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学位教育 2022.07 比利时鲁汶大学(荷语)工学院 获工学(建筑)博士 2022.05 法国巴黎一大地理学院 获地理学博士 2013.07 法国巴黎贝尔维尔国立高等建筑学院(ENSAPB)建筑历史理论方向 获建筑学硕士 2012.06 法国巴黎贝尔维尔国立高等建筑学院(EBSAPB)建筑与城市设计方向 获城市设计硕士 2012.06 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 艺术设计系(现同济大学设计创意学院)获设计艺术学硕士 2011.09-11 伊斯坦布尔米玛尔锡南艺术大学(MSGSü) 城市与区域规划系 短期研究访学 2009.06 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 艺术设计专业(环境设计方向)获文学学士 2007.09-2008.07 日本熊本大学工学部建筑系 交换留学 职业经历 2023.06-至今 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 规划系,研究员 2020.10-2023.01巴黎拉维莱特国立高等建筑学院(ENSAPLV),讲师 2017.02-2018.08孟买大学建筑与环境学院,访问学者及客座讲师 2016.11-至今 巴黎贝尓维尔国立高等建筑学院(ENSAPB),客座讲师 2016.09-2017.06 同济大学设计创意学院,客座讲师 2016.04-09 日本藤女子大学,客座讲师 2013.08-2014.11坂茂巴黎建筑事务所,助理建筑师 2009.08-2010.07 矶崎新上海工作室,助理建筑师 科研项目 2023.06-2026,06 主持《南南城市发展与人居规划研究》上海市海外高层次人才, 225万元在研 2023.06-2024.06联合主持 “Youth On the Move: Performing Urban Space in the Global South”, 2万英镑, 在研,Urban Studies Foundation Grant no.USF-SSA-230308 2023.06-2023,12主持《一带一路视野下丝路历史名城大巴扎研究-以伊朗大不里士大巴扎的保护与发展为例》, 5万元在研(第一期),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 2021.04-2024.04 参与《丝绸之路上的空间/时间 '国际联合研究和展览项目》 ,组织中方团队负责协调中日伊团队,817万日元,在研,日本基金会(Japan foundation) 2017.07-10主持“Everyday urbanism in Mumbai and Shanghai - A comparative study”,博士基金 1500英镑 结项, IJURR-FURS比较城市研究基金 2016.10-2017.10主持“L'urbanism spontané au quotidien: Mumbai, Istanbul, Nairobi”, 1万欧元 , 结项, 法国帕拉迪奥基金会. 2016 -2020参与《难民危机”背景下西欧多元文化主义移民政策的困境与调整》,20万元,主持法国子课题研究,已结项,国家社科基金青年项目16CMZ026 2007-2008 主持 《色彩在日本城市空间的运用》,108万日元 ,已结项,独立行政法人日本学生支援机构(JASSO)


全球南方城市发展、规划治理实践、城市和规划理论; 关注议题:跨文化的人居空间规划与治理,城市边缘社区居住空间形态与社会组织,日常生活与空间政治,青年和流动的栖居,一带一路下的南南比较与合作等。工作语言:英、法、日、中


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科研论文 Tang, M., MUMBAI/BOMBAY: Majoritarian Neoliberalism, Informality, Resistance, and Wellbeing. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (已接受、待刊) 唐敏, 黄华青. 空间-社会视角下丝路重镇大不里士大巴扎的形态发生研究 [J].建筑学报 (已接受、待刊) Tang, M., d'Auria, Viviana (2023), Popular cartography: collaboratively mapping the territorial practices of/with the urban margin in Mumbai, City, 27:3-4, 321-346, DOI: 10.1080/13604813.2023.2219172 杨辰, 唐敏(通讯).“15分钟城市”:后疫情时代法国城市更新的探索与启示[J].北京规划建设,2023(01):38-43. 中岛伸, 唐敏(通讯). 东京社区共治——协作型社区发展的新兴模式[J].国际城市规划,2021,36(06):22-31.DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.517. 唐敏.“孰之场域?”:孟买达拉维街道地方性的“自构”与“被构” [J].建筑学报, 2020(07):8-13. DOI:10.19819/j.cnki.ISSN0529-1399.202007002. 唐敏. 时间、空间与中国“新”城市主义——评China,A Historical Geography of the Urban [J]. 城市治理研究,2018,3(01):154-167. 虞倩倩,刘洋,唐敏等.贫民窟“新兴平台”设计——针对贫民窟艺术文化传播的物理空间建设和社群推广设计[J].装饰,2017(07):42-43. DOI:10.16272/j.cnki.cn11-1392/j.2017.07.016. 出版专著 Tang, M., d'Auria, V., De Meulder, B., & Pédelahore De Loddis, C. (2022). Reconceptualising Consolidation in the Urban Periphery: A Spatial and Temporal Reading of Dharavi’s Territorial Transformation through Lived Practices. [Doctoral dissertation, KU Leuven & Université Paris 1]. Tang, M. (2012). La Ville Spontanée – Recherche sur le Gecekondu à Istanbul. [Master's thesis, ENSAPB]. 著作章节 Tang, M., Hanappe C.,(待刊). La Promesse de l’Aube across 7 years of (continuous) crisis, in d’Auria et al.