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同济大学交通运输工程学院教授、博导。先后获同济大学土木工程专业学士学位和交通运输工程硕士学位、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学交通规划与管理专业博士学位。 主要从事自动驾驶与智能交通等领域科研、教学与行业应用工作,兼任同济大学城市风险管理研究院副院长、上海市智能交通标准化技术委员会副主任委员、上海市智能网联汽车与智慧交通工程技术研究中心副主任等职务。 获交通运输部“交通运输行业中青年科技创新领军人才”和“交通青年科技英才”、“同济青年五四奖章”等荣誉称号; 获上海市交通工程学会科学技术奖特等奖、山东省科技进步一等奖、中国公路学会科技进步二等奖等奖励6项;2022年海聚英才“城市之星”上海城市治理青年人才创新大赛金奖、2022年海聚英才“城市之星”上海城市治理青年人才创新大赛(智能交通赛道)一等奖。 教育经历 本科:同济大学土木工程学院 交通土建 (1996-2000) 硕士:同济大学交通运输工程学院 道路与铁道工程 (2000-2003) 博士:荷兰代尔伏特理工大学 交通规划与管理 (2003-2008) 工作经历 同济大学城市风险管理研究院, 副院长 (2017.12 – 至今) 同济大学交通运输工程学院 教授, 博士生导师 (2016.12 – 至今) 同济大学交通运输工程学院 副教授, 博士生导师 (2012.12 – 2016.12) 上海市杨浦区建交委 副主任 (挂职 2012.11 – 2013.11) 同济大学交通运输工程学院 副教授, 硕士生导师 (2010.12 – 2012.12) 同济大学交通运输工程学院 讲 师 (2010.10 –2010.12) 荷兰代尔伏特理工大学交通规划与管理系 博士后(2008.04 - 2010.10) 荷兰代尔伏特理工大学交通规划与管理系 研究员(2003.11 - 2010.10) 荷兰荷隆美国际咨询公司 高级顾问(兼职) (2008.03 - 2010.10) 同济大学交通运输工程学院 助理研究员 (2000.09 –2003.11) 主要研究成果 主持完成国家级课题5项和省部级课题15项,包括交通运输部和长三角区域等标准4项;面向数字中国与交通强国战略需求,构建了自动驾驶道路测试场景构建与风险管控成套技术,提出了“三全发展愿景、四优2025目标、五融架构体系、七可数字底座、八化关键系统、N智特色示范”上海市智能交通系统顶层设计,出版独著国家“十三五”重点图书《自动驾驶道路测试风险管理》,成果被国家交通运输部和公安部、上海市交通委、上海市经信委、上海市公安局等部门采用,支撑全球第一个智能重卡大规模示范运营,及第一个封闭测试区建设、第一张测试牌照和第一张示范运营证发放等国内多个第一;在上海、北京、深圳等12个省市成功应用,并在瑞典推广,助推了自动驾驶高质量发展和智能交通高品质建设。发表高水平学术论文126篇,获交通运输部“交通运输行业中青年科技创新领军人才”和“交通青年科技英才”、“同济青年五四奖章”等荣誉称号,获上海市交通工程学会科技奖特等奖、山东省科技进步一等奖、中国公路学会科技进步二等奖等奖励6项;2022年海聚英才“城市之星”上海城市治理青年人才创新大赛金奖、2022年海聚英才“城市之星”上海城市治理青年人才创新大赛(智能交通赛道)一等奖。 科技进步奖 自动驾驶道路测试场景构建与风险管控关键技术,上海市交通工程学会科学技术奖特等奖,2022(排名第1) 公路交通全寿命周期安全保障技术与装备,山东省科技进步奖一等奖,2018(排名第3) 自动驾驶道路测试场景构建与风险管控关键技术研究及应用,中国公路学会科技进步奖二等奖,2021(排名第1) 上海实施交通拥挤收费的可行性研究,上海市科技进步奖二等奖,2004 上海中心城道路交通十年发展战略研究,上海市科技进步奖三等奖,2005 综合枢纽多模式交通信心服务与协同管控平台,中国智能交通协会科技进步奖三等奖,2016 智能多杆合一与多模式管线探测的关键技术及应用示范,中国智能交通协会科技进步奖三等奖,2020




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Tu, H., M. Wang, H. Li, and L. Sun,Safety risk assessment for autonomous vehicle road testing.Traffic Injury Prevention, 2023. Li, H., Z. Jin, H. Cui, andH. Tu,An exploration of the preferences and mode choice behavior between autonomous demand-responsive transit and traditional buses.International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 2023. Li, H., L. Yu, Y. Chen,H. Tu, and J. Zhang,Uncertainty of available range in explaining the charging choice behavior of BEV users.Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2023. 170: p. 103624. Wang, Y.,H. Tu, N.N. Sze, H. Li, and X. Ruan,A novel traffic conflict risk measure considering the effect of vehicle weight.Journal of Safety Research, 2022. 80: p. 1-13. Qu, X., L. Zhong, Z. Zeng,H. Tu, and X. Li,Automation and connectivity of electric vehicles: Energy boon or bane?Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022.3(8): p. 101002. Lu, C., Y. Wu, H. Li, andH. Tu,Trajectory optimization for connected and automated vehicles in a drop-off area of the departure curbside.Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022: p. 1-14. Chen, T., Y. Chen, H. Li, T. Gao,H. Tu, and S. Li (2022)Driver Intent-Based Intersection Autonomous Driving Collision Avoidance Reinforcement Learning Algorithm. Sensors Volume, DOI: 10.3390/s22249943 Lu, C., X. He, H. van Lint,H. Tu, R. Happee, and M. Wang,Performance evaluation of surrogate measures of safety with naturalistic driving data.Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2021.162: p. 106403. Gao, K., M. Shao, K.W. Axhausen, L. Sun,H. Tu,and Y. Wang,Inertia effects of past behavior in commuting modal shift behavior: interactions, variations and implications for demand estimation.Transportation, 2021. Gao, K.,H. Tu, and H. Shi,Stage-specific impacts of hazy weather on car following.Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, 2019.172(6): p. 347-359 Gao, K.,H. Tu, L. Sun, N.N. Sze, Z. Song, and H. Shi,Impacts of Reduced Visibility under Hazy Weather Condition on Collision Risk and Car-Following Behavior: Implications for Traffic Control and Management.International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2019: p. 1-8. Ruan, X., Z. Jin,H. Tu, and Y. Li,Dynamic Cellular Learning Automata for Evacuation Simulation.IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2019. Vol.11(3): p. 129-142. Gao, K., L.J. Sun,H. Tu, and H. Li,Heterogeneity in Valuation of Travel Time Reliability and In-Vehicle Crowding for Mode Choices in Multimodal Networks. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part a-Systems, 2018.144(10): p. 10. Sun, L., H. Zhao,H. Tu, and Y. Tian,The Smart Road: Practice and Concept. Engineering, 2018.4: p. 436-437. Li, H., K. Gao, andH. Tu,Variations in mode-specific valuations of travel time reliability and in-vehicle crowding: Implications for demand estimation.Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2017.103: p. 250-263. Ruan, X., J. Zhou,H. Tu, Z. Jin, and X. Shi,An improved cellular automaton with axis information for microscopic traffic simulation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2017. 78: p. 63-77. Li, H.,H. Tu, and X. Zhang,Travel time variations over time and routes: endogenous congestion with degradable capacities.Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2017. 5(1): p. 60-81. Li, H.,H. Tu, and D. Hensher,Integrating the mean–variance and scheduling approaches to allow for schedule delay and trip time variability under uncertainty. Journal of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2016. 89: p. 151-163. Li, H., K. Gao,H. Tu, Y. Ding, and L. Sun,Perceptions of Mode-specific Travel Time Reliability and Crowding in Multimodal Trip.Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2016.2566: p. 22-30. Tu, H., Z. Li, H. Li, H., K. Zhang, and L. Sun,Driving Simulator Fidelity and Emergency Driving Behavior.Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2015.2518: p. 113-121. Tu, H., H. Li, Y. Wang, and L. Sun,When to Control the Ramps on Freeway Corridors? A Novel Stability-and-MFD-Based Approach.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014. Vol.15(6): p. 2572-2582. Tu, H., H. Li, H. Van Lint, V.L. Knoop, and L. Sun,Macroscopic Travel Time Reliability Diagrams for Freeway Networks.Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2013.2396: p. 19-27. Tu, H., H. Li, J.W.C. van Lint,andH.J. van Zuylen,Modeling Travel Time Reliability of Freeways Using Risk Assessment Techniques.Journal of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2012. 46(10): p. 1528-1540. Tu, H., A.J.Pel, H. Li, and L.Sun,Travel Time Reliability during Evacuation: the Impact of Heterogeneous Driving Behavior.Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2012 Guus Tamminga,H. Tu, W. Daamen, S.P. Hoogendoorn,Influence of departure time spans and corresponding network performance on evacuation time,Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2011.2234: p. 89-96. van Lint, J.W.C., H.J. van Zuylen, andH. Tu,Travel time unreliability on freeways:Why measures based on variance tell only half the storyJournal of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2008.42: p. 258-277. Tu, H., J.W.C. van Lint, and H.J. van Zuylen,The Impact of Traffic Flow on Travel Time Variability of Freeway Corridors.Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2007.1993: p. 59-66.
