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学习经历 1983/09-1987/06,西安交通大学,电子工程系,电子材料与元器件,学士学位 1992/09-1995/06,西安交通大学,电子工程系,电子材料与元器件,硕士学位 工作经历 1987/07-1998/02,中国科学院,新疆物理研究所,助理研究员 从事民用NTC陶瓷热敏电阻材料及元器件的研制和开发及军用元件的研制生产工作。作为主要研制人员参加完成了国家“七五”攻关课题,科学院重点课题,长征三号甲、乙、丙等型号运载火箭配套项目。1994年负责完成航天部“膜片型热敏电阻器研制”,1996年负责实施完成“军用晶振器温度补偿热敏电阻研制”,参加完成国家行业军用标准制定,作为主要技术人员完成军品合同项目约20个。1996年获自治区科技进步二等奖(排名第三)。 1998/03-2014/05,同济大学,功能材料研究所,副研究员 2014/06-至今, 同济大学,材料科学与工程学院,功能材料研究所,副研究员 作为主要研制人员先后参加上海市科学技术发展基金项目“弛豫型铁电聚合物探索研究”及“表面贴装用片式微波谐振器与滤波器”,863项目子课题“新型微波介质陶瓷材料与元件的研制”,973项目子课题“新型微波介质陶瓷的微结构、缺陷控制与微波性能协调原理”、“新型微波与毫米波陶瓷的结构、性能调控及其应用”和“高储能线性电介质陶瓷的结构/性能调控及应用”,国家自然科学基金项目“电场诱导反铁电薄膜相关的热释电、电致应变研究”,“多元钙钛矿铁电陶瓷固溶限附近奇异性研究”和“具有高度织构化无铅压电厚膜的制备及应用研究”。2012年7月至2015年6月负责完成上海市自然科学基金项目(12ZR1434600)。2014年1月至今负责国家自然科学基金面上项目(51372171)。截至2016年4月14日发表研究论文125篇,被SCI收录114篇,获得授权的中国发明专利21项。 获奖情况 获奖项目“深冷电磁铁线圈电阻的温度补偿研究”解决了我国新型运载火箭长征三号甲、乙、丙等高压冷氦电磁阀电磁铁线圈电阻在-253℃~+50℃的温度补偿难题,成果获1996年新疆维吾尔自治区科学技术进步二等奖,本人排名第三。 完成人:妥万禄1、吴孝隆2、沈波1、库拉旦1、张镝2、魏喜鹏2 完成单位:1中国科学院新疆物理研究所,2航天工业总公司一院一部


无铅压电材料与器件 低烧微波介质材料与器件 半导体热敏材料与器件


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Xiu Shaomei, Xiao Shi, Zhang Wenqin, Xue Shuangxi, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Effect of rare-earth additions on the structure and dielectric energy storage properties of BaxSr1-xTiO3-based barium boronaluminosilicate glass-ceramics, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 670:217-221 JUN 15 2016 Li Lingyu, Bai Wangfeng, Zhang Yang, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, The preparation and piezoelectric property of textured KNN-based ceramics with plate-like NaNbO3 powders as template, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,622:137-142 FEB 15 2015 Li Lingyu, Zhang Yang, Bai Wangfeng,Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Chen Haydn ,Synthesis of high aspect ratio (K, Na)NbO3 plate-like particles and study on the synthesis mechanism,DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 44(25): 11621-11625 2015 Wang Wei, Li Lingyu, Xiu Shaomei, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Microwave dielectric properties of (Mg0.4Zn0.6)(2)SiO4-CaTiO3 ceramics sintered with Li2CO3-H3BO3 for LTCC technology, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 639: 359-364 AUG 5 2015 Wang Wei, Bai Wangfeng, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Microwave dielectric properties of low temperature sintered ZnWO4-TiO2 composite ceramics, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL;41(S1):S435-S440 NOV 2015 Bai Wangfeng, Li Lingyu, Wang Wei, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Phase diagram and electrostrictive effect in BNT-based ceramics, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 206: 22-25 MAR 2015 Bai Wangfeng, Li Lingyu, Li Wei, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Chen Haydn, .Effect of SrTiO3 template on electric properties of textured BNT-BKT ceramics prepared by templated grain growth process, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,603:149-157 AUG 5 2014 Wang Jinwen, Tang Linjiang, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei,Property optimization of BST-based composite glass ceramics for energy-storage applications, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 40(1): 2261-2266 JAN 2014 Wang Jinwen, Tang Linjiang, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei,Effect of microwave processes on the energy-storage properties of barium strontium titanate glass ceramics, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 29(2 ): 288-293 JAN 28 2014 Wang Wei, Tang Linjiang, Bai Wangfeng, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei,Microwave dielectric properties of (1-x)(Mg0.4Zn0.6)(2)SiO4-xCaTiO(3) composite ceramics, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 25(8): 3601-3607 AUG 2014 Bai Wangfeng, Hao Jigong, Fu Fang, Li Wei, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Structure and strain behavior of < 001 > textured BNT-based ceramics by template grain growth, MATERIALS LETTERS, 97: 137-140 