2003.03~2006.10 同济大学 桥梁与隧道工程 博士
2000.09~2003.03 大连理工大学 结构工程 硕士
1995.09~2000.07 石家庄铁道学院 交通土建工程 本科
2019.12~至今 同济大学 教授
2012.03~2013.03 University of California, Berkeley, PEER 访问学者
2010.12~2019.12 同济大学 副研究员
2006.10~2010.12 同济大学 讲师
Guan Z, Li J Z, Guo W, et al. Design and validation of a shaking-table test model on a long-span cable-stayed bridge with inverted-Y-shaped towers[J]. Engineering Structures, 2019, 201: 109823.
Guan Z, You H, Li J. An effective lateral earthquake-resisting system for long-span cable-stayed bridges against near-fault earthquakes[J]. Engineering Structures, 2019, 196: 109345.
Chen X, Li J, Guan Z. Fragility analysis of tall pier bridges subjected to near-fault pulse-like ground motions. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2019: 1-14.
管仲国, 李延, 周良, et al. 基于拉伸型限位键的牺牲装置与性能试验[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 47(03):13-18+34.
Zhongguo Guan, Xu Chen, Jianzhong Li. Experimental investigation of the seismic performance of bridge models with conventional and rocking pile group foundations, Engineering Structures,2018,168, 889-902.
仲浩然, 管仲国. 提离式桩基础用于城市高架桥抗震之适用性分析, 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(10), 117-122.
Zhongguo Guan; Juhui Zhang; Jianzhong Li. Multilevel Performance Classifications of Tall RC Bridge Columns toward Postearthquake Rehabilitation Requirements, Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2017, 22(10):1-12.
管仲国; 杨彬; 董凯; 李建中. 可提离式群桩基础桥梁滞回性能模型试验, 中国公路学报, 2017, 30(10):62-68.
游瀚; 管仲国. 弹塑性索和黏滞阻尼器系统用于斜拉桥横向减震分析, 振动与冲击, 2017, (14):183-188.
李建中; 管仲国. 桥梁抗震设计理论发展: 从结构抗震减震到震后可恢复设计, 中国公路学报, 2017, 30(12):1-9.
Zhongguo Guan; Han You; Jianzhong Li. Lateral Isolation System of a Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge with Heavyweight Concrete Girder in a High Seismic Region, Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2017, 22(1):1-15.
Li J, Tang H, Guan Z. Shake Table Test and Numerical Analysis of a Bridge Model Supported on Elastomeric Pad Bearings. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 21(4): 604-634.
Li J, Xiang N, Tang H, et al. Shake-table tests and numerical simulation of an innovative isolation system for highway bridges. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 2016, 86: 55-70.
管仲国; 游瀚; 郭河. 近断层斜拉桥弹塑性索与阻尼器组合横向减震, 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 44(11):1653-1659.
管仲国; 李晓波; 李建中. 钢筋混凝土高墩多水准抗震性能试验, 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2015.9.15, (09):1295-1300+1437.