Dawei Xue, Ghassan Shahin, Xilin Lü*, Giuseppe Buscarnera*. Simulation and interpretation of compaction patterns around boreholes excavated in high-porosity rocks. Acta Geotechnica. 2023 (in press)
Xilin Lü*, Dawei Xue, Qifeng Zhong, Bin Zhang. Experimental studies and constitutive modeling of static liquefaction instability in sand-clay mixtures. International Journal of Geomechanics-ASCE, 2022. https://doi: 10.1061/ (ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0002472
Dawei Xue, Xilin Lü*, Maosong Huang, and Keng-Wit Lim. Nonlocal regularized numerical analyses for passive failure of tunnel head in strain-softening soils. Computers and Geotechnics. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2022.104834
Jie Jiang, Jian Su, Xiaoduo Ou, Mengsen Weng, Xilin Lü*. Study on the physical and mechanical properties of bauxite residue by laboratory and field in-situ tests. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021, doi:10.1007/s12665-021-09679-3
Jiwen Zhang, Jie Cao, Bo Li, Kunye Zhou, Xilin Lü*. Centrifuge Model Test on the Settlement of Valley-Type Loess Filled after Construction and Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, article ID: 8852623.
Xilin Lü*, Dawei Xue, Keng-Wit Lim. Implicit gradient softening plasticity for the modeling of strain localization in soils. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 364:112934.
Xilin Lü*, Zheng Su, Maosong Huang, Yuncai Zhou. Strength reduction finite element analysis of the stability of large cross-river shield tunnel face with seepage. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2020, 24(3):336-353
Xilin Lü, Yiyue Ma, Jiangu Qian*, Maosong Huang. Discrete element simulation of scaling effect of strain localization in dense granular materials. International Journal of Geomechanics-ASCE. 2019, 19(6): 04019059
Xilin Lü*,Sheng Zeng, Liuchi Li, Jiangu Qian, Maosong Huang. Two-dimensional discrete element simulation of the mechanical behavior and strain localization of anisotropic dense sands. Granular Matter, 2019, 21(2): article id 37 doi: 10.1007/s10035-019-0891-9
Sheng Zeng, Xilin Lü*, Maosong Huang. Discrete element modeling of static liquefaction failure of shield tunnel face in saturated sand. Acta Geotechnica, 2019, 14:1643-1652
Xilin Lü*, Dawei Xue, Qiushi Chen, Xinle Zhai, Maosong Huang. Centrifuge model test and limit equilibrium analysis of the stability of municipal solid waste slope. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019, 78(4): 3011-3021
Xilin Lü*, Jiangu Qian, Maosong Huang. Instability of sands under axisymmetric proportional strain and stress loadings. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2019, 23(11):1294-1310
Xilin Lü*, Dawei Xue, Maosong Huang, Keng-Wit Lim. A shear hardening plasticity model with nonlinear shear strength criterion for municipal solid waste. Computers and Geotechnics, 2018, 104: 207-215
