方小春, C*-动力系统中作用群的amenable性, 科学通报, 36(1991), 1601-1603;
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方小春,余作用的Arveson谱,数学年刊(A ),15(1994),49-57;
X. Fang,The Arveson spectrum of coaction,Chinese J. of contemporary Mathematics,15(1994),49-58;
方小春,关于群胚的顺从性,数学年刊(A ),15(1994),449-454;
方小春,由1-余循环和左不变作用生成的C*动力系统,数学年刊(A ),15(1994),712-721;
X. Fang,The induced representation of C*-groupoid dynamic system,Chinese Ann. of Math.(B),17(1996),103-114;
方小春,余作用交叉积的顺从性,科学通报, 41(1996), No.19, 1823-1823;
X. Fang,The amenability of crossed product by coaction, Chinese Science Bulletin, 41(1996), No.23, 2022-2023;
方小春,纽共变系统的交叉积,同济学报, 97年第三期,349--353;
方小春,关于余作用的交叉积,同济学报, 97年第六期, 715--717;
方小春,数学分析中不同类型极限的一致处理方法,高等数学通报, 97年12月;(教学论文)
方小春,Hilbert双模的乘子双模,同济学报, 98年第一期,1--4;
X. Fang,The invariant continuous-trace C*-algebras by the action of compact abelian groups,Chinese Ann. of Math.(B),19(1998), 489--498;
X. Fang,The crossed products on the flow of groupoid with quasi-invariant measures,Acta Math. Sinica,14 (1998), 541-546;
G. A. Elliott and X. Fang, Simple inductive limits of C*-algebras with building blocks from spheres of odd dimension, Contemp. Math.(228), 'Operator Algebra and Operator Theory', 1998, 79--86;
X. Fang,The real rank zero property of the inductive limit of separable stable C*-algebras,Analysis,19(1999),377—389;
方小春,关于的谱结构,同济学报, 28(2000),78--80;
X. Fang,The Toeplitz algebra on the flow of groupoid , Advance in Mathematics (China)., 29(2000), 549--553;
X. Fang,Realization of Multiplier Hiilbert bimodule on bidual space and Tietze extension theorem, Chinese Ann. of Math.(B),21(2000), 375--380;
方小春,成荣,邱伯驺,关于连续迹C*代数间的谱映射,数学学报, 46(2003),453--456;
X. Fang,The trace space invariance and unitarily group of C*-algebra,Chinese Ann. of Math.(B),24(2003), 115--122;
方小春,成荣,邱伯驺,可能行无限向图代数,数学学报,Vol. 47(2004), NO.4,687-694
范庆斋,胡善文,方小春,I(k)中迹极限C*代数的K群,同济学报,Vol. 33(2005),230-233
房厚庆,方小春,丁娟, 双周期Riemann边值问题解法的注记,合肥工业大学学报,Vol.28(2005),209- - 211
范庆斋,方小春,迹稳定秩一的C*代数,数学学报,Vol. 48(2005), NO.5,929-934
范庆斋,方小春,单的迹稳定秩一的C*代数,同济学报,Vol. 33(2005),1696--1698
Fang Xiaochun, Graph C*-Algebras and their ideals defined by Cuntz-Krieger family of possibly row-infinite directed graphs, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 54(2006), 301-316
Fang Xiaochun, The real rank zero property of crossed product, Proceeding of America Mathematical Society,134 (2006), no. 10, 3015-3024
方小春,房厚庆,范庆斋,关于正元类相等的几个充分条件,同济学报,Vol. 34(2006),1256—1259
方小春,梁月亮,范庆斋,简单迹极限的基本可比性,同济学报,Vol. 34(2006),1108—1110
Liu Shudong, Fang Xiaochun, Extension algebras of Cuntz algebra, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 329(2007), 655--663
X. Fang, H. Yang, S. Liu, General forms of operator algebras on Pontrjagin Space with neutral invariant subspaces, Linear Algebras and Its Applications, 425(2007), 184--209
