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教育经历 2005.09–2009.07,武汉大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,工学学士 2009.09–2011.07,哈尔滨工业大学,机械制造及其自动化,工学硕士 2011.09–2016.10,哈尔滨工业大学,机械制造及其自动化,工学博士 2013.09–2015.03,美国俄亥俄州立大学(OSU),高能激光物理,CSC公派联合培养 工作经历 2021.12–至今,哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院,教授(青年拔尖,破格) 2020.07–至今,哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院,博士生导师 2019.05–至今,哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院,硕士生导师 2018.12–2021.12,哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院,副教授(青年拔尖,破格) 2017.03–2018.12,哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院,讲师 奖励与荣誉 2023年 入选“国家级高层次青年人才”计划 2022年“大口径高功率激光元件表面微缺陷精密检测与修复装备及相关技术”获教育部技术发明一等奖(排2) 2018年 中国科协“青年人才托举工程”计划 2021年 哈尔滨工业大学“青年拔尖人才选聘计划”教授(破格) 2018年 哈尔滨工业大学“青年拔尖人才选聘计划”副教授(破格) 2017年 第七届全国“上银优秀机械博士论文奖” 铜奖(金奖空缺、银奖1项、铜奖2项、优秀及佳作奖14项) 2022年 主持的国家自然科学基金青年项目获“优秀”结题(全国共4项) 2021年 黑龙江省自然科学基金“优青”计划 2019年 黑龙江省“博士后青年英才计划” 2023年 Best Researcher Award on Computer Aided Design in Mechanical Engineering 2020年 中国宇航学会青年科学家俱乐部 主席团副主席 2021年 新加坡Viser出版社机械工程专业委员会成员 2022年,中国图学学会第八届理事会智能工厂专业委员会委员 2023年,International Research Award on Computer Aided Design in Mechanical Engineering 2023年 任国际SCI期刊Materials (IF: 3.748)专刊"Precision Machining and Micro-/Nano Manufacturing",Guest Editor 2022年 任国际SCI期刊Materials (IF: 3.748)专刊"Ultra-Precision Manufacturing Technology for Difficult-to-Machine Materials",Guest Editor 2022,国际期刊Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology,Review Editor 2019年 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering期刊杰出审稿人 2017年 第十四届切削与先进制造技术学术会议 优秀论文奖 2017年 中国机械工程学会青年论坛“十篇最感兴趣论文” 2014年 哈尔滨工业大学“预留师资资格” 2013年 博士研究生国家奖学金 2012年 机械工程全国博士生学术论坛优秀论文奖 2010年 哈尔滨工业大学特等奖学金


精密/超精密加工基础理论与工艺装备 光学加工(亚)表面微缺陷精密检测与高效控制方法 极端服役条件下核心光学元器件的损伤机理与精密修复 强激光与功能材料相互作用机制研究 难加工材料激光复合快速加工新技术与方法 金属及合金材料的激光熔覆与表面处理技术与机理研究 金属及合金材料的增减材一体化制造技术研究


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Wenyu Ding, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen*, Jian Cheng*, Guang Chen, Hongqin Lei, Zhichao Liu, Feng Geng, Shengfei Wang, Qiao Xu. Determination of stress waves and their effect on the damage extension induced by surface defects of KDP crystals under intense laser irradiation, Optica, 2023, 10(6), 671-681.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=10.644/2022) Dinghuai Yang, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen, Jian Cheng*, Henan Liu, Jinghe Wang, Chengshun Han, and Yazhou Sun,A novel method to characterize the residual stress on the fused silica surface based on the evolution of the atomic point defects, Applied Surface Science, 2023, 640. (SCI收录,影响因子IF= 7.392/2022) Dinghuai Yang, Jian Cheng*, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen, Henan Liu, Jinghe Wang, Chengshun Han, Zhichao Liu, Shengfei Wang, Feng Geng, Yazhou Sun, and Qiao Xu,Mechanisms of the sharp decrease of the LIDT from the plastic surface defect to the brittle surface defect on optical surface, Applied Surface Science, 2023, 629. (SCI收录,影响因子IF= 7.392/2022) Wenyu Ding, Mingjun Chen, Jian Cheng*, Henan Liu*, Linjie Zhao, Hao Yang, Xumeng Cheng, Zhichao Liu, Qiao Xu, ChaoTan, Laser damage evolution by defects on diamond fly-cutting KDP surfaces, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 237, 2023. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=6.772/2022) Wenyu Ding, Linjie Zhao*, Mingjun Chen, Jian Cheng*, Zhaoyang Yin, Qi Liu, Guang Chen, Hongqin Lei, Concentration characterization of underlying intrinsic defects accompany with surface structural defects and their effect on laser damage resistance, Applied Surface Science, 2023, 643.