Xilin Lü*, Yuncai Zhou, Maosong Huang, Sheng Zeng. Experimental study of the face stability of shield tunnel in sands under seepage condition. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2018, 74: 195–205
Xilin Lü*, Maosong Huang, José E. Andrade. Modeling of static liquefaction in unsaturated sands containing gas bubbles. Soils and Foundations, 2018, 58(1): 131-142
Xilin Lü, Maosong Huang*, Jiangu Qian. Influences of loading direction and intermediate principal stress ratio on the initiation of strain localization in cross-anisotropic sand. Acta Geotechnica, 2018, 13(3):619-633
Xilin Lü, Quan Ma, Linlong Mu*, Hang Fang. Model test of the long-term behavior of a pile-net structure subgrade for high-speed railways. Journal of Testing and Evaluation-ASTM, 2018. 46(6):2311-2318
Xilin Lü*, Xinle Zhai, Maosong Huang. Characterization of the constitutive behavior of municipal solid waste considering particle compressibility. Waste Management, 2017, 69(17):3-12
Xilin Lü*, Maosong Huang, José E. Andrade. Predicting the initiation of static liquefaction of cross-anisotropic sands under multiaxial stress conditions. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017, 41(17):1724- 1740
Xilin Lü*, Sheng Zeng, Jiangu Qian, Maosong Huang. DEM analysis of the shear strength of cross-anisotropic sand with non-spherical particles. Géotechnique Letters, 2017, 7(3):1-7
Xilin Lü*, Yuncai Zhou, Maosong Huang, Fengdi Li. Computation of the minimum limit support pressure for the shield tunnel face stability under seepage condition. International Journal of Civil Engineering. 2017, 15(6):849-863
Maosong Huang, Xie Qu, Xilin Lü*. Numerical modeling of the progressive failure of soil with nonlocal regularized strain softening plasticity. Computational Mechanics, 2018, 62(3):347-358
Xilin Lü*, Maosong Huang, José E Andrade. Strength criterion for cross-anisotropic sand under general stress conditions. Acta Geotechnica, 2016, 11(6):1339-1350
Xilin Lu*, Maosong Huang. Static liquefaction of sands under isotropical and K0 consolidated undrained triaxial conditions. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering-ASCE. 2015, 141(1) 04014087
Xilin Lu*, Maosong Huang, Jiangu Qian. Prediction of plane strain undrained diffuse and localized instability with non-coaxial plasticity. Soils and Foundations. 2014, 54(6):1070-1080
Xilin Lu*, Haoran Wang, Maosong Huang. Upper Bound Limit Analysis of the Face Stability of Shield Tunnel below the Water Table. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/727964
Xilin Lu*, Jean-Pierre Bardet, Maosong Huang. Spectral analysis of nonlocal regularization in two-dimensional finite element models, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2012,36(2):219-235
Xilin Lu, Maosong Huang*, Jiangu Qian. The onset of strain localization in cross-anisotropic soils under true triaxial condition. Soils and Foundations, 2011, 51(4):693-700
