretable underwater scene simulation, in Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 2789-2793, 2022. (website and source code) Chaozheng Guo, Lin Zhang, Ying Shen, and Yicong Zhou, ChunkFusion: A Learning-based RGB-D 3D reconstruction framework via chunk-wise integration, in Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 3818-3822, 2022. (website and source code) Tianjun Zhang, Nlong Zhao, Ying Shen, Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, and Yicong Zhou, ROECS: A robust semi-direct pipeline towards online extrinsics correction of the surround-view system, in: Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, pp. 3153-3161, 2021. (website and data) Xuan Shao, Lin Zhang*, Tianjun Zhang, Ying Shen, Hongyu Li, and Yicong Zhou, A tightly-coupled semantic SLAM system with visual, inertial and surround-view sensors for autonomous indoor parking, in: Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, pp. 2691–2699, 2020. (website and data) Tianjun Zhang, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen, Yong Ma, Shengjie Zhao, and Yicong Zhou, OECS: Towards online extrinsics correction for the surround-view system, in: Proc. ICME, 2020. (website and source code) Anqi Zhu, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen, Yong Ma, Shengjie Zhao, and Yicong Zhou, Zero-shot restoration of underexposed images via robust Retinex decomposition, in: Proc. ICME, 2020. (website and source code) Juntao Chen, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen, Yong Ma, Shengjie Zhao, and Yicong Zhou, A study of parking-slot detection with the aid of pixel-level domain adaptation, in: Proc. ICME, 2020. Lin Zhang, Lijun Zhang, Xiao Liu, Ying Shen, Shaoming Zhang, and Shengjie Zhao, Zero-shot restoration of back-lit images using deep internal learning, in: Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, pp. 1623-1631, 2019. (website and source code) Xiao Liu, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen, Shaoming Zhang, and Shengjie Zhao, Online camera pose optimization for the surround-view system, in: Proc. ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, pp. 383-391, 2019. Shiyu Zhao, Lin Zhang*, Shuaiyi Huang, Ying Shen, Shengjie Zhao, and Yukai Yang, Evaluation of defogging: A real-world benchmark dataset, a new criterion and baselines, in: Proc. ICME, pp. 1840-1845, 2019. Yingyi Zhang, Lin Zhang*, Xiao Liu, Shengjie Zhao, Ying Shen, and Yukai Yang, Pay by showing your palm: A study of palmprint verification on mobile platforms, in: Proc. ICME, pp. 862-867, 2019. Xuan Shao, Xiao Liu, Lin Zhang*, Shengjie Zhao, Ying Shen, and Yukai Yang, Revisit surround-view camera system calibration, in: Proc. ICME, pp. 1486-1491, 2019. Junhao Huang, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen, Huijuan Zhang, Shengjie Zhao, and Yukai Yang, DMPR-PS: A novel approach for parking-slot detection using directional marking-point regression, in: Proc. ICME, pp. 212-217, 2019. (website and source code) Lin Zhang, Juntao Chen, Dongyang Liu, Ying Shen, and Shengjie Zhao, Seamless 3D surround view with a novel burger model, in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 4150-4154, 2019. Shiyu Zhao, Lin Zhang*, Ying Shen, and Yongning Zhu, A CNN-based depth estimation approach with multi-scale sub-pixel convolutions and a smoothness constraint, in: Proc. ACCV, 2018. Lijun Zhang, Lin Zhang*, Xiao Liu, Ying Shen, and Dongqing Wang, Image exposure assessment: A benchmark and a deep convolutional neural networks based model, in: Proc. ICME, 2018. Yamei Zhu and Lin Zhang*, A comprehensive study on upper-body detection with deep neural networks, in Proc. ICPR, 2018. Linshen Li, Lin Zhang*, Xiyuan Li, Xiao Liu, Ying Shen, and Lu Xiong, Vision-based parking-slot detection: A benchmark and a learning-based approach, in: Proc. ICME, pp. 649-654, 2017. (website and source code) Lijun Zhang, Lin Zhang*, and Lida Li, Illumination quality assessment for face images: A benchmark and a convolutional neural networks based model, in Proc. ICONIP, 2017. (website and source code) Ning Zhang, Lin Zhang*, and Zaixi Cheng, Towards simulating foggy and hazy images and evaluating their authenticity, in