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国际著名的临床语言学及老年话语研究专家,北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校终身教授,同济大学老龄语言与看护研究中心客座研究员,著名The Carolinas Conversations Collection(CCC)数据库(主要为健康及患病老年人语料库)创始人,兼任南卡罗莱纳医科大学等多个高校老年学、老年护理学教授。长期从事老年话语数据采集、加工与研究工作,参与本中心多模态语料库(MCGD)建设工作,为对标世界水准的老年人语料库建设提供建议与技术指导。 Dr. Boyd Davis is Bonnie E. Cone and graduate professor emerita at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and visiting research professor at Research Center for Ageing, Language and Care at Tongji University. Her areas of interest include narrative, pragmatics and stance in discourse, more recently incorporating socio-historical approaches to medical discourse and Alzheimer's speech, lifespan language, online discourse, and digital corpora of speech. Prof. Boyd Davis is well-known for her construction of corpora of language and aging. The Carolinas Conversations Corpus probably began in 1996, as Boyd H. Davis confessed in her first edited collection of discussions of dementia discourse (2005), when her mother did not recognize her. She had already begun collecting conversations as a way to represent the wide variety of languages, cultures and dialects in her region of the US. Now she refocused them to senior living and memory care facilities to better understand and preserve examples of the language of older adults with cognitive impairments. The purpose of the Corpus is to complement clinical analyses and make it possible for researchers from different disciplines and paradigms to advance their understanding of language, aging, and dementia and more easily develop collaborations and communicative interventions for caregivers and care recipients. Roughly 800 anonymized conversations, predominantly audio and transcript, are password-protected behind two firewalls at the Medical University of South Carolina: https://carolinaconversations.musc.edu/ccc/about/ NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/myncbi/boyd.davis.1/bibliography/48091808/public/?sort=date&direction=descending




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2022 Davis B, Wolf C. Showing up when you don’t know what your role is. In D Shenk, A Friedus, eds, Building the plane while you fly: Caregiving staff during Covid. In preparation (April). 2022 Davis B, Maclagan M, eds. Dementia caregiving East and West. Cambridge Scholars. In preparation (Dec/Jan). 2022 Davis B, Kuo C, Maclagan M. Gist-translations for adult opinions of children learning about dementia. Diaz & Schrauf, eds, Applying Linguistics in Health Research, Education, and Policy. Mouton. In press 2022 Davis B, Maclagan M, Pope C. Digital outreach in online dementia discourse. In press, JIRCD Sept 21 2022 Davis B, Maclagan M, Tsai S. Meeting demographic changes: Expanding and translating caregiver training to incorporate social aspects of care. In Vicentini, Grego, Davis Eds, Age.Vol.A., Milan: Mimesis. In press 2021 Davis B, Maclagan M, Neurocognitive disorder: Alzheimer’s disease In Palgrave Encyclopedia of Critical Perspectives on Mental Health. 2021 Molina I et al. Enhancing language access: A pilot study [of] language preference and acculturation …for Hispanics veterans with traumatic brain injury. Military Medicine 186, S1:572-578. 2020 Davis B, Maclagan M, Signposts, guideposts, and stalls: markers in dementia discourse. In T Stickle, ed. Learning from the talk of persons with dementia NY: Palgrave 2020 Davis B, Pope C. Challenges in recording people with dementia. In T Stickle, ed. Learning from the talk of persons with dementia NY: Palgrave 2020 Davis B, Language, aging and dementia. In S Conrad, ed., Cambridge Handbook of Applied Linguistics. CUP 2020 Davis B, van Ravenstein K., Pope C, Digital communication: telehealth for patients and providers. In L. Mullany, ed. Professional communication: Consultancy, advocacy, activism. Palgrave 2020 Davis B, Maclagan M, Sociocultural aspects of UH as pragmatic marker in dementia discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 156: 83-89 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2018.12.005 2019 Davis B, Maclagan M, Represented speech in dementia discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 130: 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2018.03.023 2016 Davis B. Curation, Special Issue and keynote article, Language Aggression and Dementia, Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 4: 35-61. doi 10.1075/jlac.4.1.02dav 2013 Davis B, Guendouzi J., Eds. Pragmatics in dementia.: Cambridge Scholars Press 2013 Davis B, Shenk D. Curation and keynote, Technology and dementia, AmJ of Alzheimer’s Disease…and other2009 Davis B, Maclagan, M. Examining pauses in Alzheimer’s discourse. AmJ of Alzheimer’s Disease…and other Dementias, 24 (2): 141-154 doi: 10.1177/1533317508328138 2005 Davis, B (ed) Alzheimer talk, text and context: Enhancing Communication. New York: Palgrave