Xilin Lu*, Jean-Pierre Bardet, Maosong Huang. Nonlocal plasticity solutions of strain localization in bars of varying section. Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE. 2010, 136(8):1036-1042
Xilin Lu, Jean-Pierre Bardet*, Maosong Huang. Numerical solutions of strain localization with nonlocal softening plasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2009, 198(47-48):3702-3711
吕玺琳,程博文,张甲峰,晏友波,徐柯锋. 含水率对土石混合料力学特性影响试验研究. 地基处理. 2023,5(2):97-104.
吕玺琳,薛大为,马一跃,曾盛,黄茂松. 颗粒材料应变局部化渐进破坏宏细观数值模拟. 中国科学:技术科学,2022, 52(7):1022-1034.
吕玺琳,钟启锋,颜建春,唐正辉,徐柯锋,刘先林. 不同初始饱和度条件下高塑限滑带土环剪试验,工程地质学报,2022,doi:10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2022-0130
吕玺琳,赵庾成,曾盛. 砂层中盾构隧道开挖面稳定性物理模型试验. 隧道与地下工程灾害防治. 2022,4(3): 67-76
吕玺琳,范琪,刘泳钢,江杰. 含水率变化对膨胀土地基单桩承载特性影响数值模拟. 结构工程师,2022,38(3):117-122
吕玺琳,翁锰森,张滨,蔡剑韬. 细粒含量对饱和砂土静态液化失稳特性影响的三轴试验研究, 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2021,49(8):1128-1134
黄茂松,童森杰,时振昊,吕玺琳. 复杂应力路径下饱和砂土静态液化失稳预测. 岩土工程学报,2021,43(1):19-26
吕玺琳,赵庾成,蔡剑韬. 盾构隧道施工扰动诱发富水砂层地陷变形数值模拟. 现代隧道技术,2020,57(5):104-109
吕玺琳,张滨,周堃野,钱建固. 浸水条件下膨胀性红层砂岩地基扩底桩抗拔承载特性. 水利水电技术,2020,51(8):176-180
吕玺琳,薛大为. 土体软化条件下条形基础地基承载力数值模拟. 岩土工程学报,2019, 41(s2):9-12
吕玺琳,曾盛,王远鹏,马少坤,黄茂松. 富水圆砾地层盾构隧道开挖面稳定性物理模型试验. 岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(s2): 129-132
吕玺琳,张滨,章澎. 砂与粘土混合物强度特性环剪试验研究. 工程地质学报,2019, 27(5):1109-1114
张甲峰,钱建固,吕玺琳,李帅,李军世,苏尔好.飞机移动荷载作用下跑道地基响应范围变化规律. 岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(s1):101-104
马一跃,吕玺琳,黄茂松. 桩承式路堤土拱效应及荷载传递机制离散元模拟. 铁道标准设计,2018,63(8):1-5
吕玺琳,马泉. 高铁复合结构路基荷载传递规律及沉降数值模拟研究. 铁道工程学报. 2018, 35(7):1-6
吕玺琳,翟新乐. 考虑固废强度非线性的填埋场地基承载力分析. 地下空间与工程学报,2018,14(3): 672-677
吕玺琳,马泉,方航. 高铁桩网复合结构软土路基长期运营沉降模型试验研究. 岩土工程学报. 2017,39(s1): 140-144
吕玺琳,周运才,李冯缔. 粉砂地层盾构隧道开挖面稳定性离心试验及数值模拟. 岩土力学,2016, 37(11): 3324-3328,3335
吕玺琳,方航,张甲峰. 循环交通荷载下软土路基长期沉降理论解析,岩土力学,2016,37(s1): 435-440
吕玺琳,赖海波,王蓉. 模型固废三轴固结不排水剪试验及孔压分析,地下空间与工程学报,2016, 12(6):1593-1597
吕玺琳,黄茂松,钱建固. 不排水加载条件下K0固结饱和砂土失稳预测,岩土工程学报,2015,37(6):1010-1015
吕玺琳,黄茂松,王蓉. 基于非线性强度准则的城市固废本构模型,同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2015,43(9): 66-71
吕玺琳,钱建固,黄茂松. 考虑主应力方向影响的正交各向异性土体强度. 同济大学学报,2015,43(5): 657-661
吕玺琳,翟新乐,黄茂松,赖海波. 中高龄期模型固体废弃物三轴试验与强度特性分析, 岩土力学,2015,36(s1):346-350
吕玺琳,赖海波,黄茂松. 饱和土体静态液化失稳理论预测. 岩土力学, 2014,35(5):1330-1333,1339
吕玺琳,李冯缔,黄茂松,胡雯婷. 渗流条件下三维盾构隧道开挖面极限支护压力. 岩土工程学报, 2013,35(s1):108-112.
吕玺琳,李冯缔,黄茂松,万家亮. 三维盾构隧道开挖面极限支护压力数值及理论解,同济大学学报,2012,40(10): 1469-1473.
吕玺琳,王浩然,黄茂松. 盾构隧道开挖面稳定极限理论研究. 岩土工程学报,2011,33(1):57-62
吕玺琳,黄茂松,钱建固. 真三维状态下土体强度及变形分叉影响. 岩土力学. 2011,32(1):21-26
吕玺琳,黄茂松,钱建固. 层状各向异性无黏性土三维强度准则. 岩土工程学报. 2011, 33(6):945-949
吕玺琳,王浩然. 软土盾构隧道开挖面支护压力极限上限解. 土木建筑与环境工程. 2011, 33(2):65-69
吕玺琳,黄茂松. 基于非局部塑性模型的应变局部化理论分析及数值模拟. 计算力学学报. 2011,28(5):743-748
吕玺琳,黄茂松,钱建固. 基于非共轴本构模型的砂土真三轴试验分叉分析. 岩土工程学报,2008,30(5):646-651.
吕玺琳,钱建固,黄茂松. 基于分叉理论的轴对称条件下岩石变形带分析. 水利学报,2008,39(3):307-312.
吕玺琳,吕龙,吕恩琳. 桩的模糊随机可靠性分析.岩土力学2008, 29(7):1993-1996
吕玺琳,黄茂松,钱建固. 真三轴状态下砂土强度参数. 岩土力学, 2009, 30 (4):981-984
吕玺琳,钱建固,吕龙,吕恩琳. 边坡稳定模糊随机可靠性分析.岩土力学,2008, 29 (12):3437-3442
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