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2006.09-2009.06 华中科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士 2007.07-2008.02 香港理工大学,工业与系统工程系,研究助理 2009.08-2012.11 华中科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,讲师 2012.12- 华中科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授 2014.07-2015.07 耶鲁大学(美国),机械与材料系,访问学者


(1) 非晶合金在过冷液态区的热塑性变形与成形 本研究主要利用非晶合金在过冷液态区的超塑性,实现宏-微-纳尺度零部件的热塑性精密成形,研究成形机理、结构演变、成形件的服役性能及应用探索。相关研究由国家自然科学基金(2011-2013,2017-2020)、自主创新基金等项目支持,发表的结果如:JOM, 68, 2016, 1246-126;Acta Materialia, 65, 2014, 400-411;Acta Materialia, 61, 2013, 1921-1931;Applied Physics Letters, 102, 2013, 251603;Applied Physics Letters,101, 2012, 081601;Philosophical Magazine, 93, 2013, 1859-1872;Intermetallics21, 2012, 50-55;Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 589, 2013, 524–530等。 (2) 金属材料的激光3D打印成形 本研究主要探索非晶合金及其复合材料的激光3D打印成形工艺,热/残余应力分布,微裂纹产生机理及抑制,组织结构演变,3D打印结构件的服役性能及应用探索。相关研究由国家自然科学基金重点项目(2016-2020)支持,结果正在整理中。 (3) 轻质合金的电磁驱动高速成形与变形 本研究主要针对电磁高速变形下铝合金的微结构特征及演变规律进行系统研究,以揭示电磁高速变形及失效机理,建立电磁成形工艺-微观结构-宏观力学性能三者之间的关系。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Ting Xia, Ning Li*, Yue Wu, Lin Liu. Patterned superhydrophobic surface based on Pd-based metallic glass, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 2012, 081601. (2) Ning Li*, Ting. Xia, Liping Heng, Lin Liu. Superhydrophobic Zr-based metallic glass surface with high adhesive force, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 2013, 251603. (3) Ning Li*, Dongjun Li, Lin Liu. Correlation between flow characteristics and interfacial friction behavior of a Zr-based metallic glass during micro-extrusion, Philosophical Magazine, 93, 2013, 1859-1872. (4) Ning Li, Yan Chen, Minqiang Jiang, Dongjun Li, Jianjun He, Yue Wu, Lin Liu. Thermoplastic forming map of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Acta Materialia, 61, 2013, 1921-1931. (One of the 25 Hottest Articles) (5) Ning Li*, Xiaona Xu, Zhizhen Zheng, Lin Liu. Enhanced formability of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass in supercooled liquid state by vibrational loading, Acta Materialia, 65, 2014, 400-411. (7) Zhu Xu, Ning Li*, Huawen Jiang, Lin Liu. Deformation twins in coarse-grained aluminium alloy at ambient temperature and low strain rate, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 621, 2015, 272-276. (8) Cong Yan, Ning Li*, Huawen Jiang, Duzhen Wang, Lin Liu. Effect of electropulsing on deformation behavior, texture and microstructure of 5A02 aluminum alloy during uniaxial tension. Materials Science and Engineering:A, 638, 2015. (6) Ning Li*, Wen Chen, Lin Liu. Thermoplastic micro-forming of bulk metallic glasses: A review. JOM, 68,2016, 1246-1261. (9) Zu Li, Ning Li*, Duzheng Wang, Di Ouyang, Lin Liu, Low temperature deformation behavior of an electromagnetically bulged 5052 aluminum alloy, Scientific Reports, 6, 2016, 29973. (10) Ning Li*, Haiping Yu, Zhu Xu, Zhisong Fan, Lin Liu. Electromagnetic forming facilitates the transition of deformation mechanism in 5052 aluminum alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 673, 2016, 222-232.