APR 15 2013 Shen Bo, Zhang Qiwei, Zhai Jiwei, Xu Zhengkui, DC field effect on dielectric property of Ba(ZrxTi1-x)O-3 ceramics,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 39(S1): S9-S13 2013 Wang Jinwen, Xu Chao, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Enhancing energy storage density of (Ba, Sr)TiO3 ceramic particles by coating with Al2O3 and SiO2, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 24(9): 3309-3314 SEP 2013 Bai Wangfeng, Hao Jigong, Shen Bo, Fu Fang, Zhai Jiwei, Processing optimization and piezoelectric properties of textured Ba(Zr,Ti)O-3 ceramics, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,536:189-197 SEP 25 2012 Bai Wangfeng, Shen Bo, Fu Fang, Zhai Jiwei, Dielectric, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties of textured BZT-BCT lead-free thick film by screen printing, MATERIALS LETTERS, 83: 20-22 SEP 15 2012 Bai Wangfeng, Shen Bo, Fu Fang, Zhai Jiwei,Fabrication and Electrical Properties of Ba(Zr,Ti)O-3 Textured Ceramics by Templated Grain Growth, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51(1): 015503 JAN 2012 Sun Mingcheng, Shen Bo, Wang Changzhou, Song Sannian, Song Zhitang, Zhai Jiwei, Multi-State Data Storage of Ge2Sb2Te5/Ga30Sb70 Multilayer Films for Phase Change Memory, ELECTROCHEMICAL AND SOLID STATE LETTERS, 15(4): H115-H117 ,2012 Sun Mingcheng, Hu Yifeng, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Song Sannian, Song Zhitang, Si/SnSe2 Multilayer Films for Phase Change Memory Applications, INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS, 140: 1-7 2012 Fang Xiaolei, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Yao Xi, Preparation and ferroelectric properties of NBT thin films deposited on Pt electrodes using LNO as buffer layer, Ceramics International, 38S, S83–S86; 2012 Fang Xiaolei, Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Yao Xi, Preparation, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of (Na0.5Bi0.5)(0.94)Ba0.06TiO3 thin films by a sol-gel process, JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,58(1):1-5 APR 2011 Jia Qunping, Shen Bo, Hao Xihong, Zhai Jiwei, Yao Xi, Enhanced dielectric property from highly (100)-oriented barium zirconate titanate compositional gradient films, THIN SOLID FILMS,518(24): E89-E92 OCT 1 2010 Ding Xiya, Shen Bo, Jiwei Zhai, Xu Zhengkui, Fu Fang, Zhang Jingji, Yao Xi, Preparation and Piezoelectric Properties of (h00)-Oriented BaTiO3 Ceramics by Tape Casting,FERROELECTRICS, 401: 30-35 2010 Jia Qunping, Shen Bo, Hao Xihong, Song Sannian; Zhai Jiwei;Anomalous dielectric properties of Ba1-xCaxTiO3 thin films near the solubility limit, Materials Letters, 63(3-4): 464-466 FEB 15 2009 Shen Bo, Kang Liping, Yao Xi, Dielectric properties of Bi2O3-ZnO-Ta2O5 ceramics sintered by microwave, Journal of Electroceramics,21(1-4):448-451, DEC 2008 Shen Bo, Dong Yiming, Zhai Jiwei, Yao Xi, Microwave Dielectric Properties of Bi2(Zn1/3Ta2/3)2O7-CaTiO3 Composite Ceramics, FERROELECTRICS, 356(1):140-145,2007 Li Jiankang,Shen Bo,Zhang Desheng,Chen Xiaogang,Zhang Liangying,Yao Xi, Abnormal the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of vinylidene fluoride and trifluoroethylene copolymer under different electric field and electron-irradiated, INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS, 78:173-179,2006 Shen Bo, Zhai Jiwei, Yao Xi, Dielectric relaxation and tunability of Bi2O3-ZnO-CaO-Ta2O5 Ceramics, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 86 (7): 072902 FEB 14 2005 Shen Bo, Yao Xi, Peng Dengshan, Kang Liping, Structure and Dielectric Properties of Bi2O3-ZnO-CaO-Ta2O5 Ceramics, Ceramics International, 30(7): 1207-1210, 2004 Zhang Desheng, Shen Bo,Yao Xi, Yi Wenhui,Zhang Liangying, Abnormal ferroelectric relaxation in electron irradiation copolymers of vinylidene fluoride and trifluoroethylene, FERROELECTRICS,261:717-722,2001 Zhang Desheng, Shen Bo, Yao Xi, Chen Xiaogang, Zhang Liangying, Ferroelectric relaxation in electron-irradiated copolymers, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS,34(16):2530-2533, AUG 21 2001
