Jiang M J, Bo Y J , Wang H N*. Che N. Study on the reinforcement mechanism of grouted bolts with or without prestress via the hybrid DEM-FDM method. Transportation Geotechnics 2023, accepted. (IF: 1.695, JCR Q3)
Huang J J., Jiang M J, Wang H N*. Time-dependent reliability analysis of wellbore stability during drilling in hydrate exploitation. Petroleum Science and Technology. 2023 (IF: 1.695, JCR Q3,online)
Zhang N, Wang H N*, Jiang M J. A mesoelastic-plastic damage model for hydrate-bearing sediments with various hydrate-growth patterns. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 266: 112919. (IF: 4.372, JCR Q1, 中科院1区TOP期刊)
Gao X, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ, Hu T. A semi-analytical approach for the stress and displacement around lined circular tunnels at shallow depths. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2022. DOI:10.1080/19648189.2022.2137247 (IF: 2.187, JCR Q3, online)
Zhou ZH, Wang HN*, Jiang, MJ. Strength criteria at anisotropic principal directions expressed in closed form by interparticle parameters for elliptical particle assembly. Granular Matter, 2023, 25(1):1-25. DOI: 10.1007/s10035-022-01285-9 (IF: 3.01, JCR Q2, online)
Wei FR, Wang HN*, Zeng GS, Jiang MJ. Seepage flow around twin circular tunnels in anisotropic ground revealed by an analytical solution. Underground Space. 2022, accepted. (IF: 5.327, JCR Q1)
Wei FR, Wang HN*, Zeng GS, Jiang MJ. Analytical solution to the seepage field of two parallel noncircular tunnels in permeable anisotropic ground. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2022, 26(12): 5328-5341. (IF: 2.115, JCR Q3)
Huang JJ, Jiang MJ, Wang HN*. A time-dependent analytical model with hydraulic–mechanical coupling for wellbore stability in hydrate exploitation. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. (IF: 2.605, JCR Q3, online)
Wang HN*, Guo YF, Huang JJ, Chen XP, Jiang MJ. Analysis of wellbore stability for overbalanced drilling in marine methane hydrate-bearing sediments under non-hydrostatic stresses. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, accepted (IF: 4.604, JCR Q1)
Wang HN*, Song F, Zhao T, Jiang MJ. Solutions for lined circular tunnels sequentially constructed in rheological rock subjected to non-hydrostatic initial stresses, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2022, 26(5): 1834-1866. (IF:1.832,JCR Q3)
Hu T, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. Analytical approach for the fast estimation of time-dependent wellbore stability during drilling in methane hydrate-bearing sediment, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 99: 104422. (IF:3.841, JCR Q1)
Zeng GS, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. Analytical solutions of noncircular tunnels in viscoelastic semi-infinite ground subjected to surcharge loadings. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 102, 492–510. (IF:3.819,JCR Q1)
Zeng GS, Wang H N*, Wu L, Jiang MJ. A generalized analytical model for mechanical responses of rock during multiple-tunnel excavation in viscoelastic semi-infinite ground, International Journal of Geomechanics, 2021, 21(11): 04021202.( IF:,JCR Q2)
Zhou ZH, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. Macro- and micro-mechanical relationship of the anisotropic behaviour of a bonded ellipsoidal particle assembly in the elastic stage. Acta Geotechnica, 2021, 16 (12):3899-3921. (IF:5.856,JCR Q1)
Guo YF, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. Efficient iterative analytical model for underground seepage around multiple tunnels in semi-infinite saturated media. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2021, 147(11): 17. (IF:2.62,JCR Q2)