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 7.392/2022) Dinghuai Yang, Jian Cheng*, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen, Henan Liu, Jinghe Wang, Chengshun Han, Zhichao Liu, Shengfei Wang, Feng Geng, Yazhou Sun, and Qiao Xu,Relationship between the photoluminescence envelope area of surface defects and the laser-induced damage thresholds of mechanically machined fused silica optical surfaces, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(14). (SCI收录,影响因子IF= 5.532/2022) Dinghuai Yang, Linjie Zhao*, Jian Cheng*, Mingjun Chen, Henan Liu, Jinghe Wang, Chengshun Han, Yazhou Sun, The decisive effects of the stress states and brittle-plasticity of the surface defects on their laser-induced damage thresholds on fused silica surfaces, Ceramics International, 2023, online. SCI收录,影响因子IF= 5.532/2022) Zican Yang, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen*, Dinghuai Yang, Zhaoyang Yin, Weisong Yang, Jian Cheng*, Qiao Xu, Zhichao Liu, Feng Geng, and Hongguang Xu, Evolution of intrinsic defects and ring structures on the surface of fused silica optics after CO2 laser conditioning, Optics Letter, 2023, 48(21). (SCI收录,影响因子IF= 3.600 /2022) Jinchuan Tian, Henan Liu, Jian Cheng, Mingjun Chen, Biao Qin, Chuanzhen Ma, Jiangang Sun, Zihan Zhou, A novel specialized material removal rate model considering the synergistic effect of dynamic pressure and shear stress for the permanent-magnet small ball-end magnetorheological polishing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 101: 1431-1442. (SCI收录,影响因子IF= 6.20/2022) Biao Qin, Henan Liu, Jian Cheng, Jinchuan Tian, Jiangang Sun, Zihan Zhou, Chaunzhen Ma, Mingjun Chen, Hemisphe rical resonator with low subsurface 5 damage machine d by small ball-end fine diamond 6 grinding wheel : A novel grinding technique, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Online, 2023. (SCI收录,影响因子IF= 5.700/2022) Qi Liu, Jian Cheng, Zhirong Liao, Xichun Luo, Yue Yang, Mingquan Li, Hao Yang, Chao Tan, Guangzhou Wang, Wenyu Ding, Zhaoyang Yin, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen, Research on the light intensity modulation and characterizing methods of surface texture on KDP optics generated in fly-cutting and micro ball-end milling processes, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2023, 41(SCI收录,影响因子IF=3.560/2022) Dinghuai Yang, Jian Cheng*, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen, Henan Liu, Jinghe Wang, Chengshun Han, Zhichao Liu, Shengfei Wang, Feng Geng, Yazhou Sun, and Qiao Xu,Evolution of the point defects involved under the action of mechanical forces on mechanically machined fused silica surfaces, Optics Express, 2023, 31(5). (SCI收录,影响因子IF= 3.338 /2022) Qi Liu, Jian Cheng, Zhirong Liao, Mingyu Liu, Mingjun Chen, Linjie Zhao, Hongqin Lei, Wenyu Ding, Fractal Analysis on Machined Surface Morphologies of Soft-Brittle KDP Crystals Processed by Micro Ball-End Milling,Materials, 16: 1782, 2023. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=3.748/2022) Jinchuan Tian, Mingjun Chen, Jian Cheng, Henan Liu, A novel method of water bath heating assisted small ball-end magnetorheological polishing for hemispherical shell resonators, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2023 Online (SCI收录,影响因子IF=4.061/2022) Zhichao Liu, Jian Zhang, Jin Luo, Feng Geng, Jian Cheng, Shengfei Wang, Qinghua Zhang, Jian Wang, Qiao Xu, Characterization of artificial indentation defects in fused silica surface and its damage performance under 355 nm nanosecond laser, Optics and Laser Technology, 2023, 164. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=4.939/2022) Junwen Lu, Hao Zheng, Muhammad Husnain Haider, Yanpeng Feng, Pengpeng Zhi, Jian Cheng, Zhonglai Wang, Fracture failure analysis of flywheel hub served in heavy-fuel aviation piston engine, Fracture failure analysis of flywheel hub served in heavy-fuel aviation piston engine, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023, 151. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=3.634/2022) Zixuan Chen, Ye Tian, Jingguo Zhu, Laixi Sun, Fang Wang, Yizhang Ai, Hongjie Liu, Xuewei Deng , Mingjun Chen, Jian Cheng and Linjie Zhao, Laser Damage Performance Study of Fundamental Frequency Dielectric Film Optical Elements, Crystal, 2023, 13: 571. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=2.670/2022) Dinghuai Yang, Jian Cheng, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen, Henan Liu, Jinghe Wang, Chengshun Han and Yazhou Sun, Effect of lubricant in filtration into the groove-like surface texture on the friction response of the textured stainless-steel contact surface, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2023, 11. