2000.09—2003.04 哈尔滨工业大学 环境工程专业 博士生
1990.09—1993.06 哈尔滨工业大学 环境工程专业 硕士生
1981.09—1985.07 华东化工学院(现华东理工大学) 金属腐蚀与防护专业 本科生
2018.08--至今 同济大学 环境科学与工程学院 研究员、博士生导师
2003.08—2018.07 哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境学院 教授、博士生导师
1999.09—2000.06 香港理工大学 土木与结构工程系 访问学者
1997.09—2003.07 哈尔滨工业大学 环境工程系 副教授
1985.07—1997.08 哈尔滨工业大学 应用化学系 助教、讲师
生态环境部环保公益项目, 微生物制药菌渣处置与利用过程风险控制技术
Chen Cai, Huiling Liu*, Xiaohu Dai, Joann K. Whalen,Multiple selection of resistance genes in arable soil amended with cephalosporin fermentation residue,Soil Biology and Biochemistry,136(2019)107538
Mengmeng Wanga, Huiling Liu*,Xiangming Cheng,Hydrothermal treatment of lincomycin mycelial residues: Antibiotic resistance genes reduction and heavy metals immobilization,Bioresource Technology,271(2019)143-149
Yanxiang Zhang, Huiling Liu*, Yanjun Xin,Erythromycin degradation and ERY-resistant gene inactivation in erythromycin mycelial dreg by heat-activated persulfate oxidation,Chemical Engineering Journal,358(2019)1446-1453
Yanxiang Zhang, Huiling Liu*, Xiaohu Dai,Variations of physical and chemical properties in relation to erythromycin mycelial dreg dewaterability under heat-activated persulfate oxidation conditioning,Science of the Total Environment,687(2019)2-9
Chen Cai, Huiling Liu*. Application of microwave-pretreated cephalosporin mycelial dreg (CMD) as soil amendment: Temporal changes in chemical and fluorescent parameters of soil organic matter. Science of the Total Environment 621 (2018) 417-424.
Bo Zhang, Mengmeng Wang, Huiling Liu*. The effects of bio-available copper on macrolide antibiotic resistance genes and mobile elements during tylosin fermentation dregs co-composting. Bioresource Technology 251(2018) 230-237.
Mengmeng Wang, Chen Cai, Huiling Liu*. Characterization and mechanism analysis of lincomycin biodegradation with Clostridium sp. strain LCM-B isolated from lincomycin mycelial residues (LMR). Chemosphere 193 (2018) 611-617.
Mengmeng Wang, Bo Zhang, Huiling Liu*. Acidic hydrothermal treatment: Characteristics of organic, nitrogen and phosphorus releasing and process optimization on lincomycin removal from lincomycin mycelial residues.Chemical Engineering Journal 336 (2018) 436-444.
Mengmeng Wang, Bo Zhang, Huiling Liu*. Degradation of lincomycin in aqueous solution with hydrothermal treatment: Kinetics, pathway, and toxicity evaluation. Chemical Engineering Journal 343(2018) 138-145.
Chen Cai, Huiling Liu*, Bing Wang, Performance of microwave treatment for disintegration of cephalosporin mycelial dreg (CMD) and degradation of residual cephalosporin antibiotics, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 331(2017)265-272
Chen Cai, Huiling Liu*, Application of microwave-pretreated cephalosporin mycelial dreg (CMD) as soil amendment: Temporal changes in chemical and fluorescent parameters of soil organic matter,Science of the Total Environment, 621(2017)417-424
Chen Cai, Huiling Liu*, Bing Wang, Characterization of antibiotic mycelial residue (AMR) dewatering performance with microwave treatment,Chemosphere, 174(2017)20-27
Bing Wang, Chen Cai, Guomin Li,Huiling Liu* Assessing the stability in dry mycelial fertilizer of Penicillium chrysogenum as soil amendment via fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectra: organic matter’s transformation and maturity,Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(2017)28258-28267
Bing W, Chen C, Liu H, et al. Assessing the Stability in Dry Mycelial Fertilizer of Penicillium Chrysogenum as Soil Amendment via Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrix Spectra:Organic Matter’s Transformation and Maturity[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,(2016)20728-20738.
Pu Wanga, Huiling Liu*,Characterization and mechanism analysis of penicillin G biodegradation with Klebsiella pneumoniae Z1 isolated from waste penicillin bacterial residue ,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 27 (2015) 50–58