Fang Xiaochun, Liu Shudong,Lifting unitaries with application to approximately inner automorphisms,Acta Math. Sinica,English Series,Oct. , 2007, Vol. 23, No. 10, 1745--1750
代数的稳定有限性和弱迹稳定秩一,数学年刊,C*范庆斋,方小春,迹稳定秩一的[42] 28A (2007), 403—412
方小春,赵益乐,拟对角扩张的近似等距提升,中国科学,A辑,2008,38(9):1035-1045,2008理论,数学年刊,K-代数的扩张代数的C*-刘树冬,方小春,纯无限[44] 29A (2):195-202
杨海涛,方小春,空间上JC*-代数的不变子空间,系统科学与数学,2008,28(10),1268-1274。ISSN: 1000-0577 CN: 11-2019/O1
Fan Qingzhai,Fang Xiaochun,Stable rank one and real rank zero for crossed products by finite group actions with the tracial Rokhlin property,Chinese Ann. of Math. (B),30 (2009), No.2, 179-186
数学年刊,(II),理论K-代数的扩张代数的C*-纯无限单,方小春,刘树冬[53] 30A (2009), No. 3,433-438
Fan Qingzhai,Fang Xiaochun,The cancellation property of simple C*-algebras with tracial stable rank one,Advances in Math. (China),38 (2009), No.1, 69-74
Fang Xiaochun,Zhao Yile, Approximately isometric lifting in quasidiagonal extensions,Science in China Series A: Mathematics,52 (2009), Number 3 , 457-467
Xu Xiao-Ming, Du Hong-Ke, Fang Xiaochun, An Explicit Expression of Supremum of Bounded Quantum Observables, J. Math. Phys.50,Article ID033502 (2009),9 pages; doi:10.1063/1.3075826
Liu Shudong and Fang Xiaochun, Extension Algebras of Cuntz Algebra (II),Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 80 (2009), 83—90;DOI:10.1017/S0004972709000227.
Fang Xiaochun,The classification of certain non-simple C^*-algebras of tracial rank zero,Journal of Functional Analysis, 256(2009),No. 11 , 3861-3891
于静,方小春,范庆斋,某些C*-代数上的2-局部映射,数学进展,38 (2009), No.3, 289-294.
X. Fang, J. Yu, H. Yao, Solutions to operator equations on Hilbert C*-Modules, Linear Algebras and Its Applications, 431 (2009) 2142-2153;No. 11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.009.
Fang Xiaochun,Yang Xinbing, Real rank and stable rank of C*-algebras with tracial rank zero,Houston Journal of Math.,35 (2009) No. 4, 1111—1129. 0362-1588
Fang Xiaochun,AF embedding of crossed products of certain graph C*-Algebras by quasi-free actions,C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada,31 (2009),No. 3,76—86.
刘树冬,方小春,魏常果, Cuntz代数的可遗传C*-子代数,数学学报,52(2009),No. 5,969-974.
Yang Xinbing,Fang Xiaochun,Approximate conjugacy for C*-dynamical systems,Advances in Math.(China),38 (2009), No. 5,621--628
Gao Fugen, Fang Xiaochun,On k-quasi-class A operators, Journal of Inequalities and Applications,Article ID 921634 (2009),10 pages; doi: 10.1155/2009/921634. Vol. 2009.
Fang Xiaochun,Zhao Yile, The extensions of C*-algebras with tracial topological rank no more than one, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 53(2009),No. 2,441-462。
Elliott G. A.,Fang Xiaochun,Ideals and Simplicity of Crossed Products of Graph C*-Algebras by Quasi-free Actions,Muenster J. of Math,3 (2010), pp. 11-28.
代数的群,数学年刊,C*极小动力系统生成交叉积Cantor杨新兵,方小春,[68] 31A (2010),No. 1, 119—128.
