C. Zheng and M. Diao*, “Inter-city Transport Infrastructure and Intra-city Housing Markets: Estimating the Redistribution Effect of High-Speed Rail in Shenzhen, China,” Urban Studies, 2021 (SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao, Y. Fan, and T.F. Sing*, “Rational Pricing Responses of Developers to Supply Shocks: Evidence from Singapore”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021 (SSCI, Scopus.)
Z. Chang*, M. Diao, K. Jing, and W. Li, “High-Speed Rail and Industrial Movement: Evidence from China’s Greater Bay Area”, Transport Policy, 2021, volume 112, pp. 22-31 (SSCI, Scopus.)
S. Song, M. Diao*, and C.-C. Feng, “Effects of Pricing and Infrastructure on Car Ownership: A Pseudo-Panel-Based Dynamic Model”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2021, volume 152, pp. 115-126 (SCI, SSCI, Scopus.)
Y. Zhu, M. Diao*, and J. Li, “Examining Indoor Air Pollution in a Large-scale Integrated Transportation Hub in Shanghai”, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2021, volume 97, 102947 (SCI, SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao, H. Kong, and J. Zhao*, “Impacts of Transportation Network Companies on Urban Mobility,” Nature Sustainability, 2021, volume 4, 494–500 (SCI, SSCI, Scopus.)
F. Dai, M. Diao*, and T.F. Sing, “Effects of Rail Transit on Individual Travel Mode Shares: A Two-Dimensional Propensity Score Matching Approach,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, volume 89, 102601 (SCI, SSCI, Scopus.)
S. Agarwal, M. Diao, J. Keppo, and T.F. Sing*, “Preferences of Public Transit Commuters: Evidence from Smart Card Data in Singapore,” Journal of Urban Economics, 2020, volume 120, 103288 (SSCI, Scopus).
Y. Zhu and M. Diao*, “Crowdsourcing-Data-Based Dynamic Measures of Accessibility to Business Establishments and Individual Destination Choices,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, volume 87, 102382 (SCI, SSCI, Scopus.)
S. Song, C.-C. Feng, and M. Diao*, “Vehicle Quota Control, Transport Infrastructure Investment, and Vehicle Travel: A Pseudo Panel Analysis,” Urban Studies, 2020, volume 57, issue 12, pp. 2527-2546 (SSCI, Scopus.)
Y. Zhu and M. Diao*, “Understanding the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Public Bicycle Usage: A Case Study of Hangzhou, China,” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2020, volume 14, issue 3, pp.163-176 (SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao, Y. Fan, and T.F. Sing*, “Demand Restrictions and Asymmetric Risk Behaviors,” International Real Estate Review, 2019, volume 22, issue 2, pp.131-167 (ESCI.)
M. Diao*, “Towards Sustainable Urban Transport in Singapore: Policy Instruments and Mobility Trends,” Transport Policy, 2019, volume 81, pp.320-330 (SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao*, Y. Fan, and X. Zhang, “Introduction to Special Issue: Rail Transit Development in China and Beyond,” Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2019, volume 12, issue 1, pp. 237-239 (SSCI, Scopus.)
K. Cao*, M. Diao, and B. Wu, “A Big-Data-Based Geographically Weighted Regression Model for Public Housing Prices: A Case Study in Singapore,” Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2019, volume, 109, issue 1, pp.173-186 (SSCI, Scopus.)
Y. Zhu*, M. Diao, J. Ferreira, Jr., and P.C. Zegras, “An Integrated Microsimulation Approach to Land Use and Mobility Modeling,” Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2018, volume 11, issue 1, pp.633-659 (SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao*, “Does Growth Follow the Rail? The Potential Impact of High-Speed Rail on the Economic Geography of China,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, volume 113, pp.279-290 (SCI, SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao, D. Leonard, and T.F. Sing*, “Spatial-Difference-in-Differences Models for Impact of New Mass Rapid Transit Line on Private Housing Values,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2017, volume 67, pp.64-77 (SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao, Y. Zhu*, and J. Zhu, “Intra-City Access to Inter-city Transport Nodes: The Implications of High-Speed-Rail Station Locations for the Urban Development of Chinese Cities,” Urban Studies, 2017, volume 54, issue 10, pp.2249-2267 (SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao, Y. Fan, and T.F. Sing*, “A New Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Line Construction and Housing Wealth: Evidence from the Circle Line,” Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 2017, volume 1, issue 1, pp.64-89 (ESCI.)
