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教育经历 博士(2002.03~2005.08)浙江大学 建筑工程学院,岩土工程专业 硕士(1999.09~2002.03)西安建筑科技大学 土木工程学院,岩土工程专业 本科(1995.09~1999.07)西安建筑科技大学 土木工程学院,建筑工程专业 工作经历 2021.04-至今 同济大学科研管理部 部长 2019.04-2021.03 同济大学学科建设办公室 副主任 2017.11-2019.03 同济大学科学技术研究院 副院长 2016.11-2017.11 同济大学地下建筑与工程系 系副主任 2012.12-至今 同济大学 土木工程学院 地下建筑与工程系 教授 2012.06-至今 同济大学 土木工程学院 地下建筑与工程系 博士生导师 2010.01-2011.01 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校土木与环境工程系 访问学者 2009.12-2012.12 同济大学 土木工程学院 地下建筑与工程系 副教授 2005.09-2009.11 同济大学 土木工程学院 地下建筑与工程系 讲师 学术荣誉 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,2017年 国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家,2020年 教育部长江学者(青年学者),2015年 中国青年科技奖,2018年 上海市青年科技杰出贡献奖,2020年 茅以升土力学及岩土工程青年奖,2019年 上海市曙光学者,2016年 上海市“青年五四奖章”获得者,2014年 科研奖励 教育部科技进步奖一等奖,2020年,排名第1 上海市科技进步奖一等奖,2019年,排名第1 华夏建设科学技术奖二等奖,2018年,排名第7 上海市科技进步奖二等奖,2016年,排名第4 上海市科技进步奖二等奖,2015,排名第1 教学奖励 同济大学土木工程学院2015年度院长奖(教育教学奖),2016年 同济大学第3届“学生心目中的好导师”荣誉称号,2015年 同济大学2015届优秀毕业论文指导教师,2015年 同济大学优秀毕业论文指导教师,2013年 同济大学土木工程学院第1届“学生心目中的好导师”荣誉称号,2012年




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An-Zheng Li, Shi-Jin Feng*. A double-phase constitutive model for municipal solid waste with a fiber pullout criterion to evaluate the softening behavior, Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 150: 104901. Shi-Jin Feng, Yang Shen, Qi-Teng Zheng*, Jia-Liang Shi. Multi-functional direct shear apparatus for geosynthetic interfaces with its application on various GMB/GCL interfaces. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, 17: 993-1008. Fu-jiang Shi, Shi-Jin Feng*, Qi-Teng Zheng, Xiao-Lei Zhang, Hong-Xin Chen. Effect of polyanionic cellulose modification on properties and microstructure of calcium bentonite. Applied Clay Science, 2022, 228:106633. Xiang-Hong Ding, Shi-Jin Feng*, Investigating the roles of advection and degradation in chlorinated solvent back-diffusion from multi-layer aquitards: A novel analytical approach, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 437:129410. Shi-Jin Feng, Ya-Qiong Wang, Hong-Xin Chen*. DEM simulation of geotextile-geomembrane interface direct shear test considering the interlocking and wearing processes, Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 148: 104805. Zhang-Wen Zhu, Shi-Jin Feng, Hong-Xin Chen*, Zhang-Long Chen, Xiang-Hong Ding, Chun-Hui Peng. Approximate analytical model for transient transport and oxygen-limited biodegradation of vapor-phase petroleum hydrocarbon compound in soil, Chemosphere, 2022, 300:134522. Qi-Teng Zheng, Shi-Jin Feng*, Shao-Jie Wu, Xiao-Lei Zhang, Hong-Xin Chen. Modeling of multifield coupling interactions in an aerobic landfill based on the finite volume method, Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 146: 104704. Yi-Cheng Li, Shi-Jin Feng*, Zhang-Long Chen. Moving load response of an axially loaded Timoshenko beam on a multi-layered transversely isotropic half-space comprising different media, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,2020,44(18):2501-2523. Shi-Jin Feng, He Chen, Qi-Teng Zheng, Hong-Xin Chen. Fractal analytical solution of gas diffusivity in heterogeneous porous media over the entire saturation range, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 188:122652. Shi-Feng Lu, Shi-Jin Feng*, Coupled bio-hydro-thermo-mechanical interactions of landfilled MSW based on a multi-phase, multi-component numerical model, Computers and Geotechnics, 2022,144: 104659. Ji-Yun Chang, Shi-Jin Feng*, A constitutive model for geosynthetic interfaces considering nonlinear softening behavior, Computers and Geotechnics, 2022,143:104633. Xiang-Hong Ding, Shi-Jin Feng*. Analytical model for degradable contaminant transport through a cutoff wall-aquifer system under time-dependent point source pollution, Computers and Geotechnics, 2022,143:104627. Ji-Yun Chang, Shi-Jin Feng⁎, Experimental study of the shear behaviour of a multilayer geosynthetic liner system, Geosynthetics International, 2021,28(6): 634-646. Xiang-Hong Ding, Shi-Jin Feng, Qi-Teng Zheng*, Chun-Hui Peng, Zhang-Wen Zhu, Chun-Bai-Xue Yang. Transient migration behavior of VOC vapor in layered unsaturated soils subjected to multiple time-dependent point pollution sources: Analytical study, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 806:150370. Shan Zhao, Jian-Hua Wang, Shi-Jin Feng⁎, Zai-Lun Xiao, Chun-Yan Chen. Effects of ecohydrological interfaces on migrations and transformations of pollutants: A critical review, Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 804:150140. Shi-Feng Lu, Shi-Jin Feng*, Qi-Teng Zheng, Zhen-Bai Bai,A multi-phase, multi-component model for coupled processes in anaerobic landfills: Theory, implementation, and validation, Geotechnique, 2021, 71(9): 826-842. Shi-Jin Feng, Ji-Yun Chang, Xiao-Lei Zhang, Hao Shi, Shao-Jie Wu. Stability analysis and control measures of a sanitary landfill with high leachate level, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 2021,147(10):05021009. Xiang-Hong Ding, Shi-Jin Feng, Qi-Teng Zheng*, A two-dimensional analytical model for contaminant transport in a finite domain subjected to multiple arbitrary time-dependent point injection sources, Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 597: 126318. Ming-Qing Peng, Shi-Jin Feng⁎. An analytical solution for organic pollutant diffusion in a triple-layer composite liner considering the coupling influence of thermal diffusion, Computers and Geotechnics, 2021,137: 104283. Shi-Jin Feng, Jia-Liang Shi, Yang Shen, Hong-Xin Chen, Ji-Yun Chang, Dynamic shear behavior of GMB/CCL interface under cyclic loading, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2021, 49(3):657-668. Ji-Yun Chang, Shi-Jin Feng*, Qi-Teng Zheng, Yang Shen. Cyclic shear behavior of GMB/GCL composite liner, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2021, 49(3): 593-603. Yong Zhao, Shi-Jin Feng*. Back analysis of surrounding rock parameters of tunnel considering displacement loss and space effect, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80(7), 5675-5692. Ji-Yun Chang, Shi-Jin Feng*, Dynamic shear behaviors of textured geomembrane/nonwoven geotextile interface under cyclic loading, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2021,49(2):388-398. Ming-Qing Peng, Shi-Jin Feng*, Hong-Xin Chen, Zhang-Long Chen, Hai-Jian Xie. Analytical model for organic contaminant transport through GMB/CCL composite liner with finite thickness considering adsorption, diffusion and thermodiffusion, Waste Management, 2021,120: 448-458. Shi-Jin Feng, Xiang-Hong Ding, Qi-Teng Zheng, Zhang-Long Chen, Vertical-rocking-horizontal vibrations of a rigid disk resting on multi-layered soils with groundwater level Applied Mathematical Modelling, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 89:1491-1516. Shi-Jin Feng, Ji-Yun Chang, Hong-Xin Chen, Yang Shen, Jia-Liang Shi. Shear strength and failure mechanism of needle-punched geosynthetic clay liner, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2020, 48:962-972. Shi-Jin Feng, Zhen-Bai Bai, Qi-Teng Zheng, Shi-Feng Lu, and Xiao-Lei Zhang. A finite-volume numerical model for temporal and spatial variability of methane oxidation in landfill covers, Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 122:103510. Shi-Jin Feng, Jie-Ni Chen, Hong-Xin Chen*, Xin Liu, T. Zhao, Annan Zhou. Analysis of sand-woven geotextile interface shear behavior using DEM, Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 2020, 57(3): 433-447. Shi-Jin Feng, Zhang-Wen Zhu, Zhang-Long Chen, Hong-Xin Chen. Analytical model for multi-component landfill gas migration through four-layer landfill biocover with capillary barrier, International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2020, 20(3):04020001. Shi-Jin Feng, Jian-Ping Li, Xiao-Lei Zhang, Zhang-Long Chen, Yi-Cheng Li. Effects of water table on ground-borne vibration screening effectiveness by using open trenches, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2020,131:106031. Shi-Jin Feng, Yong Zhao, Xiao-Lei Zhang, Zhen-Bai Bai. Leachate leakage investigation, assessment and engineering countermeasures for tunneling underneath MSW landfill, Engineering Geology, 2020, 265:105447. Shu-Gang Ai, Shi-Jin Feng*. Multiscale modeling for analyzing slip weakening at material interfaces, Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 118:103348. Chun-Hui Peng, Shi-Jin Feng*, Qi-Teng Zheng, Xiang-Hong Ding, Zhang-Long Chen, Hong-Xin Chen, A two-dimensional analytical solution for organic contaminant diffusion through a composite geomembrane cut-off wall and an aquifer, Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 119:103361. Shi-Jin Feng, Ji-Yun Chang, Hao Shi, Qi-Teng Zheng, Xing-Yu Guo, Xiao-Lei Zhang. Failure of an unfilled landfill cell due to an adjacent steep slope and a high groundwater level: a case study, Engineering Geology, 2019, 262: 105320. Shi-Jin Feng, Hong-Yu Gao, L. Gao, L. M. Zhang, Hong-Xin Chen*. Numerical modelling of interactions between a flow slide and buildings considering the destruction process, Landslides. 