Yao Hongliang,Fang Xiaochun,Notes on-algebrasand extensions of AT-algebras by, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society(Bull. London Math. Soc.),42 (2010) 275–281.Print ISSN:0024-6093Online ISSN:1469-2120
Fang Xiaochun,Wang Lin, Equivalent definitions of infinite positive elements in simple C*-algebras, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Vol.53 (2010), No.2, pp. 256-262.ISSN: 0008-4395
Fang Xiaochun, Yu Jing,Solutions to operator equations on Hilbert C*-Modules II,Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 68 (2010), No.1, pp. 23-60.ISSN: 0378-620X (print version) ISSN: 1420-8989 (electronic version)
Liu Shudong, Fang Xiaochun, K-theory for certain extension algebras of purely infinite simple C*-algebras, Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences, 120 (2010), No.4, pp. 409-416.
Xu Xiao-Ming, Du Hong-Ke, Fang Xiaochun, Li Yuan, The supremum of linear operators for *-order, Linear Algebras and Its Applications, 433 (2010), pp. 2198-2207.
Xu Xiao-Ming, Du Hong-Ke, Fang Xiaochun, On the infimum of Bounded Quantum Observables, J. Math. Phys.51,Article ID093522 (2010),4 pages. ISSN (printed): 0022-2488. ISSN (electronic): 1089-7658.
Fang Xiaochun, Yu Jing,Compatibility and Schur Complements of Operators on Hilbert C*-Module,Chinese Ann. of Math. (B),32 (2011), No. 1,69-88. ISSN:0252-9599
Yao Hongliang,Fang Xiaochun,Partial isometries and an invariant of C*-algebras, Acta Mathematica Sinica,Vol.27 (2011), Number 4, 799-806. ISSN:1439-8516
Fang Xiaochun,AF embedding of crossed products of certain graph C*-Algebras by quasi-free actions (II), Acta Mathematica Sinica,Vol.27 (2011), No.8, 1581-1590, OI: 10.1007/s10114-011-8622-0,ISSN:1439-8516
Quanyuan Chen, Xiaochun Fang, Patiality of Derivations of Operator Algebras in Banach Spaces, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011, Volume 2011, Article ID 813723, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/813723,ISSN:1085-3375
Fang Xiaochun,Zhao Yile, Tracial topological rank of certain C*-algebras,Science in China Series A: Mathematics,2295—2308, No. 11, 54( 2011).ISSN1674-7283CN11-5837/O1
Fan Qingzhai, Fang Xiaochun,Non-simple tracial approximation,Houston Journal of Math.,37(2011) No. 4, 1249—1263. ISSN:0362-1588
Gao Fugen, Fang Xiaochun,The Fuglede-Putnam theorem and Putnam’s inequality for quasi-class (A, k) operators, Ann. Funct. Annl. 2(2011), no.1, 105-113.ISSN: 2008-8752
方小春,赵冬,徐小明,标准C*-代数间保持一类正元比较关系的映射,同济大学学报(自然科学版), 39(2011), 1880—1882ISSN:0253-374X ,CN:31-1267/N
Li, Xiaochun;Gao, Fugen;Fang, XiaochunSpectrum of quasi-class (A,k) operators.ISRN Math. Anal.2011,Art. ID 415980, 10 pp.
Gao Fugen, Fang Xiaochun,Weyl’s theorem for algebraically k-quasiclass A operators, Opuscula Mathematica, 32 (2012), no.1, 125-135 ISSN 1232-9274.