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=2.7/2022) Wenyu Ding, Jian Cheng*, Linjie Zhao, Zhenhua Wang, Hao Yang, Zhichao Liu, Qiao Xu, Jian Wang, Feng Geng, Mingjun Chen*, Determination of intrinsic defects of functional KDP crystal with flawed surfaces and their effect on the optical properties, Nanoscale, DOI: 1 0.1039/d2nr 01862d, 2022. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=8.307/2022) Jian Cheng*, Zican Yang, Chen Wang, Hongguang Xu, Effect of scratches on the damage characteristics of fused silica optics under extremely-high impact load, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 219: 107099, 2022. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=6.772/2022) Zhaoyang Yin, Mingjun Chen, Linjie Zhao, Jian Cheng, Chao Tan, Xiaotao Li, Zhiyu Lin, Yankang Chen, A novel automatic classification approach for micro-flaws on the large-aperture optics surface based on multi-light source fusion and integrated deep learning architecture, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2022, 135 (SCI收录,影响因子IF=7.136/2022) Linjie Zhao, Zhaoyang Yin, Dezhi Zhang, Jian Cheng*, Hao Yang, Chao Tan, Qi Liu, Mingjun Chen and Xiaodong Yuan. A Novel Subpixel Size Calibration Method for the Size Detection of Micro-target on Large-aperture Optics Surface, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71: 5001810, 2022. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=5.332/2022) Chao Tan, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen, Jian Cheng*, Yu Zhang, Jiong Zhang, Zhiyuan Yan, Heat accumulation effect during CO2 laser processing of fused silica optics, Results in Physics, 34: 105038, 2022. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=4.565/2022) Chao Tan, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen, Jian Cheng*, Hao Yang, Qi Liu, Zhaoyang Yin, Wenyu Ding, Morphology evolution mechanisms and localized structural modification of repaired sites on fused silica optics processed by CO2 laser rapid ablation mitigation, Optics and Laser Technology, 147: 107648, 2022.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=4.939/2022) Zhaoyang Yin, Henan Liu, Linjie Zhao, Jian Cheng, ChaoTan, Xiaotao Li, Yankang Chen, Zhiyu Lin, Mingjun Chen, Efficient and precise detection for surface flaws on large-aperture optics based on machine vision and machine learning, Optics & Laser Technology, 2022, 159(SCI收录,影响因子IF=4.939/2022) Tan Chao, Zhao Linjie, Chen Mingjun, Cheng Jian*, Zhang Yu, Zhang Jiong, Yang Hao, Yin Zhaoyang, Repaired morphology of CO 2 laser rapid ablation mitigation of fused silica and its influence on downstream light modulation, Sience China: Technological Sciences, 65, 2022. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=3.903/2022) Jinchuan Tian, Mingjun Chen, Henan Liu*, Biao Qin, Cheng Jian, Yazhou Sun, Study on mechanism of improving efficiency of permanent-magnet small ball-end magnetorheological polishing by increasing magnetorheological fluid temperature, Scientific Reports, 12: 7705, 2022. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=4.996/2022) Jian Cheng*, Yunhao Xing, Enjie Dong, Linjie Zhao, Henan Liu, Tingyu Chang, Mingjun Chen, Jinghe Wang, Junwen Lu, Jun Wan, An Overview of Laser Metal Deposition for Cladding: Defect Formation Mechanisms, Defect Suppression Methods and Performance Improvements of Laser-Cladded Layers. Materials, 15: 5522, 2022. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=3.748/2022) Jinchuan Tian, Henan Liu, Cheng Jian, Mingjun Chen, Biao Qin, Improving the small ball-end magnetorheological polishing efficiency of fused silica workpiece by the promoting effect of water-bath heating and sodium hydroxide addition on polishing velocity and chemical reaction, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 123, 645–656, 2022. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=3.563/2022) Hongqin Lei, Jian Cheng*, Dinghuai Yang, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen, Jinghe Wang, Qi Liu, Wenyu Ding and Guang Chen, Effect of Pre-Existing Micro-Defects on Cutting Force and Machined Surface Quality Involved in the Ball-End Milling Repairing of Flawed KDP Crystal Surfaces. Materials, 15(21), 7407, 2022. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=3.748/2022) Zican Yang, Jian Cheng*, Mingjun Chen, Linjie Zhao, Yaguo Li, Qiao Xu, Zhichao Liu, Feng Geng, Chao Tan, Hongguang Xu, Formation mechanism of bubbles in the crack healing process of fused silica using a CO2 laser, Optics Express, 29(20): 32089-32104, 2021.(SCI收录,IF=3.833/2022) Qi Liu, Mingjun Chen, Zhirong Liao*, Junyuan Feng, Dongdong Xu, Jian Cheng*, On the improvement of the ductile removal ability of brittle KDP crystal via temperature effect, Ceramics International, Online出版.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=5.532/2022) Hao Yang#, Jian Cheng#*, Zhichao Liu, Qi Liu, Linjie Zhao, Chao Tan, Jian Wang, Mingjun Chen*. Application of light diffraction theory to qualify the downstream light field modulation property of mitigated KDP crystals. Optics & Laser Technology, 2021, 138:106873.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=4.939/2022) Chao Tan#, Linjie Zhao#, Mingjun Chen*, Jian Cheng*, Hao Yang, Qi Liu, Zhaoyang Yin, Wei Liao. Formation mechanism of surface morphology in the process of CO2 pulsed laser processing of fused silica optics. Optics & Laser Technology, 138, 106838. 2021.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=4.939/2022) Linjie Zhao#, Jian Cheng#*, ZhaoyangYin, HaoYang, MingjunChen*, XiaodongYuan. Research on precision automatic tool setting technology for KDP crystal surface damage mitigation based on machine vision. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 64, 750–757. 2021.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=5.684/2022) Chao Tan, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen*, Jian Cheng*, Zhaoyang Yin, Qi Liu, Hao Yang, Wei Liao. Physical mechanism of pulsed laser interaction with fused silica optics during CO2 laser mitigation process. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 558, 120662. 2021.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=4.458/2022) Tingzhang Wang, Henan Liu, Chunya Wu, Jian Cheng, Tianyu Yu, Mingjun Chen. Wear characteristics of small ball-end fine diamond grinding pins dressed by on-machine electrical discharge. Wear, 476, 203765. Wear, 2021. (SCI收录,影响因子IF=4.695/2022) Qi Liu, Zhirong Liao, Jian Cheng, Dongdong Xu, Mingjun Chen. Mechanism of chip formation and surface-defects in orthogonal cutting of soft-brittle potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystals. Materials & Design, 198, 109327. 2021.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=9.417/2022) Chao Tan, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen*, Jian Cheng*, Zhaoyang Yin, Qi Liu, Hao Yang, Wei Liao. Combined studies of surface evolution and crack healing for the suppression of negative factors during CO2 laser repairing of fused silica. Chinese Optics Letters, 19(4), 41402. 2021.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=2.560/2022) LinJie Zhao, Jian Cheng*, Mingjun Chen*, XiaoDong Yuan, Wei Liao, Hao Yang, Qi Liu, HaiJun Wang. Development of Integrated Multi-Station System to Precisely Detect and Mitigate Surface Damage on Fused Silica Optics. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 22(1), 95–105. 2021.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 2.041/2021) Hao Yang, Jian Cheng*, Zhichao Liu, Qi Liu, Linjie Zhao, Chao Tan, Jian Wang, Mingjun Chen*. Application of light diffraction theory to qualify the downstream light field modulation property of mitigated KDP crystals. Optics and Laser Technology, 138, 106873. 2021.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 4.939/2022) Jian Cheng*, Dinghuai Yang, Li Lai, Mingjun Chen, Jinghe Wang, Linjie Zhao, Hao Yang, Qi Liu, Wenyu Ding and Zhichao Liu. Particle simulation of the initial dynamic damage behaviors of KDP crystals under intense laser irradiation, Proceedings of SPIE: Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials, 2021, Boulder, Colorado, USA (Online). (会议论文, EI收录) Zican Yang, Hongguang Xu, Jian Cheng*, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen, Jinghe Wang, Chao Tan, Yaguo Li and Zhichao Liu. Investigation on the influence of the CO2 laser parameters on the defect healing process of fused silica, Proceedings of SPIE: Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials, 2021, Boulder, Colorado, USA (Online).