(Ed.), DESINC-Practices of Urban Inclusion, London Metropolitan University press. Saglio-Yatzimirsky, M. C., Tang, M. (2021). The aesthetics of slum? Exploring the lived and the imagined narratives of Dharavi (Mumbai), in Virmani (Ed.), Norms and Experiences of Cities through Aesthetic relationship (pp.185-206). Paris, Routledge. Lieber, M., Charlot, A., et Tang M.(2019). Danser la ville – une expérimentation spatiale, artistique et sonore, in Luxembourg Corine et al. (Ed.), Les sens de la ville. Pour un urbanisme du quotidien (pp.150-168). Paris, Le temps des cerises. Tang, M., Kobayashi, R., Chen, X., et al. (2017). Project: SLUM - Towards ‘Inclusive’ and ‘Sustainable’ development. In Urban Design Research Institute (Ed.), Reinventing Dharavi – An Ideas Compendium (pp.350-367). Mumbai, UDRI Press. 唐敏. (2017). レジリエンスのメカニズム—スラムをめぐるもうひとつの解釈 (以韧性机制视角解读贫民窟). in三宅理一(Ed.), 境界線=ボーダーから考える都市と建築(pp.258-272). 东京, 鹿岛出版社 Tang, M. (2015). Learning from initiatives: Practices of spontaneous settlements as paradigms of developing–Case of Dharavi and Kibera. In J. F. Ma, Davide; Lou, Yongqi (Ed.), Emerging Practices: Inquiry into the Developing. (pp. 91-106). Shanghai: Tongji University Press. 会议论文 Tang, M. (2018). Living with/in the differences-The genealogy of public space in ‘slum’. Emerging civic urbanisms/design for social impact 2018 conference proceedings, (pp.360-382). Tang, M. (2018). ‘Villages in the city’? -Mapping the (trans) formation of Dharavi’s micro-territories. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series 2018-2019, 305, (pp. 1-26). Tang, M., Maleki, M. (2016). Learning from? Situating the dialectic roles of professionals and dwellers in the city-making process. Urban Slum: Towards Upgrading and Sustainable Urban Regeneration (pp.7-25). Tang, M. (2014). Spontaneous as Contemporary Vernacular? An Analysis of Spatial Norms in Istanbul’s Gecekondu Settlements. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series 2014-2015, 266 “Temporalities and Traditions” (pp. 19-53). 会议报告 【受邀演讲/主旨演讲】 Tang, M., (Invited keynote speaker) South-South Collaboration from below : A refelction, telier «Urban Trajectories: Comparing Integration, Enclaving and Development in Africa and China», University of Bergen, Norway and Nordic Centre, Fudan University, China, 13-14 Sept 2023 Cheng, Y., Tang, M., et Daga, A., Youth on the Move: Performing Urban Space in the Global South. French Institute of Pondicherry, India, 05 Sept 2023 Tang, M. Making, Living and Moving through Rethinking the role of streets in the City-making. MA Space and Time: Silk Road Architecture, Art, and Urban Research Network, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran, 15 Sept 2022 Tang, M. Wandering around public space and migration: a comparative gesture. Socially Just Planning Doctoral Network, UCL, UK, 11 May 2021 Tang, M. A tale of two disadvantaged neighbourhoods – Territorialization and Youth in Mumbai and Shanghai. EHESS, CEIAS ’s Axe V: Fabriques urbaines / Urban in the Making, Paris, France, 09 March 2021 Tang, M. In-between and Un-folding: Unpacking the names of urban peripheries of Beijing /Lagos / Mumbai. 