Zhou ZH, Wang HN, Jiang MJ*. Elastic constants obtained analytically from microscopic features for regularly arranged elliptical particle assembly, Granular Matter, 2021, 23(2): 1–13. (IF:2.652,JCR Q2)
Guo ZY, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. A simple analytical model of wellbore stability considering methane hydrate saturation-dependent elastoplastic mechanical properties, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021(6):109104 ((IF:4.346,JCR Q1)
Gao X, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. Analytical solutions for the displacement and stress of lined circular tunnel subjected to surcharge loadings in semi-infinite ground. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 89(Pt 1). (IF:3.633,JCR Q1)
Zeng GS, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ, et al. Analytical solution of displacement and stress induced by the sequential excavation of noncircular tunnels in viscoelastic rock, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 134: 104429. (IF:4.151 JCR Q1)
Guo ZY, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. Elastoplastic analytical investigation of wellbore stability for drilling in methane hydrate-bearing sediments, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 79: 103344. (IF:3.841, JCR Q1)
Che N, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. DEM investigation of rock/bolt mechanical behaviour in pull-out tests, Particuology, 2020, 52: 10-27. (IF:2.787,JCR Q2)
Wang HN*, Gao X, Wu L, Jiang, MJ. Analytical study on interaction between existing and new tunnels parallel excavated in semi-infinite viscoelastic ground, Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 120: 103385. (IF:3.818,JCR Q1)
Wang HN*, Wu L, Jiang MJ. Viscoelastic ground responses around shallow tunnels considering surcharge loadings and effect of supporting, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2020, 24(13): 2306-2328. (IF:1.832,JCR Q3)
Zeng GS, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. Analytical study of ground responses induced by the excavation of quasirectangular tunnels at shallow depths, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2019, 43(13): 2200-2223. (IF:2.814,JCR Q2)
Wang HN*, Chen XP, Jiang MJ. Analytical investigation of wellbore stability during drilling in marine methane hydrate-bearing sediments, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2019, 68: 102885. (IF:3.841,JCR Q1)
Wang HN*, Jiang MJ, Zhao T, Zeng GS. Viscoelastic solutions for stresses and displacements around non-circular tunnels sequentially excavated at great depths, Acta Geotechnica, 2019, 14(2): 111-139. (IF:4.35,JCR Q2)
Wang HN*, Xiao G, Jiang MJ, Crosta G. Investigation of rock bolting for deeply buried tunnels via a new efficient hybrid DEM-Analytical model, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018,82:366-379. (IF: 3.942,JCR Q1)
Wang HN*, Zeng GS, Jiang MJ. Analytical stress and displacement around non-circular tunnels in semi-infinite ground, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 63: 303-328. (IF: 2.841,JCR Q1)
Song F, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. Analytically-based simplified formulas for circular tunnels with two liners in viscoelastic rock under anisotropic initial stresses, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 175: 746-767. (IF: 4.046,JCR Q1)
Wang HN*, Wu L, Jiang MJ. Analytical Stress and Displacement due to Twin Tunneling in an Elastic Semi-infinite Ground Subjected to Surcharge Loads, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2018,42(6): 809-828. (IF:2.481,JCR Q2)
