2015年9月-2018年9月 法国Aix-Marseille Université 获博士学位
2012年9月-2015年6月 兰州大学 获硕士学位
2008年9月-2012年6月 兰州大学 获学士学位
2020年11月-至今 同济大学 特聘研究员
2019年10月-2020年10月 University of Wyoming 博士后
2018年10月-2019年10月 University of Miami 博士后
(with Y. Lyu and Z.C. Wang) On Traveling Fronts of Combustion Equations in Spatially Periodic Media, in preparation.
(with K. Wang) Some results on classification of bistable transition fronts, in preparation.
Pushed fronts of monostable reaction-diffusion-advection equations, J. Diff. Equations, 365 (2023), 127-162. (link)
(with W.T. Li, R. Liu and Z.C. Wang) Curved fronts of bistable reaction-diffusion equations in spatially periodic media, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 242 (2021), 1571–1627. (link).
(with J. Forbey and R. Liu) Front propagation and blocking of reaction-diffusion systems in cylinders, Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), 6750-6722.(link)
(with H. Monobe) V-shaped fronts around an obstacle, Math. Ann. 379 (2021), 661-689.(link)
Transition fronts in unbounded domains with multiple branches, Calc. Var. Part. Differ. Equ. 59, 160 (2020).(link)
(with F. Hamel and W.J. Sheng) On the mean speed of bistable transition fronts in unbounded domains, J. Math. Pures Appl. 136 (2020), 92-157.(link)
(with Z.H. Bu and Z.C. Wang) Transition fronts of combustion reaction diffusion in R^N, J. Dyn. Diff. Equ. 31 (2019), 1987-2015.(link)
Propagating speeds of bistable transition fronts in spatially periodic media, Calc. Var. Part. Differ. Equ. (2018) 57: 47.(link)
(with W.J. Sheng) Transition fronts of time periodic bistable reaction-diffusion equations in R^N, J. Diff. Equations 265 (2018), 2191-2242.(link)
(with F. Hamel) Monotonicity of bistable transition fronts in R^N, J. Elliptic Parabol. Equ. 2 (2016), 145-155.(link)