间距与折叠: 城市边缘的命名-北京, 拉各斯, 孟买 Asian-African studies on the Move (AAM), Peking University, China, 23 Oct 2020 Tang, M. Straddle the social and spatial? Popular cartography and youthful everyday life. Journée d’études de l’IDHN sur les cartographies, Institut des Humanités Numériques (IDHN) de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France, 28 Nov 2019 Tang, M. Comparative urbanism? Learning, Translating and Becoming, Séminaire de Master 1, ENSA Paris La Villette, Paris, France. Spring 2019 Tang, M. From temporary ‘receiving’ to long-term ‘integration’, Architects without Borders, International Dialogue day “Welcoming Cities”, Marseille, France, 21 April 2018 Tang, M. Dharavi as Urban Paradigm, ‘DIALOGUING MUMBAI’ 作为城市范式的达拉维-“上海孟买对谈, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China, 12 Oct 2017 Tang, M. Dialoguing Urban: Shanghai and Mumbai, SEA dialogue, School of Environment & Architecture, University of Mumbai, 7 July 2017 Tang, M. The (emerging) schools in slum – case of Mathare, Kenya. Matinée d’études : ‘Pratiquer l’informalité aux marges de la précarité’, EAVT Marne-la-Vallée, Paris, France, 14 April 2016 【会议报告】 Cheng, Y., Tang, M., and Daga, A., Performing the City: Youth, Popular Arts and Social Movements in Urban Africa. Annual Conference of the Lagos Studies Association, University of Lagos, Nigeria. 18-24 June 2023 唐敏、黄华青.路、市、城:空间社会视角下的大不里士大巴扎形态发生研究,第六届建筑人类学会议,中国昆明, 2023年3月31-4月1日 唐敏、袁丁.法国的事实上的难民群体:形成机制与生存策略, 直面分分合合的世界: “海外民族志工作坊”十周年纪念学术研讨会, 中国珠海, 2023年3月10-12日 Tang, M., d’Auria, V. Journeys from, to and around – Narrating everyday practices in a Mumbai slum. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021, London, UK, 31 Aug-03 Sept 2021 唐敏,共生共存:后加莱时期法国的难民身份策略(2016-2021),社会-CJS学术论坛之第十届社会理论工作坊 移民与全球中国 2021年4月28日 Tang, M. Whose territory is it? Navigating the main arteries and shortcuts in a Mumbai slum. RC21 Delhi 2019 conference “In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures”, The Center for Policy Research and Ambedkar University, Delhi, India, 18-21 Sept 2019 Tang, M. The Lived and imagined territories – Mapping young people’s everyday life in Mumbai and Shanghai. World Urbanism Seminar 2019, KU Leuven, Belgium, 26-28 June 2019 Tang, M. Living with/in the differences - The genealogy of public space in ‘slum’Great Asian Streets Symposium 2018 Conference, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 14-16 Dec 2018 Tang, M. ‘Villages in the city’? - Mapping the (trans)formation of Dharavi’s micro-territories. IASTE 2018 conference ‘The Politics of Tradition’ University of California, Berkeley & University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 04-07 Oct 2018 Tang, M. Dharavi way of ingenuity for life- Exploring youth and their everyday space in urban Mumbai. RC21 Leeds conference 2017 “Rethinking Urban Global Justice: An international academic conference for critical urban studies” University of Leeds, UK, 11-13 Sept 2017 Tang, M., Maleki, M. Learning from? – Situating the dialectic roles of professionals and dwellers in the city-making process. International Conference ‘Urban Slums-Towards upgrading and sustainable urban regeneration.’ University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran, 04-05 May 2016


2023-至今 法国国家科学研究中心巴黎建筑城市规划与社会研究所(CNRS-UMR AUSser-IPRAUS)合作研究员 2023-2024 法国国家科学研究中心印度知识与世界-本地治里研究所 (CNRS-USR 3330-IFP) 合作研究员 2023-至今 City : Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action 城市研究期刊编委及审稿人 2020-至今 流动中的亚非研究 青年学者网络 联合发起人 2019-至今 国际传统建成环境研究组织(IASTE)会议论文审稿人 2016-至今 大学间亚洲特大城市网络(IUSAM) 会议论文 审稿人 2015-至今 肯尼亚DBSA贫民窟造梦计划 理事,艺术项目发起人和策展人