Song F, Wang HN*, Jiang MJ. Analytical solutions for lined circular tunnels in viscoelastic rock considering various interface conditions, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 55: 109-130. (IF: 2.841,JCR Q1)
Wang HN*, Chen XP, Jiang MJ, Song F, Wu L. The analytical predictions on displacement and stress around shallow tunnels subjected to surcharge loadings, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 71: 403-427. (IF: 3.942,JCR Q1)
Jiang MJ, Liao YB, Wang HN, Sun Y. Distinct element method analysis of jointed rock fragmentation induced by TBM cutting. European Journal of Environmental & Civil Engineering, 2017(7):1-20. (IF: 1.29,JCR Q3)
Wang HN*, Gong H, Liu F, Jiang MJ*. Size-dependent mechanical behavior of an intergranular bond revealed by an analytical model, Computers and Geotechnics, 2017, 89:153-167. (IF: 3.138,JCR Q1)
Wang HN*, Zeng GS, Utili S, Jiang MJ, Wu L. Analytical solution of stresses and displacements for deeply buried twin tunnels in viscoelastic rock, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2017, 93: 13-29. (IF: 2.836,JCR Q1)
Wang HN*, Utili S, Jiang MJ, He P. Analytical solutions for tunnels of elliptical cross-section in rheological rock accounting for sequential excavation, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2015, 48(5): 1997-2029. (IF: 2.386,JCR Q2)
Jiang MJ*, Liu F, Wang HN, Wang X X. Investigation of the effect of different gravity conditions on penetration mechanisms by the Distinct Element Method. Engineering Computations, 2015: 32(7): 2067-2099. (IF: 0.691,JCR Q2)
Wang HN*, Utili S, Jiang MJ. An approach for the sequential excavation of axisymmetric lined tunnels in viscoelastic rock. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 2014, 68: 85-106. (IF: 1.686, JCR Q1)
Wang HN*, Li Y, Ni Q, Utili S, Jiang MJ, Liu F. Analytical solutions for the construction of deeply buried circular tunnels with two liners in rheological rock. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2013, 46(6):1481-1498. (IF: 1.564,JCR Q2)
Wang HN*, Nie GH, Solutions for viscoelastic axisymmetric plane problem involving time-dependent boundary regions under mixed boundary condition, Acta Mechanica, 2011, 216: 59-73. (IF: 1.292)
Wang HN*, Nie GH, Analytical expressions for stress and displacement fields in viscoelastic axisymmetric plane problem involving time-dependent boundary regions, Acta Mechanica, 2010, 210:315-330. (IF: 1.024)
Cao ZY*, Wang HN. Free vibration of FGM cylindrical shells with holes under various boundary conditions, Journal of sound and vibration, 2007, 306(1-2), 227-237. (IF: 1.024)
薄英鋆,王华宁,蒋明镜*,车纳. 隧道力学状态离散元模拟中的粒径效应, 地下空间与工程学报,2022.(已录用)
王琪,王华宁*,蒋明镜. 水-岩化学作用对砂岩力学特性影响的三维离散元分析,岩石力学与工程学报,2022. (EI检索,已录用)
王午阳,王华宁*,蒋明镜.基于解析解和新准则的深埋隧道断面形状优化,力学季刊,2022, 43(02):227-238.
黄佳佳,蒋明镜,王华宁*. 基于流固耦合的含水合物地层井壁稳定非稳态解析模型. 同济大学学报(自然科学版). (EI检索,已录用)
梁浩光, 王华宁*,高翔.分数阶流变岩体中深埋圆形支护隧道力学分析,力学季刊,2021,42(02):239-252.
付睿聪, 王华宁*,蒋明镜,杨永恒.考虑加卸载路径的深埋水工隧道弹塑性解析解, 岩石力学与工程学报, 2021,40(S2):3174-3181. (EI检索)
郭玉峰,王华宁*,蒋明镜. 水下浅埋双孔平行隧道渗流场的解析研究, 岩土工程学报, 2021, 43(06): 1088-1096. (EI检索)
杨永恒, 王华宁*, 蒋明镜. 考虑温度影响的球形盐穴弹塑性解析分析, 地下空间与工程学报, 2021,17(05):1414-1421.
王华宁*, 郭振宇, 高翔, 蒋明镜.含水合物地层井壁力学状态的弹塑性解析分析, 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2020,48(12):1696-1706. (EI检索)
薄英鋆, 王华宁*, 蒋明镜. 深部节理岩体开挖卸荷动力破坏机制的离散元研究, 岩土工程学报, 2020, 42(S2): 196-201. (EI检索)
胡韬, 王华宁*, 郭振宇, 蒋明镜.深海能源土流变和非稳态多场影响的井壁稳定分析, 岩石力学与工程学报, 2020, 39(S1): 3206-3216. (EI检索)
蒋明镜*, 傅程, 王华宁, 刘俊, 廖优斌, 陈有亮. 简单复合岩体中TBM多滚刀破岩机理离散元分析, 土木工程学报, 2019, 52(S1):120-126. (EI检索)
蒋明镜, 江华利, 廖优斌, 刘笋, 王华宁. 不同形式节理的岩质边坡失稳演化离散元分析, 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 47(02):13-20. (EI检索)
啜世阳, 王华宁*, 张宁. 天然气水合物温度-压力-盐浓度三维相平衡曲面方程, 石油与天然气化工, 2019(5):49-55.
高翔, 王华宁*. 斜坡下浅埋偏压隧道地层响应的解析解答, 水利水电技术, 2019(1): 1-9.