2019, 16(10):1903-1919. Shi-Jin Feng, Jian-Ping Li, Xiao-Lei Zhang, et al. Numerical analysis of buried trench in screening surface vibration, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 126: 105822. Shi-Jin Feng, Ming-Qing Peng, Hong-Xin Chen, Zhang-Long Chen. Fully transient analytical solution for degradable organic contaminant transport through GM/GCL/AL composite liners, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2019, 47(3): 282-294. Qi-Teng Zheng, R. Kerry Rowe, Shi-Jin Feng*. Design of Horizontal Landfill Gas Collection Wells in Non-homogeneous Landfills, Waste Management, 2019, 98:102-112. Shi-Jin Feng, Wen-Ding Fu, Annan Zhou*, Fan Lyu. A coupled hydro-mechanical-biodegradation model for municipal solid waste in leachate recirculation, Waste Management, 2019, 98:81-91. Hong-Xin Chen, Jin Li, Shi-Jin Feng*, et al., Simulation of interactions between debris flow and check dams on three-dimensional terrain, Engineering Geology, 2019,251:48-62. Shi-Feng Lu, Ju-Hua Xiong, Shi-Jin Feng*, Hong-Xin Chen, Zhen-Bai Bai, Wen-Ding Fu, Fan Lü. A finite-volume numerical model for bio-hydro-mechanical behaviors of municipal solid waste in landfills, Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 109: 204-219. Yi-Cheng Li, Shi-Jin Feng*, Hong-Xin Chen, et.al, Random vibration of train-track-ground system with a poroelastic interlayer in the subsoil, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019,120:1-11. Shi-Jin Feng, Ji-Yun Chang, Hong-Xin Chen, Numerical analysis of earthquake-induced deformation of liner system of typical canyon landfill, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 116:96-106. Qi-Teng Zheng, R. Kerry Rowe, Shi-Jin Feng*, Recovery Response of Vertical Gas Wells in Non-homogeneous Landfills,Waste Management,2019, 83:33-45. Shi-Jin Feng, Ming-Qing Peng, Zhang-Long Chen, Hong-Xin Chen, Transient analytical solution for one-dimensional transport of organic contaminants through GM/GCL/SL composite liner, Science of the Total Environment. 2019,650:479-492. Qi-Teng Zheng, R. Kerry Rowe, Shi-Jin Feng*, Design of vertical landfill gas collection wells considering non-homogeneity with depth,Waste Management, 2018, 82:26-36. Shi-Jin Feng, Shu-Gang Ai, Hong-Xin Chen, Membrane effect of geosynthetic reinforcement subjected to localized sinkholes, Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 2018, 55: 1334-1348. Ben-Yi Cao, Shi-Jin Feng*, An-Zheng Li. CFD modeling of anaerobic-aerobic hybrid bioreactor landfills. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2018, 18(7) 04018072. Shi-Jin Feng, Zheng-Wei Chen, Hong-Xin Chen, Qi-Teng Zheng, Run Liu, Slope stability of landfills considering leachate recirculation using vertical wells, Engineering Geology,2018, 241:76-85. Shi-Jin Feng, Ji-Yun Chang, Hong-Xin Chen. Seismic analysis of landfill considering the effect of GM-GCL interface within liner, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 107:152-163. Shi-Jin Feng, Xin Liu, H. X. Chen, T. Zhao, Micro-mechanical analysis of geomembrane -sand interactions using DEM, Computers and Geotechnics. 