Yang Xinbing,Fang Xiaochun,The tracial rank for crossed products by finite group actions,Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 42 (2012), no.1, 339-352.ISSN:0035-7596
代数,数学年刊,C*范庆斋,方小春,一类具有弱无孔性质的[86] 33A (2012), 113—122
Fan Qingzhai, Fang Xiaochun, Certain class of C*-algebras preserved by tracial approximation, Front. Math. China 7 (2012), No.3, 449–458, DOI 10.1007/s11464-012-0196-3 1673-3452
Chen Quanyuan, Fang Xiaochun, Strictly cyclic functional, reflexivity of operator algebras, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, Volume 2012, Article ID 434308, 12 pages,doi:10.1155/2012/434308ISSN:1085-3375
Xu Xiao-Ming, Fang Xiaochun, Hua Jiajie, On Cuntz Semigroups of Certain C*-algebras, Advances in Math. (China),Vol.41, No.3, 2012, 296-305 ISSN:1000-0917
Gao Fugen, Fang Xiaochun,Generalized Weyl’s theorem and spectral continuity for algebraically quasi-class (A, k) operators, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 78 (2012), 241–250.0001-6969
Fan Qingzhai, Fang Xiaochun, A class of C*-algebras with non-stable K1-group property, Acta Mathematica Sinica (Engl. Ser.), 28(2012), 983-988.
Yang Xinbing,Fang Xiaochun,The Tracial Class Property for Crossed Products by Finite Group Actions,Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, Volume 2012, Article ID 745369, 10 pages,doi:10.1155/2012/745369ISSN:1085-3375
Yao, Hongliang,Fang, Xiaochun,Partial isometries and extensions of AT-algebras,Archiv der Mathematik,2012.8.01,99(2):137~146
Li Changjing, Fang Xiaochun, Lie triple and Jordan derivable mappings on nest algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 61(2013), 653-666, DOI:10.1080/03081087.2012.703186,Print ISSN: 0308-1087. Online ISSN: 1563-5139
Fang Xiaochun, Fan Qingzhai, Certain properties for crossed products by automorphisms with a certain non-simple tracial Rokhlin property, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0143385712000430;Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. (2013), 33, 1391–1400.ISSN: 0143-3857 EISSN: 1469-4417
Li Changjing, Fangyan Lu, Fang Xiaochun, Nonlinear mappings preserving product XY+YX* on factor von Neumann algebras, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 438 (2013), 2339-2345.ISSN: 0024-3795
Fang Xiaochun,Hou Enran and Dong Ge,Solutions to the System of Operator Equations A1X = C1;XB2 = C2;A3XB3 = C3 on Hilbert C*-Modules,Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013, Article ID 826564, 8 pages
http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/826564, ISSN:1085-3375
Hua Jiajie, Fang Xiaochun, Xu Xiao-Ming, Tracial decomposition rank, Advances in Math. (China),Vol.42, No.2, 2013, 219-225 ISSN:1000-0917
Li Changjing, FangXiaochun,Lu Fangyan, Wang Ting, Lie Triple Derivable Mappings on Rings,Communications in Algebra,Volume 42,Issue 6, 2014, pages 2510-2527,DOI 10.1080/00927872.2012.763041, ISSN:0092-7872 (Print), 1532-4125 (Online)
Li Changjing, Lu Fangyan, Fang Xiaochun,Non-linear ξ-Jordan *-derivations on von Neumann algebras,Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 62(2014),pages 466-473,DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2013.780603
Xu Xiao-Ming,Fang Xiaochun*, Gao Fugen,Principal Invariant Subspaces Theorems, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2014,Vol.62, 1428-1436, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2013.832245,Print ISSN: 0308-1087. Online ISSN: 1563-5139
Xiao-Ming Xu*, Hong-Ke Du, Xiaochun Fang, -inverses of Bounded Linear Operators, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 30(2014), 675-680.ISSN:1439-8516
Fang Xiaochun, Sze Nung-Sing, and Xu Xiao-Ming,The Cuntz comparison in the standard C*-algebra,,Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 623520, 4 pages. ISSN:1085-3375
Li Xing, FangXiaochun,Constructing k-Schmidt witnesses for infinite-dimensional systems, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2015(63), No. 4, 754-764, 0308-1087
Dong Ge, Fang XiaochunVariational inequalities with multivalued lower order terms and convex functionals in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, J. Funct. Spaces,Journal of Function Spaces ,2015,Art. ID 321437, 10 pp. ISSN: 2314-8896 (Print) ISSN: 2314-8888 (Online)
Dong Ge,Fang Xiaochun,Existence results for some nonlinear elliptic equations with measure data in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces.Boundary Value Problems(Bound. Value Probl.), 2015,2015:18, 22 ppISSN: 1687-2770
Xu Xiaoming, Fang Xiaochun, On Principal Invariant Subspaces, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 2015, Vol.31 No.10, 1621-1628
Li Changjing, Fang Xiaochun,p-Weak Approximation Property in Banach Spaces, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics,2015 Vol.36, No.3, 219-228, ISSN 0898-5111.
