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教育经历 2009.9-2013.6,同济大学,航空航天与力学学院,飞行器制造工程,学士/ B.Sc. 2013.9-2018.1,香港理工大学和同济大学,机械和力学,双学位博士/Ph.D. 工作经历 2018.2-2021.3,新加坡科技局,研究科学家 2021.4-至今, 同济大学航空航天与力学学院,特聘研究员 荣誉和奖励 上海市领军人才计划(海外) 浦江人才计划(A类) 第七届中国科协青年人才托举工程项目 第十二届亚澳复合材料大会(ACCM12)Young Researcher Award 科研项目 2023-2025 含纤维褶皱和孔隙复合材料结构超声传播非线性特征及解耦研究 (国家自然科学基金委员会 ,主持) 2022-2024 复合材料结构跨尺度损伤评价 (中国科协,主持) 2022-2024 基于无线光学编码的复合材料结构超声快速成像技术及检测系统研究(国家商用飞机制造工程技术研究中心创新基金,主持) 2021-2023 减层设计复合材料结构纤维褶皱智能超声透射检测(上海市科委,主持) 2021 电磁超声检测自动化和智能化(新加坡科技局,主持) 2020 无人机复合材料结构空气耦合导波自动化检测(新加坡国防部,主持) 2020 热塑性高性能复合材料超声检测(新加坡政府基金资助,参与) 2020 非接触式电磁超声无损检测信息处理以及自动化(美国P&G公司资助,主持) 2018-2019 基于相控阵技术改进航空复合材料结构无损检测(日本IHI公司资助,主持) 2018-2020 自动化高精度发动机叶片厚度超声检测(英国Rolls-Royce资助,子课题主持)


航空复合材料结构超声检测 飞机连接结构耐久性设计及结构健康监测 复合材料增材制造-检测一体化


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhang Z, Li Q, Cao A; Yeoh W, Liu M, Yang W. Defect identification in thick porous and wavy composites with hybrid use of ultrasound non-reciprocity and scattering, Composites Science and Technology, 2022, 225: 109514. Zhang Z, Li Q, Liu M, Yang W; Ang Y. Through transmission ultrasonic inspection of fiber waviness for thickness-tapered composites using ultrasound non-reciprocity: simulation and experiment, Ultrasonics, 2022,123:106716 Zhang Z, Liu M, Li Q, Png M. Baseline-free defect evaluation of complex-microstructure composites using frequency dependent ultrasonic reflections. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2020, 139: 106090 Zhang Z, Guo S, Li Q, Cui F, Malcolm AA, Su Z, Liu M. Ultrasonic detection and characterization of delamination and rich resin in thick composites with waviness. Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 189: 108016. Zhang Z, Liu M, Li Q, Ang Y. Visualized Characterization of Diversified Defects in Thick Aerospace Composites using Ultrasonic B-scan. Composites Communications, 2020, 22: 100435 Zhang Z, Xiao Y, Xie Y, Su Z. Effects of contact between rough surfaces on the dynamic responses of bolted composite joints: Multiscale modeling and numerical simulation. Composite Structures, 2019, 211: 13-23. Zhang Z, Xiao Y, Su Z, Pan Y. Continuous monitoring of tightening condition of single-lap bolted composite joints using intrinsic mode functions of acoustic emission signals: a proof-of-concept study. Structural Health Monitoring, 2019, 18(4): 1219-1234. Zhang Z, Liu M, Liao Y, Su Z, Xiao Y. Contact acoustic nonlinearity (CAN)-based continuous monitoring of bolt loosening: Hybrid use of high-order harmonics and spectral sidebands. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 103: 280-294. Zhang Z, Liu M, Su Z, Xiao Y. Quantitative evaluation of residual torque of a loose bolt based on wave energy dissipation and vibro-acoustic modulation: A comparative study. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 383: 156-170. Zhang Z, Xu H, Liao Y, Su Z, Xiao Y. Vibro-acoustic modulation (VAM)-inspired structural integrity monitoring and its applications to bolted composite joints. Composite Structures, 2017, 176: 505-515. 期刊论文列表 Cao A, Li Q, Yang W, Zhang Z*. Frequency shifting of transmitted ultrasound in thick composites containing fiber wrinkles and its application in non-destructive evaluation. Composite Structures, 2023, 314, 116939. Li J, He Y, Li Q, Zhang Z*. Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Evaluation of Bolt Loosening Using Vibro-Acoustic Modulation (VAM) Features from a Combination of Simulation and Experiments. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(24), 12920. Zhang Z, Xiao Y, Liu Y, Su Z. (2016). A quantitative investigation on vibration durability of viscoelastic relaxation in bolted composite joints. Journal of Composite Materials, 2016, 50(29), 4041-4056. Zhang Z, Xiao Y, Liu Y, Su Z. Preload relaxation characteristics in composite bolted joints based on vibration fatigue test. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2016,33,163-173 Zhang Z, Pan Y , Xiao Y, Zhong Z. Measurement and analysis of laser generated Rayleigh and lamb waves considering its pulse duration. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2015, 28(5), 441-452.


国家自然科学基金评审专家库 浙江省面上基金通讯评审专家 《Frontiers in Physics》Review Editor 《应用力学学报》青年编委 第七届亚太结构健康监测大会分会场主席 学术期刊审稿 Composites Part B: Engineering Journal of Sound and Vibration Structural Health Monitoring NDT and E International Applied Acoustics