Y. Zhu, M. Diao*, and G. Fu, “Featured Graphic: The Evolution of Accessibility Surface of China in the High-Speed-Rail Era,” Environment and Planning A, 2016, volume 48, issue 11, pp.2108-2111 (SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao, Y. Qin, and T.F. Sing*, “Negative Externalities of Rail noise and Housing Values: Evidence from the Cessation of Railway Operations in Singapore,” Real Estate Economics, 2016, volume 44, issue 4, pp.878-917 (SSCI, Scopus.)
Y. Zhu and M. Diao*, “The Impacts of Urban Mass Rapid Transit Lines on the Density and Mobility of High-Income Households: A Case Study of Singapore,” Transport Policy, 2016, volume 51, pp.70-80 (SSCI, Scopus.)
S. Song, M. Diao*, and C.-C. Feng, “Individual Transport Emissions and the Built Environment: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2016, volume 92, pp.206-219. (SCI, SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao, Y. Zhu*, J. Ferreira, Jr., and C. Ratti, “Inferring Individual Daily Activities from Mobile Phone Traces: A Boston Example,” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2016, volume 43, issue 5, pp.920-940 (SSCI, Scopus.)
Y. Zhu* and M. Diao, “Featured Graphic: The Evolution of a Two-Sector Housing Market,” Environment and Planning A, 2015, volume 47, issue 4, pp.763-765 (SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao*, “Are Inner-City Neighborhoods Underserved? An Empirical Analysis of Food Markets in a U.S. Metropolitan Area,” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2015, volume 35, issue 1, pp.19-34 (SSCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao*, “Selectivity, Spatial Autocorrelation, and the Valuation of Transit Accessibility,” Urban Studies, 2015, volume 52, issue 1, pp.159-177 (SSCI, Scopus.)
29.M. Diao, X. Ma*, and J. Ferreira, Jr., “A Real-Option Based Dynamic Model to Simulate Real Estate Developer Behavior,” Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, 2015 (Scopus.)
M. Diao* and J. Ferreira, Jr., “Vehicle Miles Traveled and the Built Environment: Evidence from Vehicle Safety Inspection Data,” Environment and Planning A, 2014, volume 46, issue 12, pp.2991-3009 (SSCI, Scopus.)
J. Ferreira, Jr.*, M. Diao, and J. Xu., “Estimating the Vehicle-Miles-Traveled Implications of Alternative Metropolitan Growth Scenarios – A Boston Example,” Transactions in GIS, 2013, volume 17, issue 5, pp.645-660 (SSCI, Scopus.)
F. Calabrese, M. Diao*, G. Di Lorenzo, J. Ferreira, Jr., and C. Ratti, “Understanding Individual Mobility Patterns from Urban Sensing Data: A Mobile Phone Trace Example,” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2013, volume 23, pp. 301-313 (SCI, Scopus.)
J. Ferreira, Jr.*, M. Diao, Y. Zhu, W. Li, and S. Jiang, “Information Infrastructure for Research Collaboration in Land Use, Transportation, and Environmental Planning,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2010, volume 2183, pp. 85-93 (SCI, Scopus.)
M. Diao* and J. Ferreira, Jr., “Residential Property Values and the Built Environment: Empirical Study in the Boston, Massachusetts, Metropolitan Area,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, volume 2174, pp. 138-147 (SCI, Scopus.)
W. Fang, Y. Zheng, M. Diao, and J. Zhao, “Dispersion of Agglomeration through High-Speed Rail in China,” in: C. Mulley, J.D. Nelson (eds) Urban Form and Accessibility: Social, Economics, and Environmental Impacts, Elsevier, 2021.
S. Song, M. Diao, and C.-C. Feng, “Urban Mobility and Resilience: Transport Infrastructure Investment and the Demand for Travel,” in: Leong CH., Malone-Lee LC. (eds) Building Resilient Neighbourhoods in Singapore. Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements, Springer, Singapore, 2020 (Scopus.)
Y. Zhu, M. Diao, J. Ferreira, Jr., W. Li, and S. Jiang, “Flexible Geospatial Platform for Distributed and Collaborative Urban Modelling,” in S. Geertman et al. (eds) Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013 (Scopus.)