(会议论文, EI收录) Wenyu Ding, Mingjun Chen, Jian Cheng*, Hao Yang, Linjie Zhao, Qi Liu and Zhichao Liu. Surface damage evolution of KDP crystals induced by conical cracks under irradiation of nanosecond laser, Proceedings of SPIE: Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials, 2021, Boulder, Colorado, USA (Online).(会议论文, EI收录) 陈明君,王会尧,程健*,赵林杰,杨浩,刘启,谭超,尹朝阳,杨子灿,雯钰,熔石英光学元件加工亚表面缺陷检测及抑制技术研究进展,机械工程学报,57(20),2021 王广洲; 吴春亚; 程健; 陈明君, 基于UG的硬质合金刀具数字化建模, 航空精密制造技术, 2021. Hao Yang#, Jian Cheng#*, Zhichao Liu, Qi Liu, Linjie Zhao ,Chao Tan ,Jian Wang, Mingjun Chen*. Potential damage threats to downstream optics caused by Gaussian mitigation pits on rear KDP surface. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 8(4). 2020.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 5.943 /2022) Mingjun Chen, Wenyu Ding, Jian Cheng, Hao Yang, Qi Liu. Recent Advances in Laser-Induced Surface Damage of KH2PO4 Crystal. Applied Sciences, 10(19), 6642. 2020.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 2.838 /2022) Hao Yang#, Jian Cheng#*, Zhichao Liu, Qi Liu, Linjie Zhao, Chao Tan, Jian Wang, and Mingjun Chen*. Secondary peak of downstream light field modulation caused by Gaussian mitigation pits on the rear KDP surface. Optics Express, 28(19), 2020. 28479–28490.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 3.833 /2022) Hao Yang#, Jian Cheng#*, Zhichao Liu, Qi Liu, Linjie Zhao, Chao Tan, Jian Wang, and Mingjun Chen*. Model Development for Nanosecond Laser-Induced Damage Caused by Manufacturing-Induced Defects on Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals. ACS Omega, 5(31), 19884–19895. 2020.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 4.132 /2022) Linjie Zhao#, Jian Cheng#*, Zhaoyang Yin, Hao Yang, Qi Liu, Chao Tan, Wei Liao, Mingjun Chen*, Xiaodong Yuan. Rapid CO2 laser processing technique for fabrication of micro-optics and micro-structures on fused silica materials. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2020.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 2.759/2022) Tingzhang Wang, Henan Liu, Chunya Wu, Jian Cheng, Mingjun Chen. Three-dimensional modeling and theoretical investigation of grinding marks on the surface in small ball-end diamond wheel grinding. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 173, 105467. 2020. (SCI收录,影响因子IF= 6.772 /2022) Zhichao Liu*, Feng Geng, Xiangyang Lei, Yaguo Li, Jian Cheng, Yi Zheng, Jian Wang, Qiao Xu. Effect of laser pulse duration and fluence on DKDP crystal laser conditioning. Applied Optics, 59(17), 5240–5246. 2020.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=1.905/2022) Chao Tan, LinJie Zhao, MingJun Chen*, Jian Cheng*, ZhaoYang Yin*, Qi Liu, Hao Yang and Wei Liao. Studies on optical modulation of repaired damage site on fused silica produced by CO2 laser rapid ablation mitigation. Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29(5).(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 1.652/2022) Jian Cheng*, Jinghe Wang, Enhong Peng, Hao Yang, Hao Chen, Mingjun Chen, and Jiubin Tan. Combined modulation to incident lasers by multiple surface scratches and their effects on the laser damage properties of KH2PO4 crystal. Optics Express, 2020, 28(6). (SCI收录,影响因子IF= 3.338 /2022) Chao Tan, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen*, Jian Cheng*, Chunya Wu, Qi Liu, Hao Yang, Zhaoyang Yin, Wei Liao. Experimental and theoretical investigation of localized CO2 laser interaction with fused silica during the process of surface damage mitigation. Results in Physics, 16, 102936. 2020.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 4.565/2022) Hao Yang#, Jian Cheng#*, Zhichao Liu, Qi Liu, Linjie Zhao, Jian Wang, Mingjun Chen*. Dynamic behavior modeling of laser-induced damage initiated by surface defects on KDP crystals under nanosecond laser irradiation. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 500.2020.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 4.996 /2022) Tingzhang Wang, Chunya Wu, Henan Liu, Mingjun Chen*, Jian Cheng*, Dingning Su. On-machine electric discharge truing of small ball-end fine diamond grinding wheels. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 277, 116472. 2020.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=6.162 /2022) 尹朝阳,张德志,赵林杰,陈明君*,程健*,蒋晓东,苗心向, 牛龙飞.大口径反射镜表面颗粒污染物暗场检测算法研究.光学学报,2020,40(07):78-87.(EI收录) 赵林杰,程健,陈明君,袁晓东,廖威,杨浩,刘启,王海军.熔石英光学元件的CO2激光加工技术研究新进展.机械工程学报,2020,56(11):202-218.(EI收录) 陈明君,王廷章,刘赫男,吴春亚,程健,苏定宁.高精度小型陀螺仪关键器件加工技术研究进展.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2020,52(06):218-226.(EI收录) 吴春亚; 齐彪; 王广洲; 程健; 陈明君, 钛合金加工用立铣刀的参数化建模研究, 2020. Linjie Zhao#, Jian Cheng#, Mingjun Chen*, Xiaodong Yuan*, Wei Liao, Qi Liu, Hao Yang and Haijun Wang. Formation mechanism of a smooth, defect-free surface of fused silica optics using rapid CO2 laser polishing. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 1(3), 35001.2019. SCI收录,影响因子IF=10.036/2022) Jian Cheng*, HaoYang, Qi Liu, Linjie Zhao, Zhichao Liu, Henan Liu, Tingzhang Wang, Yong Xiao, Kehui Hua, Mingjun Chen, Jiubin Tan. Characterization of manufacturing-induced surface scratches and their effect on laser damage resistance performance of diamond fly-cut KDP crystal. Results in Physics, 15, 102753. 2019.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 3.042 /2019) Qi Liu#, Jian Cheng#*, Hao Yang, Yafei Xu, Linjie Zhao, Chao Tan, and Mingjun Chen*. Modeling of residual tool mark formation and its influence on the optical performance of KH2PO4 optics repaired by micro-milling. Optical Materials Express, 9(9), 3789–3807.2019.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 2.673 /2019) Qi Liu#, Jian Cheng#*, Zhirong Liao, Hao Yang, Linjie Zhao, Mingjun Chen*. Incident laser modulation by tool marks on micro-milled KDP crystal surface: Numerical simulation and experimental verification. Optics and Laser Technology, 119, 105610. 2019.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 3.233 /2019) Tingzhang Wang, Jian Cheng, Henan Liu, Mingjun Chen, Chunya Wu & Dingning Su. Ultra-precision grinding machine design and application in grinding the thin-walled complex component with small ball-end diamond wheel. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 101(5), 2097–2110. 2019.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 3.179 /2019) Linjie Zhao#, Jian Cheng#*, Mingjun Chen*, Xiaodong Yuan, Wei Liao, Haijun Wang, Qi Liu, Hao Yang. Toward little heat-affected area of fused silica materials using short pulse and high power CO2 laser. Results in Physics, 12, 1363–1371. 2019.(SCI收录,影响因子IF= 4.019 /2019) Tingzhang Wang, Chunya Wu, Henan Liu, Mingjun Chen*, Jian Cheng*, Zhen Fang, Bo Yu. Configuration design and accuracy analysis of special grinding machine for thin-walled small concave surfaces. 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Jian Cheng, Mingjun Chen*, Kyle Kafka, Drake Austin, Jinghe Wang, Yong Xiao, and Enam Chowdhury*. Determination of ultra-short laser induced damage threshold of KH2PO4 crystal: Numerical calculation and experimental verification. AIP Advances, 6(3), 35221. 2016.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=1.695/2016) MingJun Chen*, Jian Cheng*, XiaoDongYuan, Wei Liao, HaiJun Wang, JingHe Wang, Yong Xiao & MingQuan Li. Role of tool marks inside spherical mitigation pit fabricated by micro-milling on repairing quality of damaged KH2PO4 crystal. Scientific Reports, 5(1), 14422–14422. 2015.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=5.89/2015) K. R. P. Kafka, D. R. Austin, H. Li, A. Y. Yi, J. Cheng, and E. A. Chowdhury*. Time-resolved measurement of single pulse femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structure formation induced by a pre-fabricated surface groove. Optics Express, 23(15), 19432–19441. 2015.(SCI收录,影响因子IF=3.148/2015) Yong Xiao, MingJun Chen*, YanTing Yang & Jian Cheng. 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