Proc. ICONIP, 2017. (website and source code) Ning Zhang and Lin Zhang*, SSGD: Superpixels using the shortest gradient distance, in Proc. ICIP, 2017. (website and source code) Lida Li, Lin Zhang*, and Hongyu Li, 3D ear identification using LC-KSVD and local histograms of surface types, in: Proc. ICME2015. Lin Zhang, Zhixuan Ding, Hongyu Li, and Jianwei Lu, 3DMKDSRC: A novel approach for 3D face recognition, in: Proc. ICME, 2014. Zhongyi Gu, Lin Zhang*, Xiaoxu Liu, Hongyu Li, and Jianwei Lu, Learning quality-aware filters for no-reference image quality assessment, in: Proc. ICME, 2014. Lin Zhang, Zhongyi Gu, and Hongyu Li, SDSP: A novel saliency detection method by combining simple priors, in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 171-175, 2013. (website and source code) Zhixuan Ding, Lin Zhang*, and Hongyu Li, A novel 3D ear identification approach based on sparse representation, in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 4166-4170, 2013. Zhongyi Gu, Lin Zhang*, and Hongyu Li, Learning a blind image quality index based on visual saliency guided sampling and Gabor filtering, in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 186-190, 2013. (website and source code) Hongyi Li, Zhujing Wu, Lin Zhang*, and Jussi Parkkinen, SR-LLA: A novel spectral reconstruction method based on locally linear approximation, in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 2029-2033, 2013. Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, Xuanqin Mou, and David Zhang, "A comprehensive evaluation of full reference image quality assessment algorithms", in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 1477-1480, 2012. Lin Zhang and Hongyu Li, "SR-SIM: A fast and high performance IQA index based on spectral residual", in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 1473-1476, 2012. (website and source code) Lin Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhou and Hongyu Li, "Binary Gabor pattern: an efficient and robust descriptor for texture classification", in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 81-84, 2012. (website and source code) Hongyu Li, Junyu Niu, and Lin Zhang, "Entropy based image semantic cycle for image classification", in: Proc. ICONIP, pp. 533-540, 2012. Hongyu Li, Chen Lin, Junyu Niu, Lin Zhang, and Jussi Parkkinen, "Manifold analysis of spectral munsell colors", in: Proc. ICONIP, pp. 543-550, 2012. Hongyu Li, Junyu Niu, Lin Zhang, and Bo Hu, "Spatio-temporal LTSA and its application to motion decomposition", in: Proc. ICONIP, pp. 498-505, 2012. Yi Wang, Hongyu Li, Junyu Niu, and Lin Zhang, "Local tangent space based manifold entropy for image retrieval", in: Proc. ICPR, pp. 262-265, 2012. Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, and Xuanqin Mou, "RFSIM: a feature based image quality assessment metric using Riesz transforms", in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 321-324, 2010. (website and source code) Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, Zhenhua Guo, and David Zhang, "Monogenic-LBP: a new approach for rotation invariant texture classification", in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 2677-2680, 2010. (website and source code) Meng Yang, Lei Zhang, Lin Zhang, and David Zhang, "Monogenic binary pattern (MBP): a novel feature extraction and representation model for face recognition", in: Proc. ICPR, pp. 2680-2683, 2010. Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, and David Zhang, "Finger-knuckle-print: a new biometric identifier", in: Proc. ICIP, pp. 1981-1984, 2009. Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, and David Zhang, "Finger-knuckle-print verification based on band-limited phase-only correlation", in: Proc. CAIP, pp. 141-148, 2009. Lin Zhang, Lei Zhang, and David Zhang, "A multi-scale bilateral structure tensor based corner detector", in: Proc. ACCV, pp. 618-627, 2009.


IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters编委(Associate Editor) Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation编委(Associate Editor) IEEE Senior Member 中国计算机学会(CCF)杰出会员 中国计算机学会(CCF)计算机视觉专业委员会委员 中国图象图形学学会机器视觉专业委员会委员 中国自动化学会混合智能专业委员会委员 中国计算机学会传播大使 视觉与学习青年研讨会(VALSE)资深领域主席(Senior Area Chair)