蒋明镜*, 张鹏, 陈添, 王华宁, 廖优斌. 不同埋深条件下隧道开挖的离散元模拟初探. 地下空间与工程学报, 2018, 14(S2): 44-149,794-802.
蒋明镜*, 卢厚华, 王华宁, 廖兆文. 雨水渗透下节理岩质边坡失稳离散元模拟. 郑州大学学报(理学版), 2018, 50(04): 106-111.
车纳, 王华宁*, 蒋明镜,廖优斌. 岩石锚杆锚固段拉拔破坏机理离散元分析, 地下空间与工程学报, 2018,14(S2): 716-724.
王华宁*, 吴磊, 蒋明镜. 平行双孔水工隧道相互作用的时效解答, 地下空间与工程学报, 2018,14(2): 403-411.
蒋明镜, 刘蔚, 孙亚, 张宁, 王华宁. 考虑环境劣化非贯通节理岩体直剪试验DEM模拟. 岩土力学, 2017, 38(5):1-9. (EI检索)
王华宁*, 宋飞, 蒋明镜. 基于时效理论解的双层支护圆形隧道围岩压力分担的简便计算法, 岩土工程学报, 2017, 39(9): 1600-1608 (EI检索)
王华宁*, 龚浩, 李富根, 蒋明镜. 考虑宽度与厚度的颗粒胶结模型理论分析, 岩土工程学报, 2017, 40(5):822-831. (EI检索)
王华宁*, 曾广尚, 吴磊, 蒋明镜. 深埋并行双线隧道顺序施工过程的时效理论分析, 应用力学学报, 2017, 34(3): 521-528.
王华宁*, 宋飞, 刘芳. 地基变形计算的修正Flamant解答, 力学与实践, 2017, 39(3): 274-279.
王华宁*, 骆莉莎, 蒋明镜. 流变岩体中任意形状隧道分部开挖响应的理论解答, 岩土工程学报, 2017, 39(2):259-268. (EI检索)
蒋明镜*, 孙亚, 王华宁, 袁聚云. 全断面隧道掘进机破岩机理离散元分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2016, 44(7): 1038-1044. (EI检索)
王华宁*, 宋飞, 蒋明镜.流变岩体中支护圆形隧道施工过程的时效理论解, 同济大学学报, 2016, 44(12): 1835-1844. (EI检索)
王华宁*, 吴磊. 斜坡下考虑支护效应浅埋隧道力学响应的时效解答, 岩土力学, 2016, 37(增2):83-93. (EI检索)
王华宁*, 肖果, 蒋明镜. 隧道力学分析的离散元与理论解分区耦合方法初探,冰川冻土,2016, 38(4): 0867-0874.
王华宁*, 张玉栋, 蒋明镜. 流变岩土体中浅埋隧道围岩力学响应的理论解, 力学季刊, 2016, 37(1): 22-32.
王华宁*, 曾广尚, 李悦, 蒋明镜. 黏弹-塑性岩体中锚注与衬砌联合支护的解析解, 工程力学,2016, 33(4): 176-187 (EI检索).
王华宁*, 李悦, 骆莉莎, 蒋明镜, 曾广尚. 应变软化弹塑性岩体中TBM施工过程围岩力学状态的理论分析, 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(2): 356-368 (EI检索)
蒋明镜, 孙亚, 王华宁, 袁聚云. TBM滚刀破岩机理离散元分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2016, 44(7). (EI检索)
王华宁*, 曾广尚, 蒋明镜. 流变岩体中既有隧道与新建平行隧道相互影响的理论解,岩土工程学报,2015,37(8): 1365-1374 (EI检索)
蒋明镜, 廖兆文, 张望城, 王华宁. 砂埋管道上浮地基破坏机理的离散元模拟. 地下空间与工程学报, 2015, 11(6): 1506-1513.