Yan Kai, Fang Xiaochun, Common properties of the operator products in spectral theory, Annals of Functional Analysis (Ann. Funct. Anal.) 6 (2015), no. 4, 60(69).ISSN: 2008-8752
Yan Kai, Fang Xiaochun, Common properties of the operator products in local spectral theory, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, Nov., 2015,Vol. 31, No. 11, pp. 1715–1724.
侯恩冉方小春Hilbert C-模上的广义g-框架的扰动 同济大学自然科学版, 2015, 43(6), 932---937
Zhao Yile,Fang Xiaochun, The Tracial Topological Rank of Extensions of C*-Algebras,Complex Analysis and Operator Theory,10(2016),1181-1201. DOI 10.1007/s11785-015-0488-1,Print ISSN 1661-8254,Online ISSN 1661-8262
Li Xin, FangXiaochun,Indecomposable positive linear maps constructed from permutations, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2016(64), No. 2, 297-308, ISBN:0308-1087,10.1080/03081087.2015.1036000
Kai Yan, Weigang Su, Xiaochun Fang*, On the stability of the spectral properties under commuting perturbations, Filomat, . 2016(30)No. 6, 1511-1518. ISSN 0354-5180 (Print),ISSN 2406-0933 (Online)
Xinbing Yang and Xiaochun Fang* , Asymptotic Morphisms for Crossed Products of C*-algebras, Advance in Mathematics (China),数学进展, 2016(45) No. 4, 572-580.国内刊号11-2312/O1国际刊号1000-0917
Li Changjing, Fang Xiaochun*,The (**)-Haagerup Property for C*-Algebras, Chinese Ann. of Math. (B),37(2016), No. 3, 367—372. ISSN:0252-9599
Dong Ge,Fang Xiaochun*,Differential equations of divergence form in separable Musielak-Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, 19page,Boundary Value Problems.2016, 2016:106,DOI: 10.1186/s13661-016-0612-9,ISSN: 1687-2770
PlievMarat Amurhanovich, Fang Xiaochun,Narrow Orthogonally Additive Operators on Lattice-Normed Spaces,Siberian Mathematical Journal, 2017 , 58 (1) :134-141,ISSN:0037-4466 (Print)1573-9260 (Online)
Chen Quanyuan*, Fang Xiaochun, Li Changjing,Jordan ( α , β ) -Derivations on Operator Algebras,J. Funct. Spaces,Journal of Function Spaces ,2017,Volume 2017, Article ID 4757039, 7 pages
https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/4757039. ISSN: 2314-8896 (Print) ISSN: 2314-8888 (Online)
Xu Qingxiang*, Fang Xiaochun,A note on majorization and range inclusion of adjointable operators on Hilbert C?-modules, Linear Algebra and its Applications 516 (2017) 118–125. ISSN: 0024-3795
梁月亮,方小春*,范庆斋,非单C*-代数α-比较性的等价刻画,《数学学报》, 2017 , 60 (4) :705-712。0583-1431
陈全园* ,李长京,方小春,von Neumann代数中CSL子代数上的Jordan(α,β)-导子,《数学学报》, 2017 , 60 (4) :537-546。
Liang Yueliang,Fang Xiaochun The /alpha-comparison property of quasidiagonal extension for C*-agebras,数学进展2017(46),No.4,548-556.