2018, 94: 58-71. Shi-Jin Feng, Zhang-Long Chen, Hong-Xin Chen. A systematic and efficient method for modeling acoustic response of multilayered media, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122(22): 224901. Shi-Jin Feng, Shu-Gang Ai, H.X. Chen. Estimation of arching effect in geosynthetic-reinforced structures, Computers and Geotechnics, 2017, 87: 188-197. Shi-Jin Feng, Qi-Teng Zheng, Hai-Jian Xie. A gas flow model for layered landfills with vertical extraction wells, Waste Management, 2017, 66: 103-113. Shi-Jin Feng, Shu-Gang Ai, H. X. Chen, Hai-Jian Xie. An analytical method for predicting load acting on geosynthetic overlying voids, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2017, 45:570-579. Shi-Jin Feng, Yi-Cheng Li, Zhang-Long Chen, H. X. Chen. Response of railway track coupled with a stratified ground consisting of saturated interlayer to high-speed moving train load, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 102:25-40. Shi-Jin Feng, Xiao-Lei Zhang, Lei Wang, Qi-Teng Zheng, Feng-Lei Du, Zhi-Lu Wang. In Situ Experimental Study on High Speed Train Induced Ground Vibrations with the Ballast-less Track, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 102:195-214. Shi-Jin Feng, Feng-Lei Du, H. X. Chen, Jian-Zhi Mao. Centrifuge modelling of preloading consolidation and dynamic compaction in treating dredged soil. Engineering Geology, 2017, 226:161-171. Shi-Jin Feng,Qi-Teng Zheng, H.X. Chen. Unsaturated flow parameters of municipal solid waste, Waste Management, 2017, 63:107-121. Shi-Jin Feng, Ke-Wei Gao, Yi-Xin Chen, Yao Li, L.M. Zhang, H. X. Chen. Geotechnical properties of municipal solid waste at Laogang Landfill, China. Waste Management, 2017, 63:354-365. Shi-Jin Feng, Ben-Yi Cao, Hai-Jian Xie, Modelling of leachate recirculation using spraying-vertical well systems in bioreactor landfills, International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE. 2017,17(7):04017012. Shi-Jin Feng, Yi-Cheng Li, Zhang-Long Chen, H. X. Chen. Three-dimensional dynamic response of ground with a poroviscoelastic interlayer to a harmonic moving rectangular load, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017, 41:1055-1076. Shi-Jin Feng, Xiao-Lei Zhang, Qi-Teng Zheng,Lei Wang. Simulation and Mitigation Analysis of Ground Vibrations Induced by High-Speed Train with Three Dimensional FEM, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 94: 204-214. Shi-Jin Feng, Zhang-Long Chen, H. X. Chen. Effects of multi-layered porous sediment on earthquake-induced hydrodynamic response in reservoir, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017,94: 47-59. Shi-Jin Feng, Shi-Feng Lu, H. X. Chen, Wen-Ding Fu, Fan Lü. Three-dimensional modelling of coupled leachate and gas flow in bioreactor landfills, Computers and Geotechnics. 2017, 84:138-151. Shi-Jin Feng, Ben-Yi Cao, Zhen-Bai Bai, Zhen-Yu Yin. Constitutive model for municipal solid waste considering the effect of biodegradation, Géotechnique Letters, 2016. 6(4):1-6. Shi-Jin Feng, Zhang-Long Chen, H. X. Chen. Reflection and transmission of plane waves at an interface of water/multi-layered porous sediment overlying solid substrate, Ocean Engineering, 2016, 126: 217-231. Shi-Jin Feng, Shi-Feng Lu. Failure of a Retaining Structure in a Metro Station Excavation in Nanchang City, China, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 2016, 30(4), 04015097, 1-12. Shi-Jin Feng, Ben-Yi Cao, Xu Zhang, Hai-Jian Xie. Modeling of leachate recirculation using vertical wells in bioreactor landfills, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(12): 9067-9079. Shi-Jin Feng, Shi-Feng Lu. Deformation analysis of a geosynthetic material subjected to two adjacent voids. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2015, 43(4): 317-331. Shi-Jin Feng, Feng-Lei Du, Zhen-Ming Shi, Wei-Hou Shui, Ke Tan. Field study on the reinforcement of collapsible loess using dynamic compaction. Engineering Geology, 2015,185: 105-115. Shi-Jin Feng, Qi-Teng Zheng. A two-dimensional gas flow model for layered municipal solid waste landfills, Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 63:135-145. Shi-Jin Feng, Shi-Feng Lu, Zhen-Ming Shi, Wei-Hou Shui. Densification of loosely deposited soft soils using the combined consolidation method, Engineering Geology, 2014,181:169-179. Shi-Jin Feng, Ke Tan, Wei-hou Shui, Yan Zhang. Densification of desert sands by high energy dynamic compaction, Engineering Geology, 2013, 157:48-54. Shi-Jin Feng, Wei-Hou Shui, Ke Tan, et. al. Field evaluation of dynamic compaction on granular deposits, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 2011, 25(3): 241-249. Shi-Jin Feng. Seismic analysis for translational failure of landfills with retaining walls, Waste Management, 2010, 30(11):2065-2073.


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