王华宁*, 曾广尚, 蒋明镜. 考虑岩体时效深埋隧洞施工过程的理论解析—开挖、锚喷与衬砌支护的全过程模拟与解答,岩土工程学报,2014, 36(7):1334-1343. (EI检索)
王华宁*, 何平, 蒋明镜. 无限粘弹性平面中椭圆孔口变边界过程的复变函数解答,固体力学学报,2014, 35(1): 85-94.
付昌,蒋明镜,申志福,王华宁,吴晓峰. 非饱和土动剪模量与阻尼比影响因素试验. 山东大学学报(工学版), 2014, (5): 35-41.
王华宁*, 蒋明镜, 何平. 流变岩体中椭圆洞室断面开挖过程的力学分析. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(11): 1979-1987. (EI检索)
曾广尚, 王华宁*, 蒋明镜. 流变岩体隧道施工中锚喷支护的模拟与解析分析,地下空间与工程学报, 2013, 9(增1): 1536-1612.
王华宁*, 何平, 曹志远. 变边界粘弹性轴对称问题的复变函数法, 固体力学学报, 2013, 34(2): 174-180.
何平, 王华宁*. 深埋圆形压力隧洞施工过程的粘弹性解析解, 力学季刊, 2012, 33(1): 45-52
王华宁*, 仲政. 粘弹性岩体中支护圆形洞室施工过程的解析分析, 应用力学学报, 2012, 29(1): 1-8
王华宁*, 曹志远, 李悦. 考虑断面及纵向施工效应时支护圆形洞室粘弹解析分析, 岩土工程学报, 2011,33(8): 1159-1166 (EI检索)
王华宁*. 粘弹岩体中立井连续施工过程的解析模拟, 西部探矿工程, 2010, (8): 7-10
王华宁*,曹志远. 粘弹介质中圆孔时变轴对称问题的解析分析, 同济大学学报, 2009, 37(11): 1457-1461 (EI检索)
王华宁,曹志远. 无限粘弹介质中圆孔时变问题的解析分析, 力学季刊, 2009, (2): 257-265
王华宁*,曹志远. 圆形洞室动态施工中围岩粘弹时变解析分析, 同济大学学报, 2008, 36(1):17-21 (EI检索)
王居林, 唐寿高, 曹志远, 王华宁. 结构损伤识别的直接解析法, 同济大学学报, 2007, 35(6), 719-723 (EI检索)
王华宁*,曹志远. 无限粘弹平面中孔洞扩展的时变力学解析解, 固体力学学报, 2006, 27(3): 319-323
王华宁*,曹志远等. 复合材料宏细观跨尺度分析, 玻璃钢/复合材料, 2006, (6): 3-6 (EI检索)
曹志远*,王华宁. 功能梯度开孔矩形板的动力特性解, 功能材料, 2005, 36(8): 1273-1281
王华宁*,曹志远. 工程施工路径相关性的数值仿真, 力学季刊, 2005, 26(3):486-490
王华宁,曹志远. 粘弹塑性损伤时变力学理论在岩土工程中的应用, 工程力学, 2005, 22(4):84-89 (EI检索)
王华宁,曹志远. 地下开采过程损伤场演化与地表变形的时变分析, 计算力学学报, 2004, 21(5): 61-68 (EI检索)
王华宁,曹志远. 地下空间施工时内部损伤检测的计算机方法, 地下空间, 2004, 24(3): 315-320
曹志远,王华宁. 粘弹性时变体的损伤演化理论与分析,固体力学学报,2004, 25(2): 159-164
王华宁, 曹志远. 地下洞室开挖过程洞周损伤分布的时变反演, 力学季刊, 2002, 23(4): 471-479
王华宁, 曹志远. 岩体施工过程损伤演化预测的时变力学分析, 应用力学学报,2002,19(4):134-138
王华宁, 吕爱钟, 曹志远. 裂隙岩体施工监测反馈分析中的参数辨识, 同济大学学报,2002,30(2):207-212
王华宁, 吕爱钟, 曹志远. 巷道裂隙岩体的损伤参数辨识, 岩土工程学报, 2001, 23(5):593-597 (EI检索)
王华宁, 吕爱钟. 立方体劈裂抗拉强度的复变函数解, 力学与实践, 2001, 23(1):27-30.