Chen Quanyuan*, Fang Xiaochun, Li Changjing, The characterization of generalized Jordan gentralizers on algebras,Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica,Volume 35, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 225-240
Yang Bing, Fang Xiaochun*,Weak-2-local derivations on finite von Neumann Algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2018, 66(8), 1520-1529 , https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2017.1363151
Liang Yueliang,Fang Xiaochun,The /alpha-comparison property and finite nuclear dimension of generalized inductive limits for C?-algebras,Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series,Published online: May 18, 2018,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10114-018-7336-y。
Fang Xiaochun,Lao Yihui, Preservers for the Tsallis Entropy of Convex Combinations of Density Operators, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2018, Article ID 5296085, 10 pages,https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/5296085.
Fan Qinzhai,Fang Xiaochun*, Crossed products by finite group actions with certain tracial Rokhlin property,Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2018, 38B(3):829-842。
Elliott George A., Fan Qinzhai,Fang Xiaochun, Certain properties of tracial approximation C*-algebras, C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada Vol. 40 (4) 2018, pp. 104-133
Fang Xiaochun, Moslehianb Mohammad Sal, Xu Qingxiang *,On majorization and range inclusion of operators on Hilbert C?-modules, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2018, 66(12), 2493-2500 .
Eskandari Rasoul, Fang Xiaochun, Moslehianb Mohammad Sal, Xu Qingxiang *,Positive solutions of the system of operator equations A_1 X=C_1, XA_2=C_2, A_3XA^*_3=C_3, A_4XA^*_4=C_4 in Hilbert C^* -modules, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, ISSN 1081-3810,Volume 34, pp. 381-388, August. 2018,http://repository.uwyo.edu/ela
Dong Ge, Fang Xiaochun,The sub-supersolution method and extremal solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Journal of Function Spaces ,2018,Volume 2018, Article ID 8104901, 7 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8104901. ISSN: 2314-8896 (Print) ISSN: 2314-8888 (Online).
范庆斋;方小春;梁月亮,拟对角扩张Cuntz半群的某些性质,数学年刊A辑, 2018, 39(4), 449-454,
梁月亮,方小春,乔志琴,归纳极限与积C*代数的/alpha-比较性,数学的实践与认识,205-210, 48(2018)No.12,国际标准刊号(ISSN):1000-0984。
Yang Bing, Fang Xiaochun*,The structure of 2-local Lie derivations on von Neumann Algebras, Ann. Funct. Anal. 10(2019),no.2, 242—251.
Fan Qinzhai,Fang Xiaochun*, Zhao Xia, The comparision properties and large subalgebra are inheritance, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Volume 49, Number 6, 2019, 1857-1867.
Dong Ge, Fang Xiaochun*,Positive solutions to nonlinear inclusion problems in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces, Applicable Analysis, 2019, 14pages.
ISSN: 0003-6811 (Print) 1563-504X (Online)
Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gapa20
Zhao Yile,Fang Xiaochun*,and Xu Xiaoming,Some properties of tracially quasidiagonal extensions,Chinese Annals of Mathematics(B) 40(2019), No. 1, 97-110.
Jiajie Hua,Xiaochun Fang, and Xiaoming Xu,Continuity of functor with respective to generalized inductive limits, Front. Math. China 2019, 14(3): 551—566,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11464-019-0772-x
Xiaochun Fang,Xingpeng Zhao,and Xinbing Yang,2-local *-Lie automorphisms of semi-finite factors,Volume 13, Number 3, September 2019,745-759. doi:10.7153/oam-2019-13-53
赵兴鹏,方小春,杨冰,半有限von Neumann代数上的逼近2局部导子,同济大学学报(自然科学版),2019,1350-1354.